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/** Rust printf implementation, based on musl. */
mod arg;
pub use arg::{Arg, ToArg};
mod fmt_fp;
mod printf_impl;
pub use printf_impl::{sprintf_locale, Error, FormatString};
pub mod locale;
pub use locale::{Locale, C_LOCALE, EN_US_LOCALE};
mod tests;
/// A macro to format a string using `fish_printf` with C-locale formatting rules.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use fish_printf::sprintf;
/// // Create a `String` from a format string.
/// let s = sprintf!("%0.5g", 123456.0);
/// assert_eq!(s, "1.2346e+05");
/// // Append to an existing string.
/// let mut s = String::new();
/// sprintf!(=> &mut s, "%0.5g", 123456.0);
/// assert_eq!(s, "1.2346e+05");
/// ```
macro_rules! sprintf {
// Write to a newly allocated String, and return it.
// This panics if the format string or arguments are invalid.
$fmt:expr, // Format string, which should implement FormatString.
$($arg:expr),* // arguments
$(,)? // optional trailing comma
) => {
let mut target = String::new();
$crate::sprintf!(=> &mut target, $fmt, $($arg),*);
// Variant which writes to a target.
// The target should implement std::fmt::Write.
=> $target:expr, // target string
$fmt:expr, // format string
$($arg:expr),* // arguments
$(,)? // optional trailing comma
) => {
// May be no args!
use $crate::ToArg;
&mut [$($arg.to_arg()),*],
/// Formats a string using the provided format specifiers and arguments, using the C locale,
/// and writes the output to the given `Write` implementation.
/// # Parameters
/// - `f`: The receiver of formatted output.
/// - `fmt`: The format string being parsed.
/// - `args`: Iterator over the arguments to format.
/// # Returns
/// A `Result` which is `Ok` containing the number of characters written on success, or an `Error`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fish_printf::{printf_c_locale, ToArg, FormatString};
/// use std::fmt::Write;
/// let mut output = String::new();
/// let fmt: &str = "%0.5g"; // Example format string
/// let mut args = [123456.0.to_arg()];
/// let result = printf_c_locale(&mut output, fmt, &mut args);
/// assert!(result == Ok(10));
/// assert_eq!(output, "1.2346e+05");
/// ```
pub fn printf_c_locale(
f: &mut impl std::fmt::Write,
fmt: impl FormatString,
args: &mut [Arg],
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
sprintf_locale(f, fmt, &locale::C_LOCALE, args)