1use std::ops::Deref;
3use gix_pack::cache::DecodeEntry;
5use crate::store::{handle, load_index};
7pub(crate) mod error {
8 use crate::{loose, pack};
10 #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
12 #[allow(missing_docs)]
13 pub enum Error {
14 #[error("An error occurred while obtaining an object from the loose object store")]
15 Loose(#[from] loose::find::Error),
16 #[error("An error occurred while obtaining an object from the packed object store")]
17 Pack(#[from] pack::data::decode::Error),
18 #[error(transparent)]
19 LoadIndex(#[from] crate::store::load_index::Error),
20 #[error(transparent)]
21 LoadPack(#[from] std::io::Error),
22 #[error(transparent)]
23 EntryType(#[from] gix_pack::data::entry::decode::Error),
24 #[error("Reached recursion limit of {} while resolving ref delta bases for {}", .max_depth, .id)]
25 DeltaBaseRecursionLimit {
26 max_depth: usize,
28 id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
30 },
31 #[error("The base object {} could not be found but is required to decode {}", .base_id, .id)]
32 DeltaBaseMissing {
33 base_id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
35 id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
37 },
38 #[error("An error occurred when looking up a ref delta base object {} to decode {}", .base_id, .id)]
39 DeltaBaseLookup {
40 #[source]
41 err: Box<Self>,
42 base_id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
44 id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
46 },
47 }
49 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
50 pub(crate) struct DeltaBaseRecursion<'a> {
51 pub depth: usize,
52 pub original_id: &'a gix_hash::oid,
53 }
55 impl<'a> DeltaBaseRecursion<'a> {
56 pub fn new(id: &'a gix_hash::oid) -> Self {
57 Self {
58 original_id: id,
59 depth: 0,
60 }
61 }
62 pub fn inc_depth(mut self) -> Self {
63 self.depth += 1;
64 self
65 }
66 }
68 #[cfg(test)]
69 mod tests {
70 use super::*;
72 #[test]
73 fn error_size() {
74 let actual = std::mem::size_of::<Error>();
75 assert!(actual <= 88, "{actual} <= 88: should not grow without us noticing");
76 }
77 }
79pub use error::Error;
80use gix_features::zlib;
82use crate::store::types::PackId;
84impl<S> super::Handle<S>
86 S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
88 fn try_find_cached_inner<'a, 'b>(
89 &'b self,
90 mut id: &'b gix_hash::oid,
91 buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
92 inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
93 pack_cache: &mut dyn DecodeEntry,
94 snapshot: &mut load_index::Snapshot,
95 recursion: Option<error::DeltaBaseRecursion<'_>>,
96 ) -> Result<Option<(gix_object::Data<'a>, Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location>)>, Error> {
97 if let Some(r) = recursion {
98 if r.depth >= self.max_recursion_depth {
99 return Err(Error::DeltaBaseRecursionLimit {
100 max_depth: self.max_recursion_depth,
101 id: r.original_id.to_owned(),
102 });
103 }
104 } else if !self.ignore_replacements {
105 if let Ok(pos) = self
106 .store
107 .replacements
108 .binary_search_by(|(map_this, _)| map_this.as_ref().cmp(id))
109 {
110 id = self.store.replacements[pos].1.as_ref();
111 }
112 }
114 'outer: loop {
115 {
116 let marker = snapshot.marker;
117 for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter_mut().enumerate() {
118 if let Some(handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
119 object_index: handle::IndexForObjectInPack { pack_id, pack_offset },
120 index_file,
121 pack: possibly_pack,
122 }) = index.lookup(id)
123 {
124 let pack = match possibly_pack {
125 Some(pack) => pack,
126 None => match self.store.load_pack(pack_id, marker)? {
127 Some(pack) => {
128 *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
129 possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
130 }
131 None => {
132 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker)? {
134 Some(new_snapshot) => {
135 *snapshot = new_snapshot;
136 self.clear_cache();
137 continue 'outer;
138 }
139 None => {
140 return Ok(None);
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 },
148 };
149 let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset)?;
150 let header_size = entry.header_size();
151 let res = pack.decode_entry(
152 entry,
153 buffer,
154 inflate,
155 &|id, _out| {
156 let pack_offset = index_file.pack_offset_by_id(id)?;
157 pack.entry(pack_offset)
158 .ok()
159 .map(gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::InPack)
160 },
161 pack_cache,
162 );
163 let res = match res {
164 Ok(r) => Ok((
165 gix_object::Data {
166 kind: r.kind,
167 data: buffer.as_slice(),
168 },
169 Some(gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
170 pack_id: pack.id,
171 pack_offset,
172 entry_size: r.compressed_size + header_size,
173 }),
174 )),
175 Err(gix_pack::data::decode::Error::DeltaBaseUnresolved(base_id)) => {
176 let mut buf = Vec::new();
188 let obj_kind = self
189 .try_find_cached_inner(
190 &base_id,
191 &mut buf,
192 inflate,
193 pack_cache,
194 snapshot,
195 recursion
196 .map(error::DeltaBaseRecursion::inc_depth)
197 .or_else(|| error::DeltaBaseRecursion::new(id).into()),
198 )
199 .map_err(|err| Error::DeltaBaseLookup {
200 err: Box::new(err),
201 base_id,
202 id: id.to_owned(),
203 })?
204 .ok_or_else(|| Error::DeltaBaseMissing {
205 base_id,
206 id: id.to_owned(),
207 })?
208 .0
209 .kind;
210 let handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
211 object_index:
212 handle::IndexForObjectInPack {
213 pack_id: _,
214 pack_offset,
215 },
216 index_file,
217 pack: possibly_pack,
218 } = match snapshot.indices[idx].lookup(id) {
219 Some(res) => res,
220 None => {
221 let mut out = None;
222 for index in &mut snapshot.indices {
223 out = index.lookup(id);
224 if out.is_some() {
225 break;
226 }
227 }
229 out.unwrap_or_else(|| {
230 panic!("could not find object {id} in any index after looking up one of its base objects {base_id}" )
231 })
232 }
233 };
234 let pack = possibly_pack
235 .as_ref()
236 .expect("pack to still be available like just now");
237 let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset)?;
238 let header_size = entry.header_size();
239 pack.decode_entry(
240 entry,
241 buffer,
242 inflate,
243 &|id, out| {
244 index_file
245 .pack_offset_by_id(id)
246 .and_then(|pack_offset| {
247 pack.entry(pack_offset)
248 .ok()
249 .map(gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::InPack)
250 })
251 .or_else(|| {
252 (id == base_id).then(|| {
253 out.resize(buf.len(), 0);
254 out.copy_from_slice(buf.as_slice());
255 gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::OutOfPack {
256 kind: obj_kind,
257 end: out.len(),
258 }
259 })
260 })
261 },
262 pack_cache,
263 )
264 .map(move |r| {
265 (
266 gix_object::Data {
267 kind: r.kind,
268 data: buffer.as_slice(),
269 },
270 Some(gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
271 pack_id: pack.id,
272 pack_offset,
273 entry_size: r.compressed_size + header_size,
274 }),
275 )
276 })
277 }
278 Err(err) => Err(err),
279 }?;
281 if idx != 0 {
282 snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
283 }
284 return Ok(Some(res));
285 }
286 }
287 }
289 for lodb in snapshot.loose_dbs.iter() {
290 if lodb.contains(id) {
292 return lodb
293 .try_find(id, buffer)
294 .map(|obj| obj.map(|obj| (obj, None)))
295 .map_err(Into::into);
296 }
297 }
299 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker)? {
300 Some(new_snapshot) => {
301 *snapshot = new_snapshot;
302 self.clear_cache();
303 }
304 None => return Ok(None),
305 }
306 }
307 }
309 pub(crate) fn clear_cache(&self) {
310 self.packed_object_count.borrow_mut().take();
311 }
314impl<S> gix_pack::Find for super::Handle<S>
316 S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
318 fn contains(&self, id: &gix_hash::oid) -> bool {
320 let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
321 loop {
322 for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter().enumerate() {
323 if index.contains(id) {
324 if idx != 0 {
325 snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
326 }
327 return true;
328 }
329 }
331 for lodb in snapshot.loose_dbs.iter() {
332 if lodb.contains(id) {
333 return true;
334 }
335 }
337 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker) {
338 Ok(Some(new_snapshot)) => {
339 *snapshot = new_snapshot;
340 self.clear_cache();
341 }
342 Ok(None) => return false, Err(_) => return false, }
345 }
346 }
348 fn try_find_cached<'a>(
349 &self,
350 id: &gix_hash::oid,
351 buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
352 pack_cache: &mut dyn DecodeEntry,
353 ) -> Result<Option<(gix_object::Data<'a>, Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location>)>, gix_object::find::Error> {
354 let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
355 let mut inflate = self.inflate.borrow_mut();
356 self.try_find_cached_inner(id, buffer, &mut inflate, pack_cache, &mut snapshot, None)
357 .map_err(|err| Box::new(err) as _)
358 }
360 fn location_by_oid(&self, id: &gix_hash::oid, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location> {
361 assert!(
362 matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
363 "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
364 );
366 assert!(self.store_ref().replacements.is_empty() || self.ignore_replacements, "Everything related to packing must not use replacements. These are not used here, but it should be turned off for good measure.");
368 let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
369 let mut inflate = self.inflate.borrow_mut();
370 'outer: loop {
371 {
372 let marker = snapshot.marker;
373 for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter_mut().enumerate() {
374 if let Some(handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
375 object_index: handle::IndexForObjectInPack { pack_id, pack_offset },
376 index_file: _,
377 pack: possibly_pack,
378 }) = index.lookup(id)
379 {
380 let pack = match possibly_pack {
381 Some(pack) => pack,
382 None => match self.store.load_pack(pack_id, marker).ok()? {
383 Some(pack) => {
384 *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
385 possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
386 }
387 None => {
388 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
390 Some(new_snapshot) => {
391 *snapshot = new_snapshot;
392 self.clear_cache();
393 continue 'outer;
394 }
395 None => {
396 return None;
400 }
401 }
402 }
403 },
404 };
405 let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset).ok()?;
407 buf.resize(entry.decompressed_size.try_into().expect("representable size"), 0);
408 assert_eq!(pack.id, pack_id.to_intrinsic_pack_id(), "both ids must always match");
410 let res = pack
411 .decompress_entry(&entry, &mut inflate, buf)
412 .ok()
413 .map(|entry_size_past_header| gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
414 pack_id: pack.id,
415 pack_offset,
416 entry_size: entry.header_size() + entry_size_past_header,
417 });
419 if idx != 0 {
420 snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
421 }
422 return res;
423 }
424 }
425 }
427 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
428 Some(new_snapshot) => {
429 *snapshot = new_snapshot;
430 self.clear_cache();
431 }
432 None => return None,
433 }
434 }
435 }
437 fn pack_offsets_and_oid(&self, pack_id: u32) -> Option<Vec<(u64, gix_hash::ObjectId)>> {
438 assert!(
439 matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
440 "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
441 );
442 let pack_id = PackId::from_intrinsic_pack_id(pack_id);
443 loop {
444 let snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow();
445 {
446 for index in &snapshot.indices {
447 if let Some(iter) = index.iter(pack_id) {
448 return Some(iter.map(|e| (e.pack_offset, e.oid)).collect());
449 }
450 }
451 }
453 match self.store.load_one_index(self.refresh, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
454 Some(new_snapshot) => {
455 drop(snapshot);
456 *self.snapshot.borrow_mut() = new_snapshot;
457 }
458 None => return None,
459 }
460 }
461 }
463 fn entry_by_location(&self, location: &gix_pack::data::entry::Location) -> Option<gix_pack::find::Entry> {
464 assert!(
465 matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
466 "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
467 );
468 let pack_id = PackId::from_intrinsic_pack_id(location.pack_id);
469 let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
470 let marker = snapshot.marker;
471 loop {
472 {
473 for index in &mut snapshot.indices {
474 if let Some(possibly_pack) = index.pack(pack_id) {
475 let pack = match possibly_pack {
476 Some(pack) => pack,
477 None => {
478 let pack = self.store.load_pack(pack_id, marker).ok()?.expect(
479 "BUG: pack must exist from previous call to location_by_oid() and must not be unloaded",
480 );
481 *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
482 possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
483 }
484 };
485 return pack
486 .entry_slice(location.entry_range(location.pack_offset))
487 .map(|data| gix_pack::find::Entry {
488 data: data.to_owned(),
489 version: pack.version(),
490 });
491 }
492 }
493 }
495 snapshot.indices.insert(
496 0,
497 self.store
498 .index_by_id(pack_id, marker)
499 .expect("BUG: index must always be present, must not be unloaded or overwritten"),
500 );
501 }
502 }
505impl<S> gix_object::Find for super::Handle<S>
507 S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
508 Self: gix_pack::Find,
510 fn try_find<'a>(
511 &self,
512 id: &gix_hash::oid,
513 buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
514 ) -> Result<Option<gix_object::Data<'a>>, gix_object::find::Error> {
515 gix_pack::Find::try_find(self, id, buffer).map(|t| t.map(|t| t.0))
516 }
519impl<S> gix_object::FindHeader for super::Handle<S>
521 S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
523 fn try_header(&self, id: &gix_hash::oid) -> Result<Option<gix_object::Header>, gix_object::find::Error> {
524 let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
525 let mut inflate = self.inflate.borrow_mut();
526 self.try_header_inner(id, &mut inflate, &mut snapshot, None)
527 .map(|maybe_header| {
528 maybe_header.map(|hdr| gix_object::Header {
529 kind: hdr.kind(),
530 size: hdr.size(),
531 })
532 })
533 .map_err(|err| Box::new(err) as _)
534 }
537impl<S> gix_object::Exists for super::Handle<S>
539 S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
540 Self: gix_pack::Find,
542 fn exists(&self, id: &gix_hash::oid) -> bool {
543 gix_pack::Find::contains(self, id)
544 }