
2use std::path::Path;
4/// The amount of retries to do during various aspects of the directory creation.
5#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
6pub struct Retries {
7    /// How many times the whole directory can be created in the light of racy interference.
8    /// This count combats racy situations where another process is trying to remove a directory that we want to create,
9    /// and is deliberately higher than those who do deletion. That way, creation usually wins.
10    pub to_create_entire_directory: usize,
11    /// The amount of times we can try to create a directory because we couldn't as the parent didn't exist.
12    /// This amounts to the maximum subdirectory depth we allow to be created. Counts once per attempt to create the entire directory.
13    pub on_create_directory_failure: usize,
14    /// How often to retry to create a single directory if an interrupt happens, as caused by signals.
15    pub on_interrupt: usize,
18impl Default for Retries {
19    fn default() -> Self {
20        Retries {
21            on_interrupt: 10,
22            to_create_entire_directory: 5,
23            on_create_directory_failure: 25,
24        }
25    }
28mod error {
29    use std::{fmt, path::Path};
31    use crate::dir::create::Retries;
33    /// The error returned by [all()][super::all()].
34    #[allow(missing_docs)]
35    #[derive(Debug)]
36    pub enum Error<'a> {
37        /// A failure we will probably recover from by trying again.
38        Intermediate { dir: &'a Path, kind: std::io::ErrorKind },
39        /// A failure that ends the operation.
40        Permanent {
41            dir: &'a Path,
42            err: std::io::Error,
43            /// The retries left after running the operation
44            retries_left: Retries,
45            /// The original amount of retries to allow determining how many were actually used
46            retries: Retries,
47        },
48    }
50    impl fmt::Display for Error<'_> {
51        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
52            match self {
53                Error::Intermediate { dir, kind } => write!(
54                    f,
55                    "Intermediae failure creating {:?} with error: {:?}",
56                    dir.display(),
57                    kind
58                ),
59                Error::Permanent {
60                    err: _,
61                    dir,
62                    retries_left,
63                    retries,
64                } => write!(
65                    f,
66                    "Permanently failing to create directory {dir:?} ({retries_left:?} of {retries:?})",
67                ),
68            }
69        }
70    }
72    impl std::error::Error for Error<'_> {
73        fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
74            match self {
75                Error::Permanent { err, .. } => Some(err),
76                _ => None,
77            }
78        }
79    }
81pub use error::Error;
83enum State {
84    CurrentlyCreatingDirectories,
85    SearchingUpwardsForExistingDirectory,
88/// A special iterator which communicates its operation through results where…
90/// * `Some(Ok(created_directory))` is yielded once or more success, followed by `None`
91/// * `Some(Err(Error::Intermediate))` is yielded zero or more times while trying to create the directory.
92/// * `Some(Err(Error::Permanent))` is yielded exactly once on failure.
93pub struct Iter<'a> {
94    cursors: Vec<&'a Path>,
95    retries: Retries,
96    original_retries: Retries,
97    state: State,
100/// Construction
101impl<'a> Iter<'a> {
102    /// Create a new instance that creates `target` when iterated with the default amount of [`Retries`].
103    pub fn new(target: &'a Path) -> Self {
104        Self::new_with_retries(target, Default::default())
105    }
107    /// Create a new instance that creates `target` when iterated with the specified amount of `retries`.
108    pub fn new_with_retries(target: &'a Path, retries: Retries) -> Self {
109        Iter {
110            cursors: vec![target],
111            original_retries: retries,
112            retries,
113            state: State::SearchingUpwardsForExistingDirectory,
114        }
115    }
118impl<'a> Iter<'a> {
119    fn permanent_failure(
120        &mut self,
121        dir: &'a Path,
122        err: impl Into<std::io::Error>,
123    ) -> Option<Result<&'a Path, Error<'a>>> {
124        self.cursors.clear();
125        Some(Err(Error::Permanent {
126            err: err.into(),
127            dir,
128            retries_left: self.retries,
129            retries: self.original_retries,
130        }))
131    }
133    fn intermediate_failure(&self, dir: &'a Path, err: std::io::Error) -> Option<Result<&'a Path, Error<'a>>> {
134        Some(Err(Error::Intermediate { dir, kind: err.kind() }))
135    }
138impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> {
139    type Item = Result<&'a Path, Error<'a>>;
141    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
142        use std::io::ErrorKind::*;
143        match self.cursors.pop() {
144            Some(dir) => match std::fs::create_dir(dir) {
145                Ok(()) => {
146                    self.state = State::CurrentlyCreatingDirectories;
147                    Some(Ok(dir))
148                }
149                Err(err) => match err.kind() {
150                    AlreadyExists if dir.is_dir() => {
151                        self.state = State::CurrentlyCreatingDirectories;
152                        Some(Ok(dir))
153                    }
154                    AlreadyExists => self.permanent_failure(dir, err), // is non-directory
155                    NotFound => {
156                        self.retries.on_create_directory_failure -= 1;
157                        if let State::CurrentlyCreatingDirectories = self.state {
158                            self.state = State::SearchingUpwardsForExistingDirectory;
159                            self.retries.to_create_entire_directory -= 1;
160                            if self.retries.to_create_entire_directory < 1 {
161                                return self.permanent_failure(dir, NotFound);
162                            }
163                            self.retries.on_create_directory_failure =
164                                self.original_retries.on_create_directory_failure;
165                        }
166                        if self.retries.on_create_directory_failure < 1 {
167                            return self.permanent_failure(dir, NotFound);
168                        };
169                        self.cursors.push(dir);
170                        self.cursors.push(match dir.parent() {
171                            None => return self.permanent_failure(dir, InvalidInput),
172                            Some(parent) => parent,
173                        });
174                        self.intermediate_failure(dir, err)
175                    }
176                    Interrupted => {
177                        self.retries.on_interrupt -= 1;
178                        if self.retries.on_interrupt <= 1 {
179                            return self.permanent_failure(dir, Interrupted);
180                        };
181                        self.cursors.push(dir);
182                        self.intermediate_failure(dir, err)
183                    }
184                    _unexpected_kind => self.permanent_failure(dir, err),
185                },
186            },
187            None => None,
188        }
189    }
192/// Create all directories leading to `dir` including `dir` itself with the specified amount of `retries`.
193/// Returns the input `dir` on success that make it useful in expressions.
194pub fn all(dir: &Path, retries: Retries) -> std::io::Result<&Path> {
195    for res in Iter::new_with_retries(dir, retries) {
196        match res {
197            Err(Error::Permanent { err, .. }) => return Err(err),
198            Err(Error::Intermediate { .. }) | Ok(_) => continue,
199        }
200    }
201    Ok(dir)