Expand description

Asynchronous channels.

This module provides various channels that can be used to communicate between asynchronous tasks.


Channel implementations where Sender and Receiver sides are cloneable and owned. The Futures produced by channels in this module don’t require a lifetime parameter.


A Future that is returned by the receive function on a channel. The future gets resolved with Some(value) when a value could be received from the channel. If the channels gets closed and no items are still enqueued inside the channel, the future will resolve to None.
The error which is returned when sending a value into a channel fails.
A Future that is returned by the send function on a channel. The future gets resolved with None when a value could be written to the channel. If the channel gets closed the send operation will fail, and the Future will resolve to ChannelSendError(T) and return the item to send.
A stream that receives from a GenericChannel.
A channel which can be used to exchange values of type T between concurrent tasks.
A channel which can be used to exchange a single value between two or more concurrent tasks.
A channel which can be used to exchange a single value between two concurrent tasks.
A channel which can be used to synchronize the state between a sender an arbitrary number of receivers.
An ID, which allows to differentiate states received from a Channel. Elements with a bigger state ID (id > otherId) have been published more recently into the Channel.
A Future that is returned by the receive function on a state broadcast channel. The future gets resolved with Some((state_id, state)) when a value could be received from the channel.


Conveys additional information regarding the status of a channel following a close operation.
The error which is returned when trying to receive from a channel without waiting fails.
The error which is returned when trying to send on a channel without waiting fails.

Type Definitions

A GenericChannel implementation backed by parking_lot.
A GenericChannel implementation which is not thread-safe.
A GenericOneshotChannel which is not thread-safe.
An unbuffered GenericChannel implementation which is not thread-safe.
An unbuffered GenericChannel implementation backed by parking_lot.