
1use std::{ops::Deref, option::Option::None, sync::Arc, vec::IntoIter};
3use gix_hash::ObjectId;
5use crate::{
6    loose,
7    store::{handle, handle::SingleOrMultiIndex, types::PackId},
8    store_impls::dynamic,
11struct EntryForOrdering {
12    pack_offset: u64,
13    entry_index: u32,
14    pack_index: u16,
17enum State {
18    Pack {
19        index_iter: IntoIter<handle::IndexLookup>,
20        index: handle::IndexLookup,
21        ordered_entries: Option<Vec<EntryForOrdering>>,
22        entry_index: u32,
23        num_objects: u32,
24    },
25    Loose {
26        iter: loose::Iter,
27        index: usize,
28    },
29    Depleted,
32/// Define the order in which objects are returned.
33#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
34pub enum Ordering {
35    /// Traverse packs first as sorted by their index files in lexicographical order (sorted by object id), then traverse loose objects
36    /// as sorted by their names as well.
37    ///
38    /// This mode uses no memory as it's the natural ordering of objects, and is best to obtain all object ids as quickly as possible,
39    /// while noting that these may contain duplicates. However, it's very costly to obtain object information or decode them with this
40    /// scheme as cache-hits are unlikely with it and memory maps are less efficient when loading them in random order.
41    #[default]
42    PackLexicographicalThenLooseLexicographical,
43    /// Traverse packs first yielding object ids sorted by their position in the pack, with those at the beginning of the pack file coming first.
44    /// Then follow loose objects sorted by their names.
45    ///
46    /// This mode allocates and as to pre-sort objects by their offsets, delaying the start of the iteration once per pack while keeping
47    /// memory allocated once per pack. This price is usually worth paying once querying object information is planned as pack caches
48    /// are more efficiently used that way.
49    PackAscendingOffsetThenLooseLexicographical,
52/// An iterator over all, _possibly duplicate_, objects of an object store, which by default uses no extra memory but yields an
53/// order that is costly to traverse when querying object information or decoding them.
55/// Use [`with_ordering()`][AllObjects::with_ordering()] to choose a performance trade-off.
56pub struct AllObjects {
57    state: State,
58    num_objects: usize,
59    loose_dbs: Arc<Vec<loose::Store>>,
60    order: Ordering,
63/// Builder
64impl AllObjects {
65    /// Set the ordering of the objects returned, trading off memory and latency for object query performance.
66    pub fn with_ordering(mut self, order: Ordering) -> Self {
67        self.order = order;
68        self
69    }
72impl AllObjects {
73    /// Create a new iterator from a dynamic store, which will be forced to load all indices eagerly and in the current thread.
74    pub fn new(db: &dynamic::Store) -> Result<Self, crate::store::load_index::Error> {
75        let snapshot = db.load_all_indices()?;
77        let packed_objects = snapshot
78            .indices
79            .iter()
80            .fold(0usize, |dbc, index| dbc.saturating_add(index.num_objects() as usize));
81        let mut index_iter = snapshot.indices.into_iter();
82        let loose_dbs = snapshot.loose_dbs;
83        let order = Default::default();
84        let state = match {
85            Some(index) => {
86                let num_objects = index.num_objects();
87                State::Pack {
88                    index_iter,
89                    ordered_entries: maybe_sort_entries(&index, order),
90                    index,
91                    entry_index: 0,
92                    num_objects,
93                }
94            }
95            None => {
96                let index = 0;
97                State::Loose {
98                    iter: loose_dbs.get(index).expect("at least one loose db").iter(),
99                    index,
100                }
101            }
102        };
103        Ok(AllObjects {
104            state,
105            loose_dbs,
106            num_objects: packed_objects,
107            order,
108        })
109    }
112fn maybe_sort_entries(index: &handle::IndexLookup, order: Ordering) -> Option<Vec<EntryForOrdering>> {
113    let mut order: Vec<_> = match order {
114        Ordering::PackLexicographicalThenLooseLexicographical => return None,
115        Ordering::PackAscendingOffsetThenLooseLexicographical => match &index.file {
116            // We know that we cannot have more than u32 entry indices per pack.
117            SingleOrMultiIndex::Single { index, .. } => index
118                .iter()
119                .enumerate()
120                .map(|(idx, e)| EntryForOrdering {
121                    pack_offset: e.pack_offset,
122                    entry_index: idx as u32,
123                    pack_index: 0,
124                })
125                .collect(),
126            SingleOrMultiIndex::Multi { index, .. } => index
127                .iter()
128                .enumerate()
129                .map(|(idx, e)| EntryForOrdering {
130                    pack_offset: e.pack_offset,
131                    entry_index: idx as u32,
132                    pack_index: {
133                        debug_assert!(
134                            e.pack_index < PackId::max_packs_in_multi_index(),
135                            "this shows the relation between u16 and pack_index (u32) and why this is OK"
136                        );
137                        e.pack_index as u16
138                    },
139                })
140                .collect(),
141        },
142    };
143    order.sort_by(|a, b| {
144        a.pack_index
145            .cmp(&b.pack_index)
146            .then_with(|| a.pack_offset.cmp(&b.pack_offset))
147    });
148    Some(order)
151impl Iterator for AllObjects {
152    type Item = Result<ObjectId, loose::iter::Error>;
154    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
155        match &mut self.state {
156            State::Depleted => None,
157            State::Pack {
158                index_iter,
159                ordered_entries,
160                index,
161                entry_index,
162                num_objects,
163            } => {
164                if *entry_index < *num_objects {
165                    let oid = match ordered_entries {
166                        Some(entries) => index.oid_at_index(entries[*entry_index as usize].entry_index),
167                        None => index.oid_at_index(*entry_index),
168                    }
169                    .to_owned();
170                    *entry_index += 1;
171                    Some(Ok(oid))
172                } else {
173                    match {
174                        Some(new_index) => {
175                            *ordered_entries = maybe_sort_entries(&new_index, self.order);
176                            *index = new_index;
177                            *entry_index = 0;
178                            *num_objects = index.num_objects();
179                        }
180                        None => {
181                            let index = 0;
182                            self.state = State::Loose {
183                                iter: self.loose_dbs.get(index).expect("at least one loose odb").iter(),
184                                index,
185                            }
186                        }
187                    }
189                }
190            }
191            State::Loose { iter, index } => match {
192                Some(id) => Some(id),
193                None => {
194                    *index += 1;
195                    match self.loose_dbs.get(*index).map(loose::Store::iter) {
196                        Some(new_iter) => {
197                            *iter = new_iter;
199                        }
200                        None => {
201                            self.state = State::Depleted;
202                            None
203                        }
204                    }
205                }
206            },
207        }
208    }
210    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
211        (self.num_objects, None)
212    }
215impl<S> super::Handle<S>
217    S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
219    /// Return an iterator over all, _possibly duplicate_, objects, first the ones in all packs of all linked databases (via alternates),
220    /// followed by all loose objects.
221    pub fn iter(&self) -> Result<AllObjects, dynamic::load_index::Error> {
222        AllObjects::new(self.store_ref())
223    }
226impl dynamic::Store {
227    /// Like [`Handle::iter()`][super::Handle::iter()], but accessible directly on the store.
228    pub fn iter(&self) -> Result<AllObjects, dynamic::load_index::Error> {
229        AllObjects::new(self)
230    }