1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice};
use crate::walk::{classify, readdir, Action, Context, Delegate, Error, ForDeletionMode, Options, Outcome};
use crate::{entry, EntryRef};
/// A function to perform a git-style, unsorted, directory walk.
/// * `worktree_root` - the top-most root of the worktree, which must be a prefix to `root`.
/// - If [`Options::precompose_unicode`] is enabled, this path must be precomposed.
/// - The starting point of the traversal (traversal root) is calculated from by doing `worktree_root + pathspec.common_prefix()`.
/// - Note that if the traversal root leading to this directory or it itself is excluded, it will be provided to [`Delegate::emit()`]
/// without further traversal.
/// - If [`Options::precompose_unicode`] is enabled, all involved paths must be precomposed.
/// - Must be contained in `worktree_root`.
/// * `ctx` - everything needed to classify the paths seen during the traversal.
/// * `delegate` - an implementation of [`Delegate`] to control details of the traversal and receive its results.
/// Returns `(outcome, traversal_root)`, with the `traversal_root` actually being used for the traversal,
/// useful to transform the paths returned for the user. It's always within the `worktree_root`, or the same,
/// but is hard to guess due to additional logic affecting it.
/// ### Performance Notes
/// In theory, parallel directory traversal can be significantly faster, and what's possible for our current
/// `gix_features::fs::WalkDir` implementation is to abstract a `filter_entry()` method so it works both for
/// the iterator from the `walkdir` crate as well as from `jwalk`. However, doing so as initial version
/// has the risk of not being significantly harder if not impossible to implement as flow-control is very
/// limited.
/// Thus the decision was made to start out with something akin to the Git implementation, get all tests and
/// baseline comparison to pass, and see if an iterator with just `filter_entry` would be capable of dealing with
/// it. Note that `filter_entry` is the only just-in-time traversal control that `walkdir` offers, even though
/// one could consider switching to `jwalk` and just use its single-threaded implementation if a unified interface
/// is necessary to make this work - `jwalk` has a more powerful API for this to work.
/// If that was the case, we are talking about 0.5s for single-threaded traversal (without doing any extra work)
/// or 0.25s for optimal multi-threaded performance, all in the WebKit directory with 388k items to traverse.
/// Thus, the speedup could easily be 2x or more and thus worth investigating in due time.
pub fn walk(
worktree_root: &Path,
mut ctx: Context<'_>,
options: Options<'_>,
delegate: &mut dyn Delegate,
) -> Result<(Outcome, PathBuf), Error> {
let root = match ctx.explicit_traversal_root {
Some(root) => root.to_owned(),
None => ctx
.and_then(|candidate| {
let candidate = worktree_root.join(candidate);
.unwrap_or_else(|| worktree_root.join(ctx.pathspec.prefix_directory())),
let _span = gix_trace::coarse!("walk", root = ?root, worktree_root = ?worktree_root, options = ?options);
let (mut current, worktree_root_relative) = assure_no_symlink_in_root(worktree_root, &root)?;
let mut out = Outcome::default();
let mut buf = BString::default();
let (root_info, worktree_root_is_repository) = classify::root(
&mut buf,
&mut ctx,
let can_recurse = can_recurse(
if root == worktree_root && root_info.disk_kind == Some(entry::Kind::Symlink) && current.is_dir() {
classify::Outcome {
disk_kind: Some(entry::Kind::Directory),
} else {
if !can_recurse {
if buf.is_empty() && !root_info.disk_kind.is_some_and(|kind| kind.is_dir()) {
return Err(Error::WorktreeRootIsFile { root: root.to_owned() });
if options.precompose_unicode {
buf = gix_utils::str::precompose_bstr(buf.into()).into_owned();
let _ = emit_entry(
&mut out,
return Ok((out, root.to_owned()));
let mut state = readdir::State::new(worktree_root, ctx.current_dir, options.for_deletion.is_some());
let may_collapse = root != worktree_root && state.may_collapse(¤t);
let (action, _) = readdir::recursive(
&mut current,
&mut buf,
&mut ctx,
&mut out,
&mut state,
if action != Action::Cancel {
state.emit_remaining(may_collapse, options, &mut out, delegate);
assert_eq!(state.on_hold.len(), 0, "BUG: after emission, on hold must be empty");
gix_trace::debug!(statistics = ?out);
Ok((out, root.to_owned()))
/// Note that we only check symlinks on the way from `worktree_root` to `root`,
/// so `worktree_root` may go through a symlink.
/// Returns `(worktree_root, normalized_worktree_relative_root)`.
fn assure_no_symlink_in_root<'root>(
worktree_root: &Path,
root: &'root Path,
) -> Result<(PathBuf, Cow<'root, Path>), Error> {
let mut current = worktree_root.to_owned();
let worktree_relative = root
.expect("BUG: root was created from worktree_root + prefix");
let worktree_relative = gix_path::normalize(worktree_relative.into(), Path::new(""))
.ok_or(Error::NormalizeRoot { root: root.to_owned() })?;
for (idx, component) in worktree_relative.components().enumerate() {
let meta = current.symlink_metadata().map_err(|err| Error::SymlinkMetadata {
source: err,
path: current.to_owned(),
if meta.is_symlink() {
return Err(Error::SymlinkInRoot {
root: root.to_owned(),
worktree_root: worktree_root.to_owned(),
component_index: idx,
Ok((current, worktree_relative))
pub(super) fn can_recurse(
rela_path: &BStr,
info: classify::Outcome,
for_deletion: Option<ForDeletionMode>,
worktree_root_is_repository: bool,
delegate: &mut dyn Delegate,
) -> bool {
let is_dir = info.disk_kind.is_some_and(|k| k.is_dir());
if !is_dir {
return false;
EntryRef::from_outcome(Cow::Borrowed(rela_path), info),
/// Possibly emit an entry to `for_each` in case the provided information makes that possible.
pub(super) fn emit_entry(
rela_path: Cow<'_, BStr>,
info: classify::Outcome,
dir_status: Option<entry::Status>,
Options {
}: Options<'_>,
out: &mut Outcome,
delegate: &mut dyn Delegate,
) -> Action {
out.seen_entries += 1;
if (!emit_empty_directories && == Some(entry::Property::EmptyDirectory)
|| !emit_tracked && info.status == entry::Status::Tracked)
|| emit_ignored.is_none() && matches!(info.status, entry::Status::Ignored(_))
|| !emit_pruned
&& (info.status.is_pruned()
|| info
.map_or(true, |m| m == entry::PathspecMatch::Excluded))
return Action::Continue;
out.returned_entries += 1;
delegate.emit(EntryRef::from_outcome(rela_path, info), dir_status)