
1use std::{
2    io::Read,
3    path::{Path, PathBuf},
6use bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice, ByteVec};
8use crate::{pattern::Case, search::Pattern};
10/// A list of patterns which optionally know where they were loaded from and what their base is.
12/// Knowing their base which is relative to a source directory, it will ignore all path to match against
13/// that don't also start with said base.
14#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Default)]
15pub struct List<T: Pattern> {
16    /// Patterns and their associated data in the order they were loaded in or specified,
17    /// the line number in its source file or its sequence number (_`(pattern, value, line_number)`_).
18    ///
19    /// During matching, this order is reversed.
20    pub patterns: Vec<Mapping<T::Value>>,
22    /// The path from which the patterns were read, or `None` if the patterns
23    /// don't originate in a file on disk.
24    pub source: Option<PathBuf>,
26    /// The parent directory of source, or `None` if the patterns are _global_ to match against the repository root.
27    /// It's processed to contain slashes only and to end with a trailing slash, and is relative to the repository root.
28    pub base: Option<BString>,
31/// An association of a pattern with its value, along with a sequence number providing a sort order in relation to its peers.
32#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
33pub struct Mapping<T> {
34    /// The pattern itself, like `/target/*`
35    pub pattern: crate::Pattern,
36    /// The value associated with the pattern.
37    pub value: T,
38    /// Typically the line number in the file the pattern was parsed from.
39    pub sequence_number: usize,
42fn read_in_full_ignore_missing(path: &Path, follow_symlinks: bool, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> std::io::Result<bool> {
43    buf.clear();
44    let file = if follow_symlinks {
45        std::fs::File::open(path)
46    } else {
47        gix_features::fs::open_options_no_follow().read(true).open(path)
48    };
49    Ok(match file {
50        Ok(mut file) => {
51            if let Err(err) = file.read_to_end(buf) {
52                if io_err_is_dir(&err) {
53                    false
54                } else {
55                    return Err(err);
56                }
57            } else {
58                true
59            }
60        }
61        Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound || io_err_is_dir(&err) => false,
62        Err(err) => return Err(err),
63    })
66fn io_err_is_dir(err: &std::io::Error) -> bool {
67    // TODO: use the enum variant NotADirectory for this once stabilized
68    let raw = err.raw_os_error();
69    raw == Some(if cfg!(windows) { 5 } else { 21 }) /* Not a directory */
70        /* Also that, but under different circumstances */
71        || raw == Some(20)
74/// Instantiation
75impl<T> List<T>
77    T: Pattern,
79    /// `source_file` is the location of the `bytes` which represents a list of patterns, one pattern per line.
80    /// If `root` is `Some(…)` it's used to see `source_file` as relative to itself, if `source_file` is absolute.
81    /// If source is relative and should be treated as base, set `root` to `Some("")`.
82    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8], source_file: PathBuf, root: Option<&Path>) -> Self {
83        let patterns = T::bytes_to_patterns(bytes, source_file.as_path());
84        let base = root
85            .and_then(|root| source_file.parent().expect("file").strip_prefix(root).ok())
86            .and_then(|base| {
87                (!base.as_os_str().is_empty()).then(|| {
88                    let mut base: BString =
89                        gix_path::to_unix_separators_on_windows(gix_path::into_bstr(base)).into_owned();
91                    base.push_byte(b'/');
92                    base
93                })
94            });
95        List {
96            patterns,
97            source: Some(source_file),
98            base,
99        }
100    }
102    /// Create a pattern list from the `source` file, which may be located underneath `root`, while optionally
103    /// following symlinks with `follow_symlinks`, providing `buf` to temporarily store the data contained in the file.
104    pub fn from_file(
105        source: impl Into<PathBuf>,
106        root: Option<&Path>,
107        follow_symlinks: bool,
108        buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
109    ) -> std::io::Result<Option<Self>> {
110        let source = source.into();
111        Ok(read_in_full_ignore_missing(&source, follow_symlinks, buf)?.then(|| Self::from_bytes(buf, source, root)))
112    }
115/// Utilities
116impl<T> List<T>
118    T: Pattern,
120    /// If this list is anchored to a base path, return `relative_path` as being relative to our base and return
121    /// an updated `basename_pos` as well if it was set.
122    /// `case` is respected for the comparison.
123    ///
124    /// This is useful to turn repository-relative paths into paths relative to a particular search base.
125    pub fn strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos<'a>(
126        &self,
127        relative_path: &'a BStr,
128        basename_pos: Option<usize>,
129        case: Case,
130    ) -> Option<(&'a BStr, Option<usize>)> {
131        match self.base.as_deref() {
132            Some(base) => strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos(base.as_bstr(), relative_path, basename_pos, case)?,
133            None => (relative_path, basename_pos),
134        }
135        .into()
136    }
139///  Return`relative_path` as being relative to `base` along with an updated `basename_pos` if it was set.
140/// `case` is respected for the comparison.
142/// This is useful to turn repository-relative paths into paths relative to a particular search base.
143pub fn strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos<'a>(
144    base: &BStr,
145    relative_path: &'a BStr,
146    basename_pos: Option<usize>,
147    case: Case,
148) -> Option<(&'a BStr, Option<usize>)> {
149    Some((
150        match case {
151            Case::Sensitive => relative_path.strip_prefix(base.as_bytes())?.as_bstr(),
152            Case::Fold => {
153                let rela_dir = relative_path.get(..base.len())?;
154                if !rela_dir.eq_ignore_ascii_case(base) {
155                    return None;
156                }
157                &relative_path[base.len()..]
158            }
159        },
160        basename_pos.and_then(|pos| {
161            let pos = pos - base.len();
162            (pos != 0).then_some(pos)
163        }),
164    ))