use crate::WaylandToplevel;
use glib::translate::*;
use std::boxed::Box as Box_;
impl WaylandToplevel {
#[doc(alias = "gdk_wayland_toplevel_export_handle")]
pub fn export_handle<P: Fn(&WaylandToplevel, Result<&str, glib::BoolError>) + 'static>(
callback: P,
) -> bool {
let callback_data: Box_<P> = Box_::new(callback);
unsafe extern "C" fn callback_func<
P: Fn(&WaylandToplevel, Result<&str, glib::BoolError>) + 'static,
toplevel: *mut ffi::GdkWaylandToplevel,
handle: *const libc::c_char,
user_data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
) {
let toplevel = from_glib_borrow(toplevel);
let handle: Borrowed<Option<glib::GString>> = from_glib_borrow(handle);
let callback = &*(user_data as *mut P);
if let Some(handle) = handle.as_ref() {
(*callback)(&toplevel, Ok(handle.as_str()))
} else {
(*callback)(&toplevel, Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to export a handle. The compositor probably doesn't implement the xdg-foreign protocol")))
let callback = Some(callback_func::<P> as _);
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_func_func<
P: Fn(&WaylandToplevel, Result<&str, glib::BoolError>) + 'static,
data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
) {
let _callback = Box_::from_raw(data as *mut P);
let destroy_call3 = Some(destroy_func_func::<P> as _);
let super_callback0: Box_<P> = callback_data;
unsafe {
Box_::into_raw(super_callback0) as *mut _,