Module future

Expand description

Asynchronous basic functionality.

Please see the fundamental async and await keywords and the async book for more information on asynchronous programming in Rust.


use futures_concurrency::prelude::*;
use futures_lite::future::block_on;
use std::future;

block_on(async {
    // Await multiple similarly-typed futures.
    let a = future::ready(1);
    let b = future::ready(2);
    let c = future::ready(3);
    assert_eq!([a, b, c].join().await, [1, 2, 3]);
    // Await multiple differently-typed futures.
    let a = future::ready(1u8);
    let b = future::ready("hello");
    let c = future::ready(3u16);
    assert_eq!((a, b, c).join().await, (1, "hello", 3));

    // It even works with vectors of futures, providing an alternative
    // to futures-rs' `join_all`.
    let a = future::ready(1);
    let b = future::ready(2);
    let c = future::ready(3);
    assert_eq!(vec![a, b, c].join().await, vec![1, 2, 3]);


It’s common for operations to depend on the output of multiple futures. Instead of awaiting each future in sequence it can be more efficient to await them concurrently. Rust provides built-in mechanisms in the library to make this easy and convenient to do.

§Infallible Concurrency

When working with futures which don’t return Result types, we provide two built-in concurrency operations:

  • future::Merge: wait for all futures in the set to complete
  • future::Race: wait for the first future in the set to complete

Because futures can be considered to be an async sequence of one, see the async iterator concurrency section for additional async concurrency operations.

§Fallible Concurrency

When working with futures which return Result types, the meaning of the existing operations changes, and additional Result-aware concurrency operations become available:

Wait for all outputsWait for first output
Continue on errorfuture::Mergefuture::RaceOk
Return early on errorfuture::TryMergefuture::Race
  • future::TryMerge: wait for all futures in the set to complete successfully, or return on the first error.
  • future::RaceOk: wait for the first successful future in the set to complete, or return an Err if no futures complete successfully.


A growable group of futures which act as a single unit.


A growable group of futures which act as a single unit.
Suspends a future until the specified deadline.


An extension trait for the Future trait.
Wait for all futures to complete.
Wait for the first future to complete.
Wait for the first successful future to complete.
Wait for all futures to complete successfully, or abort early on error.