Module models
Source - Generic
- InputContext
- Input context for mounting data into task container
- Label
- Label represents a key-value pair used for resource classification and filtering.
- Metadata
- Metadata represents common metadata fields used across different resource types.
- OutputContext
- Output context for capturing data from task container
- Pin
- Represents a Pin resource for storing data in the network
- PinAck
- Acknowledgment from a worker about pinning data
- PinSpec
- Specification for a Pin resource
- PinStatus
- Status information for a Pin
- Task
- Represents a complete task definition with metadata, specification and status
- TaskEnv
- Environment variable definition for task container
- TaskResources
- Resource requirements for task execution
- TaskSpec
- Task specification containing all execution parameters
- TaskStatus
- Runtime status of a task
- Worker
- Represents a complete worker definition with metadata, specification and status
- WorkerSpec
- Specification of worker resources and capabilities
- WorkerStatus
- Current status and resource utilization of a worker
- Workflow
- Represents a complete workflow definition with metadata, specification and status
- WorkflowSpec
- Specification for a workflow defining its stages and tasks
- WorkflowStage
- Represents a single stage in a workflow containing one or more tasks
- WorkflowStageStatus
- Status information for a single stage in a workflow
- WorkflowStatus
- Current status of a workflow’s execution