1use std::{cmp::Ordering, ops::Range};
3use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice, ByteVec};
4use filetime::FileTime;
6use crate::entry::{Stage, StageRaw};
7use crate::{entry, extension, AccelerateLookup, Entry, PathStorage, PathStorageRef, State, Version};
11mod sparse;
13impl State {
15 pub fn version(&self) -> Version {
17 self.version
18 }
20 pub fn timestamp(&self) -> FileTime {
22 self.timestamp
23 }
25 pub fn set_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: FileTime) {
31 self.timestamp = timestamp;
32 }
34 pub fn object_hash(&self) -> gix_hash::Kind {
36 self.object_hash
37 }
39 pub fn entries(&self) -> &[Entry] {
41 &self.entries
42 }
43 pub fn path_backing(&self) -> &PathStorageRef {
45 &self.path_backing
46 }
48 pub fn entries_with_paths_by_filter_map<'a, T>(
50 &'a self,
51 mut filter_map: impl FnMut(&'a BStr, &Entry) -> Option<T> + 'a,
52 ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a BStr, T)> + 'a {
53 self.entries.iter().filter_map(move |e| {
54 let p = e.path(self);
55 filter_map(p, e).map(|t| (p, t))
56 })
57 }
58 pub fn entries_mut_with_paths_in<'state, 'backing>(
60 &'state mut self,
61 backing: &'backing PathStorageRef,
62 ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'state mut Entry, &'backing BStr)> {
63 self.entries.iter_mut().map(move |e| {
64 let path = backing[e.path.clone()].as_bstr();
65 (e, path)
66 })
67 }
69 pub fn entry_index_by_path_and_stage(&self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<usize> {
74 let mut stage_cmp = Ordering::Equal;
75 let idx = self
76 .entries
77 .binary_search_by(|e| {
78 let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
79 if res.is_eq() {
80 stage_cmp = e.stage().cmp(&stage);
81 }
82 res
83 })
84 .ok()?;
85 self.entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(path, idx, stage as StageRaw, stage_cmp)
86 }
88 fn walk_entry_stages(&self, path: &BStr, base: usize, direction: Ordering) -> Option<usize> {
92 match direction {
93 Ordering::Greater => self
94 .entries
95 .get(base + 1..)?
96 .iter()
97 .enumerate()
98 .take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
99 .last()
100 .map(|(idx, _)| base + 1 + idx),
101 Ordering::Equal => Some(base),
102 Ordering::Less => self.entries[..base]
103 .iter()
104 .enumerate()
105 .rev()
106 .take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
107 .last()
108 .map(|(idx, _)| idx),
109 }
110 }
112 fn entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(
113 &self,
114 path: &BStr,
115 idx: usize,
116 wanted_stage: entry::StageRaw,
117 stage_cmp: Ordering,
118 ) -> Option<usize> {
119 match stage_cmp {
120 Ordering::Greater => self.entries[..idx]
121 .iter()
122 .enumerate()
123 .rev()
124 .take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
125 .find_map(|(idx, e)| (e.stage_raw() == wanted_stage).then_some(idx)),
126 Ordering::Equal => Some(idx),
127 Ordering::Less => self
128 .entries
129 .get(idx + 1..)?
130 .iter()
131 .enumerate()
132 .take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
133 .find_map(|(ofs, e)| (e.stage_raw() == wanted_stage).then_some(idx + ofs + 1)),
134 }
135 }
137 pub fn prepare_icase_backing(&self) -> AccelerateLookup<'_> {
142 let _span = gix_features::trace::detail!("prepare_icase_backing", entries = self.entries.len());
143 let mut out = AccelerateLookup::with_capacity(self.entries.len());
144 for entry in &self.entries {
145 let entry_path = entry.path(self);
146 let hash = AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(entry_path);
147 out.icase_entries
148 .insert_unique(hash, entry, |e| AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(e.path(self)));
150 let mut last_pos = entry_path.len();
151 while let Some(slash_idx) = entry_path[..last_pos].rfind_byte(b'/') {
152 let dir = entry_path[..slash_idx].as_bstr();
153 last_pos = slash_idx;
154 let dir_range = entry.path.start..(entry.path.start + dir.len());
156 let hash = AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(dir);
157 if out
158 .icase_dirs
159 .find(hash, |dir| {
160 dir.path(self) == self.path_backing[dir_range.clone()].as_bstr()
161 })
162 .is_none()
163 {
164 out.icase_dirs.insert_unique(
165 hash,
166 crate::DirEntry {
167 entry,
168 dir_end: dir_range.end,
169 },
170 |dir| AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(dir.path(self)),
171 );
172 } else {
173 break;
174 }
175 }
176 }
177 gix_features::trace::debug!(directories = out.icase_dirs.len(), "stored directories");
178 out
179 }
181 pub fn entry_by_path_icase<'a>(
186 &'a self,
187 path: &BStr,
188 ignore_case: bool,
189 lookup: &AccelerateLookup<'a>,
190 ) -> Option<&'a Entry> {
191 lookup
192 .icase_entries
193 .find(AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(path), |e| {
194 let entry_path = e.path(self);
195 if entry_path == path {
196 return true;
197 };
198 if !ignore_case {
199 return false;
200 }
201 entry_path.eq_ignore_ascii_case(path)
202 })
203 .copied()
204 }
206 pub fn entry_closest_to_directory_icase<'a>(
214 &'a self,
215 directory: &BStr,
216 ignore_case: bool,
217 lookup: &AccelerateLookup<'a>,
218 ) -> Option<&'a Entry> {
219 lookup
220 .icase_dirs
221 .find(AccelerateLookup::icase_hash(directory), |dir| {
222 let dir_path = dir.path(self);
223 if dir_path == directory {
224 return true;
225 };
226 if !ignore_case {
227 return false;
228 }
229 dir_path.eq_ignore_ascii_case(directory)
230 })
231 .map(|dir| dir.entry)
232 }
234 pub fn entry_closest_to_directory(&self, directory: &BStr) -> Option<&Entry> {
241 let idx = self.entry_index_by_path(directory).err()?;
242 for entry in &self.entries[idx..] {
243 let path = entry.path(self);
244 if path.get(..directory.len())? != directory {
245 break;
246 }
247 let dir_char = path.get(directory.len())?;
248 if *dir_char > b'/' {
249 break;
250 }
251 if *dir_char < b'/' {
252 continue;
253 }
254 return Some(entry);
255 }
256 None
257 }
259 pub fn entry_index_by_path_and_stage_bounded(
268 &self,
269 path: &BStr,
270 stage: entry::Stage,
271 upper_bound: usize,
272 ) -> Option<usize> {
273 self.entries[..upper_bound]
274 .binary_search_by(|e| e.path(self).cmp(path).then_with(|| e.stage().cmp(&stage)))
275 .ok()
276 }
278 pub fn entry_by_path_and_stage(&self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<&Entry> {
281 self.entry_index_by_path_and_stage(path, stage)
282 .map(|idx| &self.entries[idx])
283 }
285 pub fn entry_by_path(&self, path: &BStr) -> Option<&Entry> {
289 let mut stage_at_index = 0;
290 let idx = self
291 .entries
292 .binary_search_by(|e| {
293 let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
294 if res.is_eq() {
295 stage_at_index = e.stage_raw();
296 }
297 res
298 })
299 .ok()?;
300 let idx = if stage_at_index == 0 || stage_at_index == 2 {
301 idx
302 } else {
303 self.entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(path, idx, Stage::Ours as StageRaw, stage_at_index.cmp(&2))?
304 };
305 Some(&self.entries[idx])
306 }
308 pub fn entry_index_by_path(&self, path: &BStr) -> Result<usize, usize> {
311 self.entries.binary_search_by(|e| e.path(self).cmp(path))
312 }
314 pub fn prefixed_entries(&self, prefix: &BStr) -> Option<&[Entry]> {
318 self.prefixed_entries_range(prefix).map(|range| &self.entries[range])
319 }
321 pub fn prefixed_entries_range(&self, prefix: &BStr) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
325 if prefix.is_empty() {
326 return Some(0..self.entries.len());
327 }
328 let prefix_len = prefix.len();
329 let mut low = self.entries.partition_point(|e| {
330 e.path(self)
331 .get(..prefix_len)
332 .map_or_else(|| e.path(self) <= &prefix[..e.path.len()], |p| p < prefix)
333 });
334 let mut high =
335 low + self.entries[low..].partition_point(|e| e.path(self).get(..prefix_len).is_some_and(|p| p <= prefix));
337 let low_entry = &self.entries.get(low)?;
338 if low_entry.stage_raw() != 0 {
339 low = self
340 .walk_entry_stages(low_entry.path(self), low, Ordering::Less)
341 .unwrap_or(low);
342 }
343 if let Some(high_entry) = self.entries.get(high) {
344 if high_entry.stage_raw() != 0 {
345 high = self
346 .walk_entry_stages(high_entry.path(self), high, Ordering::Less)
347 .unwrap_or(high);
348 }
349 }
350 (low != high).then_some(low..high)
351 }
353 pub fn entry(&self, idx: usize) -> &Entry {
357 &self.entries[idx]
358 }
360 pub fn is_sparse(&self) -> bool {
364 self.is_sparse
365 }
367 pub fn entry_range(&self, path: &BStr) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
372 let mut stage_at_index = 0;
373 let idx = self
374 .entries
375 .binary_search_by(|e| {
376 let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
377 if res.is_eq() {
378 stage_at_index = e.stage_raw();
379 }
380 res
381 })
382 .ok()?;
384 let (start, end) = (
385 self.walk_entry_stages(path, idx, Ordering::Less).unwrap_or(idx),
386 self.walk_entry_stages(path, idx, Ordering::Greater).unwrap_or(idx) + 1,
387 );
388 Some(start..end)
389 }
392impl AccelerateLookup<'_> {
393 fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self {
394 let ratio_of_entries_to_dirs_in_webkit = 20; Self {
396 icase_entries: hashbrown::HashTable::with_capacity(cap),
397 icase_dirs: hashbrown::HashTable::with_capacity(cap / ratio_of_entries_to_dirs_in_webkit),
398 }
399 }
400 fn icase_hash(data: &BStr) -> u64 {
401 use std::hash::Hasher;
402 let mut hasher = fnv::FnvHasher::default();
403 for b in data.as_bytes() {
404 hasher.write_u8(b.to_ascii_lowercase());
405 }
406 hasher.finish()
407 }
410impl State {
412 pub fn return_path_backing(&mut self, backing: PathStorage) {
415 debug_assert!(
416 self.path_backing.is_empty(),
417 "BUG: return path backing only after taking it, once"
418 );
419 self.path_backing = backing;
420 }
422 pub fn entries_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Entry] {
424 &mut self.entries
425 }
427 pub fn entries_mut_and_pathbacking(&mut self) -> (&mut [Entry], &PathStorageRef) {
429 (&mut self.entries, &self.path_backing)
430 }
432 pub fn entries_mut_with_paths(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&mut Entry, &BStr)> {
434 let paths = &self.path_backing;
435 self.entries.iter_mut().map(move |e| {
436 let path = paths[e.path.clone()].as_bstr();
437 (e, path)
438 })
439 }
441 pub fn into_entries(self) -> (Vec<Entry>, PathStorage) {
445 (self.entries, self.path_backing)
446 }
448 pub fn take_path_backing(&mut self) -> PathStorage {
451 assert_eq!(
452 self.entries.is_empty(),
453 self.path_backing.is_empty(),
454 "BUG: cannot take out backing multiple times"
455 );
456 std::mem::take(&mut self.path_backing)
457 }
459 pub fn entry_mut_by_path_and_stage(&mut self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<&mut Entry> {
462 self.entry_index_by_path_and_stage(path, stage)
463 .map(|idx| &mut self.entries[idx])
464 }
466 pub fn dangerously_push_entry(
477 &mut self,
478 stat: entry::Stat,
479 id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
480 flags: entry::Flags,
481 mode: entry::Mode,
482 path: &BStr,
483 ) {
484 let path = {
485 let path_start = self.path_backing.len();
486 self.path_backing.push_str(path);
487 path_start..self.path_backing.len()
488 };
490 self.entries.push(Entry {
491 stat,
492 id,
493 flags,
494 mode,
495 path,
496 });
497 }
499 pub fn sort_entries(&mut self) {
501 let path_backing = &self.path_backing;
502 self.entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
503 Entry::cmp_filepaths(a.path_in(path_backing), b.path_in(path_backing))
504 .then_with(|| a.stage().cmp(&b.stage()))
505 });
506 }
508 pub fn sort_entries_by(&mut self, mut compare: impl FnMut(&Entry, &Entry) -> Ordering) {
511 let path_backing = &self.path_backing;
512 self.entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
513 Entry::cmp_filepaths(a.path_in(path_backing), b.path_in(path_backing))
514 .then_with(|| a.stage().cmp(&b.stage()))
515 .then_with(|| compare(a, b))
516 });
517 }
519 pub fn remove_entries(&mut self, mut should_remove: impl FnMut(usize, &BStr, &mut Entry) -> bool) {
528 let mut index = 0;
529 let paths = &self.path_backing;
530 self.entries.retain_mut(|e| {
531 let path = e.path_in(paths);
532 let res = !should_remove(index, path, e);
533 index += 1;
534 res
535 });
536 }
539impl State {
541 pub fn tree(&self) -> Option<&extension::Tree> {
543 self.tree.as_ref()
544 }
545 pub fn link(&self) -> Option<&extension::Link> {
547 self.link.as_ref()
548 }
549 pub fn resolve_undo(&self) -> Option<&extension::resolve_undo::Paths> {
551 self.resolve_undo.as_ref()
552 }
553 pub fn untracked(&self) -> Option<&extension::UntrackedCache> {
555 self.untracked.as_ref()
556 }
557 pub fn fs_monitor(&self) -> Option<&extension::FsMonitor> {
559 self.fs_monitor.as_ref()
560 }
561 pub fn had_end_of_index_marker(&self) -> bool {
563 self.end_of_index_at_decode_time
564 }
565 pub fn had_offset_table(&self) -> bool {
567 self.offset_table_at_decode_time
568 }
572mod tests {
573 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
575 #[test]
576 fn entry_by_path_with_conflicting_file() {
577 let file = PathBuf::from("tests")
578 .join("fixtures")
579 .join(Path::new("loose_index").join("conflicting-file.git-index"));
580 let file = crate::File::at(file, gix_hash::Kind::Sha1, false, Default::default()).expect("valid file");
581 assert_eq!(
582 file.entries().len(),
583 3,
584 "we have a set of conflict entries for a single file"
585 );
586 for idx in 0..3 {
587 for wanted_stage in 1..=3 {
588 let actual_idx = file
589 .entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(
590 "file".into(),
591 idx,
592 wanted_stage,
593 (idx + 1).cmp(&(wanted_stage as usize)),
594 )
595 .expect("found");
596 assert_eq!(
597 actual_idx + 1,
598 wanted_stage as usize,
599 "the index and stage have a relation, and that is upheld if we search correctly"
600 );
601 }
602 }
603 }