use expectrl::{interact::InteractOptions, spawn, stream::stdin::Stdin};
use std::io::stdout;
const SHELL: &str = "sh";
const SHELL: &str = "powershell";
#[cfg(not(all(windows, feature = "polling")))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "async"))]
fn main() {
let mut sh = spawn(SHELL).expect("Error while spawning sh");
println!("Now you're in interacting mode");
println!("To return control back to main type CTRL-] combination");
let mut stdin = Stdin::open().expect("Failed to create stdin");
sh.interact(&mut stdin, stdout())
.spawn(&mut InteractOptions::default())
.expect("Failed to start interact");
stdin.close().expect("Failed to close a stdin");
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
fn main() {
futures_lite::future::block_on(async {
let mut sh = spawn(SHELL).expect("Error while spawning sh");
println!("Now you're in interacting mode");
println!("To return control back to main type CTRL-] combination");
let mut stdin = Stdin::open().expect("Failed to create stdin");
sh.interact(&mut stdin, stdout())
.spawn(&mut InteractOptions::default())
.expect("Failed to start interact");
stdin.close().expect("Failed to close a stdin");
#[cfg(all(windows, feature = "polling", not(feature = "async")))]
fn main() {}