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//! The module contains the traits for encoding and decoding the types(a.k.a Codec).
//! It implements common codecs and encoders, but it is always possible to define own codecs.
use crate::kv_store::Value;
use core::ops::Deref;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::borrow::Cow;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use alloc::borrow::Cow;
pub mod manual;
pub mod postcard;
pub mod primitive;
pub mod raw;
/// The trait is usually implemented by the encoder that stores serialized objects.
pub trait Encoder {
/// Returns the serialized object as a slice.
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Cow<[u8]>;
/// The trait encodes the type to the bytes and passes it to the `Encoder`,
/// which stores it and provides a reference to it. That gives more
/// flexibility and more performant encoding, allowing the use of slices and arrays
/// instead of vectors in some cases. Since the [`Encoder`] returns `Cow<[u8]>`,
/// it is always possible to take ownership of the serialized value.
pub trait Encode<T: ?Sized> {
/// The encoder type that stores serialized object.
type Encoder<'a>: Encoder
T: 'a;
/// Encodes the object to the bytes and passes it to the `Encoder`.
fn encode(t: &T) -> Self::Encoder<'_>;
/// Returns the serialized object as an [`Value`].
fn encode_as_value(t: &T) -> Value {
/// The trait decodes the type from the bytes.
pub trait Decode<T> {
/// Decodes the type `T` from the bytes.
fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<T>;
/// Decodes the type `T` from the [`Value`].
fn decode_from_value(value: Value) -> anyhow::Result<T> {
impl<'a> Encoder for Cow<'a, [u8]> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Cow<[u8]> {
match self {
Cow::Borrowed(borrowed) => Cow::Borrowed(borrowed),
Cow::Owned(owned) => Cow::Borrowed(owned.as_ref()),
impl<const SIZE: usize> Encoder for [u8; SIZE] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> Cow<[u8]> {