1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
pub use cairo;
pub use ffi;
pub use gdk_pixbuf;
pub use gio;
pub use glib;
pub use pango;
mod rt;
mod event;
mod auto;
pub mod prelude;
pub use self::auto::functions::*;
pub use crate::auto::*;
mod atom;
mod cairo_interaction;
mod change_data;
mod device;
mod device_manager;
mod display;
mod drag_context;
mod event_button;
mod event_configure;
mod event_crossing;
mod event_dnd;
mod event_expose;
mod event_focus;
mod event_grab_broken;
mod event_key;
mod event_motion;
mod event_owner_change;
mod event_pad_axis;
mod event_pad_button;
mod event_pad_group_mode;
mod event_property;
mod event_proximity;
mod event_scroll;
mod event_selection;
mod event_setting;
mod event_touch;
mod event_touchpad_pinch;
mod event_touchpad_swipe;
mod event_visibility;
mod event_window_state;
mod frame_clock;
mod frame_timings;
mod functions;
mod geometry;
mod keymap;
mod keymap_key;
pub mod keys;
mod rectangle;
mod rgba;
mod screen;
mod time_coord;
mod visual;
mod window;
pub use ffi::GdkColor as Color;
pub use self::rt::{init, set_initialized};
pub use crate::atom::Atom;
pub use crate::atom::NONE as ATOM_NONE;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_CLIPBOARD;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_PRIMARY;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_SECONDARY;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_ATOM;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_BITMAP;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_COLORMAP;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_DRAWABLE;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_INTEGER;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_PIXMAP;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_STRING;
pub use crate::atom::SELECTION_TYPE_WINDOW;
pub use crate::atom::TARGET_BITMAP;
pub use crate::atom::TARGET_COLORMAP;
pub use crate::atom::TARGET_DRAWABLE;
pub use crate::atom::TARGET_PIXMAP;
pub use crate::atom::TARGET_STRING;
pub use crate::change_data::ChangeData;
pub use crate::display::Backend;
pub use crate::event::{Event, FromEvent};
pub use crate::event_button::EventButton;
pub use crate::event_configure::EventConfigure;
pub use crate::event_crossing::EventCrossing;
pub use crate::event_dnd::EventDND;
pub use crate::event_expose::EventExpose;
pub use crate::event_focus::EventFocus;
pub use crate::event_grab_broken::EventGrabBroken;
pub use crate::event_key::EventKey;
pub use crate::event_motion::EventMotion;
pub use crate::event_owner_change::EventOwnerChange;
pub use crate::event_property::EventProperty;
pub use crate::event_proximity::EventProximity;
pub use crate::event_scroll::EventScroll;
pub use crate::event_selection::EventSelection;
pub use crate::event_setting::EventSetting;
pub use crate::event_touch::EventTouch;
pub use crate::event_visibility::EventVisibility;
pub use crate::event_window_state::EventWindowState;
pub use crate::functions::*;
pub use crate::geometry::Geometry;
pub use crate::keymap_key::KeymapKey;
pub use crate::time_coord::TimeCoord;
pub use crate::window::WindowAttr;
pub use event_pad_axis::EventPadAxis;
pub use event_pad_button::EventPadButton;
pub use event_pad_group_mode::EventPadGroupMode;
pub use event_touchpad_pinch::EventTouchpadPinch;
pub use event_touchpad_swipe::EventTouchpadSwipe;
pub type key = i32;
/// The primary button. This is typically the left mouse button, or the right button in a left-handed setup.
#[doc(alias = "GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY")]
pub const BUTTON_PRIMARY: u32 = ffi::GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY as u32;
/// The middle button.
#[doc(alias = "GDK_BUTTON_MIDDLE")]
pub const BUTTON_MIDDLE: u32 = ffi::GDK_BUTTON_MIDDLE as u32;
/// The secondary button. This is typically the right mouse button, or the left button in a left-handed setup.
#[doc(alias = "GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY")]
pub const BUTTON_SECONDARY: u32 = ffi::GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY as u32;
// Used as the return value for stopping the propagation of an event handler.
#[doc(alias = "GDK_EVENT_STOP")]
pub const EVENT_STOP: u32 = ffi::GDK_EVENT_STOP as u32;
// Used as the return value for continuing the propagation of an event handler.
#[doc(alias = "GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE")]
pub const EVENT_PROPAGATE: u32 = ffi::GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATE as u32;