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// Copyright 2018-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// limitations under the License.
//! Implementation of a `VoterSet`, representing the complete set
//! of voters and their weights in the context of a round of the
//! protocol.
use crate::{
collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap},
num::{NonZeroU64, NonZeroUsize},
/// A (non-empty) set of voters and associated weights.
/// A `VoterSet` identifies all voters that are permitted to vote in a round
/// of the protocol and their associated weights. A `VoterSet` is furthermore
/// equipped with a total order, given by the ordering of the voter's IDs.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct VoterSet<Id: Eq + Ord> {
/// The voters in the voter set, this vec is always sorted by the voter ID.
voters: Vec<(Id, VoterInfo)>,
/// The required weight threshold for supermajority w.r.t. this set.
threshold: VoterWeight,
/// The total weight of all voters.
total_weight: VoterWeight,
impl<Id: Eq + Ord> VoterSet<Id> {
/// Create a voter set from a weight distribution produced by the given iterator.
/// If the distribution contains multiple weights for the same voter ID, they are
/// understood to be partial weights and are accumulated. As a result, the
/// order in which the iterator produces the weights is irrelevant.
/// Returns `None` if the iterator does not yield a valid voter set, which is
/// the case if it either produced no non-zero weights or, i.e. the voter set
/// would be empty, or if the total voter weight exceeds `u64::MAX`.
pub fn new<I>(weights: I) -> Option<Self>
Id: Ord + Clone,
I: IntoIterator<Item = (Id, u64)>,
// Populate the voter set, thereby calculating the total weight.
let mut voters = BTreeMap::new();
let mut total_weight = 0u64;
for (id, weight) in weights {
if let Some(w) = NonZeroU64::new(weight) {
// Prevent construction of inconsistent voter sets by checking
// for weight overflow (not just in debug mode). The protocol
// should never run with such voter sets.
total_weight = total_weight.checked_add(weight)?;
match voters.entry(id) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
e.insert(VoterInfo {
position: 0, // The total order is determined afterwards.
weight: VoterWeight(w),
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
let v = e.get_mut();
let n = v.weight.get() + weight;
let w = NonZeroU64::new(n).expect("nonzero + nonzero is nonzero");
v.weight = VoterWeight(w);
if voters.is_empty() {
// No non-zero weights; the set would be empty.
return None
let voters = voters
.map(|(position, (id, mut info))| {
info.position = position;
(id, info)
let total_weight = VoterWeight::new(total_weight).expect("voters nonempty; qed");
Some(VoterSet { voters, total_weight, threshold: threshold(total_weight) })
/// Get the voter info for the voter with the given ID, if any.
pub fn get(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<&VoterInfo> {
.binary_search_by_key(&id, |(id, _)| id)
.map(|idx| &self.voters[idx].1)
/// Get the size of the set.
pub fn len(&self) -> NonZeroUsize {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: By VoterSet::new()
/// Whether the set contains a voter with the given ID.
pub fn contains(&self, id: &Id) -> bool {
self.voters.binary_search_by_key(&id, |(id, _)| id).is_ok()
/// Get the nth voter in the set, modulo the size of the set,
/// as per the associated total order.
pub fn nth_mod(&self, n: usize) -> (&Id, &VoterInfo) {
self.nth(n % self.voters.len()).expect("set is nonempty and n % len < len; qed")
/// Get the nth voter in the set, if any.
/// Returns `None` if `n >= len`.
pub fn nth(&self, n: usize) -> Option<(&Id, &VoterInfo)> {
self.voters.get(n).map(|(id, info)| (id, info))
/// Get the threshold vote weight required for supermajority
/// w.r.t. this set of voters.
pub fn threshold(&self) -> VoterWeight {
/// Get the total weight of all voters.
pub fn total_weight(&self) -> VoterWeight {
/// Get an iterator over the voters in the set, as given by
/// the associated total order.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Id, &VoterInfo)> {
self.voters.iter().map(|(id, info)| (id, info))
/// Information about a voter in a `VoterSet`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct VoterInfo {
position: usize,
weight: VoterWeight,
impl VoterInfo {
/// Get the position of the voter in the total order associated
/// with the `VoterSet` from which the `VoterInfo` was obtained.
pub fn position(&self) -> usize {
/// Get the weight of the voter.
pub fn weight(&self) -> VoterWeight {
/// Compute the threshold weight given the total voting weight.
fn threshold(total_weight: VoterWeight) -> VoterWeight {
let faulty = total_weight.get().saturating_sub(1) / 3;
VoterWeight::new(total_weight.get() - faulty).expect("subtrahend > minuend; qed")
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::std::iter;
use quickcheck::*;
use rand::{seq::SliceRandom, thread_rng};
impl<Id: Arbitrary + Eq + Ord> Arbitrary for VoterSet<Id> {
fn arbitrary(g: &mut Gen) -> VoterSet<Id> {
loop {
let mut ids = Vec::<Id>::arbitrary(g);
if ids.is_empty() {
let weights = iter::from_fn(|| Some(u32::arbitrary(g) as u64));
// we might generate an invalid voter set above if:
// - all validators have 0 weight
// - the total weight is higher than `u64::max_value()`
// the easiest thing to do is to just retry generating another instance.
if let Some(set) = VoterSet::new(ids.into_iter().zip(weights)) {
break set
fn equality() {
fn prop(mut v: Vec<(usize, u64)>) {
if let Some(v1) = VoterSet::new(v.clone()) {
v.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
let v2 = VoterSet::new(v).expect("nonempty");
assert_eq!(v1, v2)
} else {
// either no authority has a valid weight
v.iter().all(|(_, w)| w == &0) ||
// or the total weight overflows a u64
v.iter().map(|(_, w)| *w as u128).sum::<u128>() > u64::max_value() as u128
quickcheck(prop as fn(_))
fn total_weight() {
fn prop(v: Vec<(usize, u64)>) {
let total_weight = v.iter().map(|(_, weight)| *weight as u128).sum::<u128>();
// this validator set is invalid
if total_weight > u64::max_value() as u128 {
let expected = VoterWeight::new(total_weight as u64);
if let Some(v1) = VoterSet::new(v) {
assert_eq!(Some(v1.total_weight()), expected)
} else {
assert_eq!(expected, None)
quickcheck(prop as fn(_))
fn min_threshold() {
fn prop(v: VoterSet<usize>) -> bool {
let t = v.threshold.get();
let w = v.total_weight.get();
t >= 2 * (w / 3) + (w % 3)
quickcheck(prop as fn(_) -> _);