
1use crate::walk::ForDeletionMode;
2use crate::{Entry, EntryRef};
3use std::borrow::Cow;
4use std::fs::FileType;
6/// A way of attaching additional information to an [Entry] .
7#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
8pub enum Property {
9    /// The entry was named `.git`, matched according to the case-sensitivity rules of the repository.
10    DotGit,
11    /// The entry is a directory, and that directory is empty.
12    EmptyDirectory,
13    /// The entry is a directory, it is empty and the current working directory.
14    ///
15    /// The caller should pay special attention to this very special case, as it is indeed only possible to run into it
16    /// while traversing the directory for deletion.
17    /// Non-empty directory will never be collapsed, hence if they are working directories, they naturally become unobservable.
18    EmptyDirectoryAndCWD,
19    /// Always in conjunction with a directory on disk that is also known as cone-mode sparse-checkout exclude marker
20    /// - i.e. a directory that is excluded, so its whole content is excluded and not checked out nor is part of the index.
21    ///
22    /// Note that evne if the directory is empty, it will only have this state, not `EmptyDirectory`.
23    TrackedExcluded,
26/// The kind of the entry, seated in their kinds available on disk.
27#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
28pub enum Kind {
29    /// Something that is not a regular file, directory, or symbolic link.
30    ///
31    /// These can only exist in the filesystem,
32    /// because Git repositories do not support them, thus they cannot be tracked.
33    /// Hence, they do not appear as blobs in a repository, and their type is not specifiable in a tree object.
34    /// Examples include named pipes (FIFOs), character devices, block devices, and sockets.
35    Untrackable,
36    /// The entry is a blob, representing a regular file, executable or not.
37    File,
38    /// The entry is a symlink.
39    Symlink,
40    /// The entry is an ordinary directory.
41    ///
42    /// Note that since we don't check for bare repositories, this could in fact be a collapsed
43    /// bare repository. To be sure, check it again with [`gix_discover::is_git()`] and act accordingly.
44    Directory,
45    /// The entry is a directory which *contains* a `.git` folder, or a submodule entry in the index.
46    Repository,
49/// The kind of entry as obtained from a directory.
50#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
51pub enum Status {
52    /// The entry was removed from the walk due to its other properties, like [Property] or [PathspecMatch]
53    ///
54    /// Note that entries flagged as `DotGit` directory will always be considered `Pruned`, but if they are
55    /// also ignored, in delete mode, they will be considered `Ignored` instead. This way, it's easier to remove them
56    /// while they will not be available for any interactions in read-only mode.
57    Pruned,
58    /// The entry is tracked in Git.
59    Tracked,
60    /// The entry is ignored as per `.gitignore` files and their rules.
61    ///
62    /// If this is a directory, then its entire contents is ignored. Otherwise, possibly due to configuration, individual ignored files are listed.
63    Ignored(gix_ignore::Kind),
64    /// The entry is not tracked by git yet, it was not found in the [index](gix_index::State).
65    ///
66    /// If it's a directory, the entire directory contents is untracked.
67    Untracked,
70/// Describe how a pathspec pattern matched.
71#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
72pub enum PathspecMatch {
73    /// The match happened because there wasn't any pattern, which matches all, or because there was a nil pattern or one with an empty path.
74    /// Thus, this is not a match by merit.
75    Always,
76    /// A match happened, but the pattern excludes everything it matches, which means this entry was excluded.
77    Excluded,
78    /// The first part of a pathspec matches, like `dir/` that matches `dir/a`.
79    Prefix,
80    /// The whole pathspec matched and used a wildcard match, like `a/*` matching `a/file`.
81    WildcardMatch,
82    /// The entire pathspec matched, letter by letter, e.g. `a/file` matching `a/file`.
83    Verbatim,
86impl PathspecMatch {
87    pub(crate) fn should_ignore(&self) -> bool {
88        match self {
89            PathspecMatch::Always | PathspecMatch::Excluded => true,
90            PathspecMatch::Prefix | PathspecMatch::WildcardMatch | PathspecMatch::Verbatim => false,
91        }
92    }
95impl From<gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind> for PathspecMatch {
96    fn from(kind: gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind) -> Self {
97        match kind {
98            gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind::Always => Self::Always,
99            gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind::Prefix => Self::Prefix,
100            gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind::WildcardMatch => Self::WildcardMatch,
101            gix_pathspec::search::MatchKind::Verbatim => Self::Verbatim,
102        }
103    }
106impl From<gix_pathspec::search::Match<'_>> for PathspecMatch {
107    fn from(m: gix_pathspec::search::Match<'_>) -> Self {
108        if m.is_excluded() {
109            PathspecMatch::Excluded
110        } else {
111            m.kind.into()
112        }
113    }
116/// Conversion
117impl EntryRef<'_> {
118    /// Strip the lifetime to obtain a fully owned copy.
119    pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Entry {
120        Entry {
121            rela_path: self.rela_path.clone().into_owned(),
122            status: self.status,
123            property:,
124            disk_kind: self.disk_kind,
125            index_kind: self.index_kind,
126            pathspec_match: self.pathspec_match,
127        }
128    }
130    /// Turn this instance into a fully owned copy.
131    pub fn into_owned(self) -> Entry {
132        Entry {
133            rela_path: self.rela_path.into_owned(),
134            status: self.status,
135            property:,
136            disk_kind: self.disk_kind,
137            index_kind: self.index_kind,
138            pathspec_match: self.pathspec_match,
139        }
140    }
143/// Conversion
144impl Entry {
145    /// Obtain an [`EntryRef`] from this instance.
146    pub fn to_ref(&self) -> EntryRef<'_> {
147        EntryRef {
148            rela_path: Cow::Borrowed(self.rela_path.as_ref()),
149            status: self.status,
150            property:,
151            disk_kind: self.disk_kind,
152            index_kind: self.index_kind,
153            pathspec_match: self.pathspec_match,
154        }
155    }
158impl From<std::fs::FileType> for Kind {
159    fn from(value: FileType) -> Self {
160        if value.is_dir() {
161            Kind::Directory
162        } else if value.is_symlink() {
163            Kind::Symlink
164        } else if value.is_file() {
165            Kind::File
166        } else {
167            Kind::Untrackable
168        }
169    }
172impl Status {
173    /// Return true if this status is considered pruned. A pruned entry is typically hidden from view due to a pathspec.
174    pub fn is_pruned(&self) -> bool {
175        matches!(&self, Status::Pruned)
176    }
177    /// Return `true` if `file_type` is a directory on disk and isn't ignored, and is not a repository.
178    /// This implements the default rules of `git status`, which is good for a minimal traversal through
179    /// tracked and non-ignored portions of a worktree.
180    /// `for_deletion` is used to determine if recursion into a directory is allowed even though it otherwise wouldn't be.
181    /// If `worktree_root_is_repository` is `true`, then this status is part of the root of an iteration, and the corresponding
182    /// worktree root is a repository itself. This typically happens for submodules. In this case, recursion rules are relaxed
183    /// to allow traversing submodule worktrees.
184    ///
185    /// Use `pathspec_match` to determine if a pathspec matches in any way, affecting the decision to recurse.
186    pub fn can_recurse(
187        &self,
188        file_type: Option<Kind>,
189        pathspec_match: Option<PathspecMatch>,
190        for_deletion: Option<ForDeletionMode>,
191        worktree_root_is_repository: bool,
192    ) -> bool {
193        let is_dir_on_disk = file_type.is_some_and(|ft| {
194            if worktree_root_is_repository {
195                ft.is_dir()
196            } else {
197                ft.is_recursable_dir()
198            }
199        });
200        if !is_dir_on_disk {
201            return false;
202        }
203        match self {
204            Status::Pruned => false,
205            Status::Ignored(_) => {
206                for_deletion.is_some_and(|fd| {
207                    matches!(
208                        fd,
209                        ForDeletionMode::FindNonBareRepositoriesInIgnoredDirectories
210                            | ForDeletionMode::FindRepositoriesInIgnoredDirectories
211                    )
212                }) || pathspec_match.is_some_and(|m| !m.should_ignore())
213            }
214            Status::Untracked | Status::Tracked => true,
215        }
216    }
219impl Kind {
220    pub(super) fn is_recursable_dir(&self) -> bool {
221        matches!(self, Kind::Directory)
222    }
224    /// Return `true` if this is a directory on disk. Note that this is true for repositories as well.
225    pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
226        matches!(self, Kind::Directory | Kind::Repository)
227    }