- Blind
Nonce Key - Index for all the previously used blind nonces. Just a safety net for clients to not accidentally burn money.
- Blind
Nonce KeyPrefix - DbKey
Prefix Iter - An iterator over the variants of DbKeyPrefix
- ECash
User Backup Snapshot - User’s backup, received at certain time, containing encrypted payload
- Ecash
Backup Key - Key used to store user’s ecash backups
- Ecash
Backup KeyPrefix - Mint
Audit Item KeyPrefix - Mint
Output Outcome Key - Transaction id and output index identifying an output outcome
- Mint
Output Outcome Prefix - Nonce
Key - Index for all the spent e-cash note nonces to prevent double spends. Extremely safety critical!
- Nonce
- DbKey
Prefix - Mint
Audit Item Key - Represents the amounts of issued (signed) and redeemed (verified) notes for auditing