Module esp32c3_hal::sha
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Secure Hash Algorithm peripheral driver
This SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) driver for ESP chips is a software module that provides an interface to interact with the SHA peripheral on ESP microcontroller chips. This driver allows you to perform cryptographic hash operations using various hash algorithms supported by the SHA peripheral, such as:
- SHA-1
- SHA-224
- SHA-256
- SHA-384
- SHA-512
The driver supports two working modes:
- Typical SHA
- DMA-SHA (Direct Memory Access SHA is NOT implemented yet).
It provides functions to update the hash calculation with input data, finish the hash calculation and retrieve the resulting hash value. The SHA peripheral on ESP chips can handle large data streams efficiently, making it suitable for cryptographic applications that require secure hashing.
To use the SHA Peripheral Driver, you need to initialize it with the desired SHA mode and the corresponding SHA peripheral. Once initialized, you can update the hash calculation by providing input data, finish the calculation to retrieve the hash value and repeat the process for a new hash calculation if needed.
let source_data = "HELLO, ESPRESSIF!".as_bytes();
let mut remaining = source_data;
let mut hasher = Sha::new(peripherals.SHA, ShaMode::SHA256);
// Short hashes can be created by decreasing the output buffer to the desired
// length
let mut output = [0u8; 32];
while remaining.len() > 0 {
// All the HW Sha functions are infallible so unwrap is fine to use if you use
// block!
remaining = block!(hasher.update(remaining)).unwrap();
// Finish can be called as many times as desired to get multiple copies of the
// output.
println!("SHA256 Hash output {:02x?}", output);
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let soft_result = hasher.finalize();
println!("SHA256 Hash output {:02x?}", soft_result);