
1use std::borrow::Cow;
3use bstr::BStr;
4use gix_features::threading::OwnShared;
6use crate::file::Metadata;
7use crate::{
8    file::{self, rename_section, write::ends_with_newline, SectionBodyIdsLut, SectionId, SectionMut},
9    lookup,
10    parse::{section, Event, FrontMatterEvents},
11    File,
14/// Mutating low-level access methods.
15impl<'event> File<'event> {
16    /// Returns the last mutable section with a given `name` and optional `subsection_name`, _if it exists_.
17    pub fn section_mut<'a>(
18        &'a mut self,
19        name: impl AsRef<str>,
20        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
21    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, lookup::existing::Error> {
22        self.section_mut_inner(name.as_ref(), subsection_name)
23    }
25    fn section_mut_inner<'a>(
26        &'a mut self,
27        name: &str,
28        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
29    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, lookup::existing::Error> {
30        let id = self
31            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name, subsection_name)?
32            .next_back()
33            .expect("BUG: Section lookup vec was empty");
34        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
35        Ok(self
36            .sections
37            .get_mut(&id)
38            .expect("BUG: Section did not have id from lookup")
39            .to_mut(nl))
40    }
42    /// Returns the last found mutable section with a given `key`, identifying the name and subsection name like `core` or `remote.origin`.
43    pub fn section_mut_by_key<'a, 'b>(
44        &'a mut self,
45        key: impl Into<&'b BStr>,
46    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, lookup::existing::Error> {
47        let key = section::unvalidated::Key::parse(key).ok_or(lookup::existing::Error::KeyMissing)?;
48        self.section_mut(key.section_name, key.subsection_name)
49    }
51    /// Return the mutable section identified by `id`, or `None` if it didn't exist.
52    ///
53    /// Note that `id` is stable across deletions and insertions.
54    pub fn section_mut_by_id<'a>(&'a mut self, id: SectionId) -> Option<SectionMut<'a, 'event>> {
55        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
56        self.sections.get_mut(&id).map(|s| s.to_mut(nl))
57    }
59    /// Returns the last mutable section with a given `name` and optional `subsection_name`, _if it exists_, or create a new section.
60    pub fn section_mut_or_create_new<'a>(
61        &'a mut self,
62        name: impl AsRef<str>,
63        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
64    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, section::header::Error> {
65        self.section_mut_or_create_new_filter(name, subsection_name, |_| true)
66    }
68    /// Returns an mutable section with a given `name` and optional `subsection_name`, _if it exists_ **and** passes `filter`, or create
69    /// a new section.
70    pub fn section_mut_or_create_new_filter<'a>(
71        &'a mut self,
72        name: impl AsRef<str>,
73        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
74        filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
75    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, section::header::Error> {
76        self.section_mut_or_create_new_filter_inner(name.as_ref(), subsection_name, filter)
77    }
79    fn section_mut_or_create_new_filter_inner<'a>(
80        &'a mut self,
81        name: &str,
82        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
83        mut filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
84    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'a, 'event>, section::header::Error> {
85        match self
86            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name.as_ref(), subsection_name)
87            .ok()
88            .and_then(|it| {
89                it.rev().find(|id| {
90                    let s = &self.sections[id];
91                    filter(s.meta())
92                })
93            }) {
94            Some(id) => {
95                let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
96                Ok(self
97                    .sections
98                    .get_mut(&id)
99                    .expect("BUG: Section did not have id from lookup")
100                    .to_mut(nl))
101            }
102            None => self.new_section(name.to_owned(),|n| Cow::Owned(n.to_owned()))),
103        }
104    }
106    /// Returns the last found mutable section with a given `name` and optional `subsection_name`, that matches `filter`, _if it exists_.
107    ///
108    /// If there are sections matching `section_name` and `subsection_name` but the `filter` rejects all of them, `Ok(None)`
109    /// is returned.
110    pub fn section_mut_filter<'a>(
111        &'a mut self,
112        name: impl AsRef<str>,
113        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
114        filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
115    ) -> Result<Option<file::SectionMut<'a, 'event>>, lookup::existing::Error> {
116        self.section_mut_filter_inner(name.as_ref(), subsection_name, filter)
117    }
119    fn section_mut_filter_inner<'a>(
120        &'a mut self,
121        name: &str,
122        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
123        mut filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
124    ) -> Result<Option<file::SectionMut<'a, 'event>>, lookup::existing::Error> {
125        let id = self
126            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name, subsection_name)?
127            .rev()
128            .find(|id| {
129                let s = &self.sections[id];
130                filter(s.meta())
131            });
132        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
133        Ok(id.and_then(move |id| self.sections.get_mut(&id).map(move |s| s.to_mut(nl))))
134    }
136    /// Like [`section_mut_filter()`][File::section_mut_filter()], but identifies the with a given `key`,
137    /// like `core` or `remote.origin`.
138    pub fn section_mut_filter_by_key<'a, 'b>(
139        &'a mut self,
140        key: impl Into<&'b BStr>,
141        filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
142    ) -> Result<Option<file::SectionMut<'a, 'event>>, lookup::existing::Error> {
143        let key = section::unvalidated::Key::parse(key).ok_or(lookup::existing::Error::KeyMissing)?;
144        self.section_mut_filter(key.section_name, key.subsection_name, filter)
145    }
147    /// Adds a new section. If a subsection name was provided, then
148    /// the generated header will use the modern subsection syntax.
149    /// Returns a reference to the new section for immediate editing.
150    ///
151    /// # Examples
152    ///
153    /// Creating a new empty section:
154    ///
155    /// ```
156    /// # use std::borrow::Cow;
157    /// # use gix_config::File;
158    /// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
159    /// let mut git_config = gix_config::File::default();
160    /// let section = git_config.new_section("hello", Some(Cow::Borrowed("world".into())))?;
161    /// let nl = section.newline().to_owned();
162    /// assert_eq!(git_config.to_string(), format!("[hello \"world\"]{nl}"));
163    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
164    /// ```
165    ///
166    /// Creating a new empty section and adding values to it:
167    ///
168    /// ```
169    /// # use gix_config::File;
170    /// # use std::borrow::Cow;
171    /// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
172    /// # use bstr::ByteSlice;
173    /// # use gix_config::parse::section;
174    /// let mut git_config = gix_config::File::default();
175    /// let mut section = git_config.new_section("hello", Some(Cow::Borrowed("world".into())))?;
176    /// section.push(section::ValueName::try_from("a")?, Some("b".into()));
177    /// let nl = section.newline().to_owned();
178    /// assert_eq!(git_config.to_string(), format!("[hello \"world\"]{nl}\ta = b{nl}"));
179    /// let _section = git_config.new_section("core", None);
180    /// assert_eq!(git_config.to_string(), format!("[hello \"world\"]{nl}\ta = b{nl}[core]{nl}"));
181    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
182    /// ```
183    pub fn new_section(
184        &mut self,
185        name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
186        subsection: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, BStr>>>,
187    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'_, 'event>, section::header::Error> {
188        self.new_section_inner(name.into(), subsection.into())
189    }
191    fn new_section_inner(
192        &mut self,
193        name: Cow<'event, str>,
194        subsection: Option<Cow<'event, BStr>>,
195    ) -> Result<SectionMut<'_, 'event>, section::header::Error> {
196        let id = self.push_section_internal(file::Section::new(name, subsection, OwnShared::clone(&self.meta))?);
197        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
198        let mut section = self.sections.get_mut(&id).expect("each id yields a section").to_mut(nl);
199        section.push_newline();
200        Ok(section)
201    }
203    /// Removes the section with `name` and `subsection_name` , returning it if there was a matching section.
204    /// If multiple sections have the same name, then the last one is returned. Note that
205    /// later sections with the same name have precedent over earlier ones.
206    ///
207    /// # Examples
208    ///
209    /// Creating and removing a section:
210    ///
211    /// ```
212    /// # use gix_config::File;
213    /// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
214    /// let mut git_config = gix_config::File::try_from(
215    /// r#"[hello "world"]
216    ///     some-value = 4
217    /// "#)?;
218    ///
219    /// let section = git_config.remove_section("hello", Some("world".into()));
220    /// assert_eq!(git_config.to_string(), "");
221    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
222    /// ```
223    ///
224    /// Precedence example for removing sections with the same name:
225    ///
226    /// ```
227    /// # use gix_config::File;
228    /// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
229    /// let mut git_config = gix_config::File::try_from(
230    /// r#"[hello "world"]
231    ///     some-value = 4
232    /// [hello "world"]
233    ///     some-value = 5
234    /// "#)?;
235    ///
236    /// let section = git_config.remove_section("hello", Some("world".into()));
237    /// assert_eq!(git_config.to_string(), "[hello \"world\"]\n    some-value = 4\n");
238    /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
239    /// ```
240    pub fn remove_section<'a>(
241        &mut self,
242        name: impl AsRef<str>,
243        subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'a BStr>>,
244    ) -> Option<file::Section<'event>> {
245        let id = self
246            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name.as_ref(), subsection_name.into())
247            .ok()?
248            .next_back()?;
249        self.remove_section_by_id(id)
250    }
252    /// Remove the section identified by `id` if it exists and return it, or return `None` if no such section was present.
253    ///
254    /// Note that section ids are unambiguous even in the face of removals and additions of sections.
255    pub fn remove_section_by_id(&mut self, id: SectionId) -> Option<file::Section<'event>> {
256        self.section_order
257            .remove(self.section_order.iter().position(|v| *v == id)?);
258        let section = self.sections.remove(&id)?;
259        let lut = self
260            .section_lookup_tree
261            .get_mut(&
262            .expect("lookup cache still has name to be deleted");
263        // NOTE: this leaves empty lists in the data structure which our code now has to deal with.
264        for entry in lut {
265            match section.header.subsection_name.as_deref() {
266                Some(subsection_name) => {
267                    if let SectionBodyIdsLut::NonTerminal(map) = entry {
268                        if let Some(ids) = map.get_mut(subsection_name) {
269                            ids.remove(ids.iter().position(|v| *v == id).expect("present"));
270                            break;
271                        }
272                    }
273                }
274                None => {
275                    if let SectionBodyIdsLut::Terminal(ids) = entry {
276                        ids.remove(ids.iter().position(|v| *v == id).expect("present"));
277                        break;
278                    }
279                }
280            }
281        }
282        Some(section)
283    }
285    /// Removes the section with `name` and `subsection_name` that passed `filter`, returning the removed section
286    /// if at least one section matched the `filter`.
287    /// If multiple sections have the same name, then the last one is returned. Note that
288    /// later sections with the same name have precedent over earlier ones.
289    pub fn remove_section_filter<'a>(
290        &mut self,
291        name: impl AsRef<str>,
292        subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'a BStr>>,
293        filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
294    ) -> Option<file::Section<'event>> {
295        self.remove_section_filter_inner(name.as_ref(), subsection_name.into(), filter)
296    }
298    fn remove_section_filter_inner(
299        &mut self,
300        name: &str,
301        subsection_name: Option<&BStr>,
302        mut filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
303    ) -> Option<file::Section<'event>> {
304        let id = self
305            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name, subsection_name)
306            .ok()?
307            .rev()
308            .find(|id| filter(self.sections.get(id).expect("each id has a section").meta()))?;
309        self.section_order.remove(
310            self.section_order
311                .iter()
312                .position(|v| *v == id)
313                .expect("known section id"),
314        );
315        self.sections.remove(&id)
316    }
318    /// Adds the provided `section` to the config, returning a mutable reference to it for immediate editing.
319    /// Note that its meta-data will remain as is.
320    pub fn push_section(&mut self, section: file::Section<'event>) -> SectionMut<'_, 'event> {
321        let id = self.push_section_internal(section);
322        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
323        let section = self.sections.get_mut(&id).expect("each id yields a section").to_mut(nl);
324        section
325    }
327    /// Renames the section with `name` and `subsection_name`, modifying the last matching section
328    /// to use `new_name` and `new_subsection_name`.
329    pub fn rename_section<'a>(
330        &mut self,
331        name: impl AsRef<str>,
332        subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'a BStr>>,
333        new_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
334        new_subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, BStr>>>,
335    ) -> Result<(), rename_section::Error> {
336        let id = self
337            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name.as_ref(), subsection_name.into())?
338            .next_back()
339            .expect("list of sections were empty, which violates invariant");
340        let section = self.sections.get_mut(&id).expect("known section-id");
341        section.header = section::Header::new(new_name, new_subsection_name)?;
342        Ok(())
343    }
345    /// Renames the section with `name` and `subsection_name`, modifying the last matching section
346    /// that also passes `filter` to use `new_name` and `new_subsection_name`.
347    ///
348    /// Note that the otherwise unused [`lookup::existing::Error::KeyMissing`] variant is used to indicate
349    /// that the `filter` rejected all candidates, leading to no section being renamed after all.
350    pub fn rename_section_filter<'a>(
351        &mut self,
352        name: impl AsRef<str>,
353        subsection_name: impl Into<Option<&'a BStr>>,
354        new_name: impl Into<Cow<'event, str>>,
355        new_subsection_name: impl Into<Option<Cow<'event, BStr>>>,
356        mut filter: impl FnMut(&Metadata) -> bool,
357    ) -> Result<(), rename_section::Error> {
358        let id = self
359            .section_ids_by_name_and_subname(name.as_ref(), subsection_name.into())?
360            .rev()
361            .find(|id| filter(self.sections.get(id).expect("each id has a section").meta()))
362            .ok_or(rename_section::Error::Lookup(lookup::existing::Error::KeyMissing))?;
363        let section = self.sections.get_mut(&id).expect("known section-id");
364        section.header = section::Header::new(new_name, new_subsection_name)?;
365        Ok(())
366    }
368    /// Append another File to the end of ourselves, without losing any information.
369    pub fn append(&mut self, other: Self) -> &mut Self {
370        self.append_or_insert(other, None)
371    }
373    /// Append another File to the end of ourselves, without losing any information.
374    pub(crate) fn append_or_insert(&mut self, mut other: Self, mut insert_after: Option<SectionId>) -> &mut Self {
375        let nl = self.detect_newline_style_smallvec();
376        fn extend_and_assure_newline<'a>(
377            lhs: &mut FrontMatterEvents<'a>,
378            rhs: FrontMatterEvents<'a>,
379            nl: &impl AsRef<[u8]>,
380        ) {
381            if !ends_with_newline(lhs.as_ref(), nl, true)
382                && !rhs.first().map_or(true, |e| e.to_bstr_lossy().starts_with(nl.as_ref()))
383            {
384                lhs.push(Event::Newline(Cow::Owned(nl.as_ref().into())));
385            }
386            lhs.extend(rhs);
387        }
388        #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_lazy_evaluations)]
389        let our_last_section_before_append =
390            insert_after.or_else(|| (self.section_id_counter != 0).then(|| SectionId(self.section_id_counter - 1)));
392        for id in std::mem::take(&mut other.section_order) {
393            let section = other.sections.remove(&id).expect("present");
395            let new_id = match insert_after {
396                Some(id) => {
397                    let new_id = self.insert_section_after(section, id);
398                    insert_after = Some(new_id);
399                    new_id
400                }
401                None => self.push_section_internal(section),
402            };
404            if let Some(post_matter) = other.frontmatter_post_section.remove(&id) {
405                self.frontmatter_post_section.insert(new_id, post_matter);
406            }
407        }
409        if other.frontmatter_events.is_empty() {
410            return self;
411        }
413        match our_last_section_before_append {
414            Some(last_id) => extend_and_assure_newline(
415                self.frontmatter_post_section.entry(last_id).or_default(),
416                other.frontmatter_events,
417                &nl,
418            ),
419            None => extend_and_assure_newline(&mut self.frontmatter_events, other.frontmatter_events, &nl),
420        }
421        self
422    }