
1use std::ops::Range;
3use gix_features::zlib;
4use smallvec::SmallVec;
6use crate::{
7    cache, data,
8    data::{delta, file::decode::Error, File},
11/// A return value of a resolve function, which given an [`ObjectId`][gix_hash::ObjectId] determines where an object can be found.
12#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
13#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
14pub enum ResolvedBase {
15    /// Indicate an object is within this pack, at the given entry, and thus can be looked up locally.
16    InPack(data::Entry),
17    /// Indicates the object of `kind` was found outside of the pack, and its data was written into an output
18    /// vector which now has a length of `end`.
19    #[allow(missing_docs)]
20    OutOfPack { kind: gix_object::Kind, end: usize },
24struct Delta {
25    data: Range<usize>,
26    base_size: usize,
27    result_size: usize,
29    decompressed_size: usize,
30    data_offset: data::Offset,
33/// Additional information and statistics about a successfully decoded object produced by [`File::decode_entry()`].
35/// Useful to understand the effectiveness of the pack compression or the cost of decompression.
36#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
37#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
38pub struct Outcome {
39    /// The kind of resolved object.
40    pub kind: gix_object::Kind,
41    /// The amount of deltas in the chain of objects that had to be resolved beforehand.
42    ///
43    /// This number is affected by the [`Cache`][cache::DecodeEntry] implementation, with cache hits shortening the
44    /// delta chain accordingly
45    pub num_deltas: u32,
46    /// The total decompressed size of all pack entries in the delta chain
47    pub decompressed_size: u64,
48    /// The total compressed size of all pack entries in the delta chain
49    pub compressed_size: usize,
50    /// The total size of the decoded object.
51    pub object_size: u64,
54impl Outcome {
55    pub(crate) fn default_from_kind(kind: gix_object::Kind) -> Self {
56        Self {
57            kind,
58            num_deltas: 0,
59            decompressed_size: 0,
60            compressed_size: 0,
61            object_size: 0,
62        }
63    }
64    fn from_object_entry(kind: gix_object::Kind, entry: &data::Entry, compressed_size: usize) -> Self {
65        Self {
66            kind,
67            num_deltas: 0,
68            decompressed_size: entry.decompressed_size,
69            compressed_size,
70            object_size: entry.decompressed_size,
71        }
72    }
75/// Decompression of objects
76impl File {
77    /// Decompress the given `entry` into `out` and return the amount of bytes read from the pack data.
78    /// Note that `inflate` is not reset after usage, but will be reset before using it.
79    ///
80    /// _Note_ that this method does not resolve deltified objects, but merely decompresses their content
81    /// `out` is expected to be large enough to hold `entry.size` bytes.
82    ///
83    /// # Panics
84    ///
85    /// If `out` isn't large enough to hold the decompressed `entry`
86    pub fn decompress_entry(
87        &self,
88        entry: &data::Entry,
89        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
90        out: &mut [u8],
91    ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
92        assert!(
93            out.len() as u64 >= entry.decompressed_size,
94            "output buffer isn't large enough to hold decompressed result, want {}, have {}",
95            entry.decompressed_size,
96            out.len()
97        );
99        self.decompress_entry_from_data_offset(entry.data_offset, inflate, out)
100            .map_err(Into::into)
101    }
103    /// Obtain the [`Entry`][crate::data::Entry] at the given `offset` into the pack.
104    ///
105    /// The `offset` is typically obtained from the pack index file.
106    pub fn entry(&self, offset: data::Offset) -> Result<data::Entry, data::entry::decode::Error> {
107        let pack_offset: usize = offset.try_into().expect("offset representable by machine");
108        assert!(pack_offset <=, "offset out of bounds");
110        let object_data = &[pack_offset..];
111        data::Entry::from_bytes(object_data, offset, self.hash_len)
112    }
114    /// Decompress the object expected at the given data offset, sans pack header. This information is only
115    /// known after the pack header was parsed.
116    /// Note that this method does not resolve deltified objects, but merely decompresses their content
117    /// `out` is expected to be large enough to hold `entry.size` bytes.
118    /// Returns the amount of packed bytes there read from the pack data file.
119    pub(crate) fn decompress_entry_from_data_offset(
120        &self,
121        data_offset: data::Offset,
122        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
123        out: &mut [u8],
124    ) -> Result<usize, zlib::inflate::Error> {
125        let offset: usize = data_offset.try_into().expect("offset representable by machine");
126        assert!(offset <, "entry offset out of bounds");
128        inflate.reset();
129        inflate
130            .once(&[offset..], out)
131            .map(|(_status, consumed_in, _consumed_out)| consumed_in)
132    }
134    /// Like `decompress_entry_from_data_offset`, but returns consumed input and output.
135    pub(crate) fn decompress_entry_from_data_offset_2(
136        &self,
137        data_offset: data::Offset,
138        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
139        out: &mut [u8],
140    ) -> Result<(usize, usize), zlib::inflate::Error> {
141        let offset: usize = data_offset.try_into().expect("offset representable by machine");
142        assert!(offset <, "entry offset out of bounds");
144        inflate.reset();
145        inflate
146            .once(&[offset..], out)
147            .map(|(_status, consumed_in, consumed_out)| (consumed_in, consumed_out))
148    }
150    /// Decode an entry, resolving delta's as needed, while growing the `out` vector if there is not enough
151    /// space to hold the result object.
152    ///
153    /// The `entry` determines which object to decode, and is commonly obtained with the help of a pack index file or through pack iteration.
154    /// `inflate` will be used for decompressing entries, and will not be reset after usage, but before first using it.
155    ///
156    /// `resolve` is a function to lookup objects with the given [`ObjectId`][gix_hash::ObjectId], in case the full object id is used to refer to
157    /// a base object, instead of an in-pack offset.
158    ///
159    /// `delta_cache` is a mechanism to avoid looking up base objects multiple times when decompressing multiple objects in a row.
160    /// Use a [Noop-Cache][cache::Never] to disable caching all together at the cost of repeating work.
161    pub fn decode_entry(
162        &self,
163        entry: data::Entry,
164        out: &mut Vec<u8>,
165        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
166        resolve: &dyn Fn(&gix_hash::oid, &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<ResolvedBase>,
167        delta_cache: &mut dyn cache::DecodeEntry,
168    ) -> Result<Outcome, Error> {
169        use crate::data::entry::Header::*;
170        match entry.header {
171            Tree | Blob | Commit | Tag => {
172                let size: usize = entry.decompressed_size.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::OutOfMemory)?;
173                if let Some(additional) = size.checked_sub(out.len()) {
174                    out.try_reserve(additional)?;
175                }
176                out.resize(size, 0);
177                self.decompress_entry(&entry, inflate, out.as_mut_slice())
178                    .map(|consumed_input| {
179                        Outcome::from_object_entry(
180                            entry.header.as_kind().expect("a non-delta entry"),
181                            &entry,
182                            consumed_input,
183                        )
184                    })
185            }
186            OfsDelta { .. } | RefDelta { .. } => self.resolve_deltas(entry, resolve, inflate, out, delta_cache),
187        }
188    }
190    /// resolve: technically, this shouldn't ever be required as stored local packs don't refer to objects by id
191    /// that are outside of the pack. Unless, of course, the ref refers to an object within this pack, which means
192    /// it's very, very large as 20bytes are smaller than the corresponding MSB encoded number
193    fn resolve_deltas(
194        &self,
195        last: data::Entry,
196        resolve: &dyn Fn(&gix_hash::oid, &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<ResolvedBase>,
197        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
198        out: &mut Vec<u8>,
199        cache: &mut dyn cache::DecodeEntry,
200    ) -> Result<Outcome, Error> {
201        // all deltas, from the one that produces the desired object (first) to the oldest at the end of the chain
202        let mut chain = SmallVec::<[Delta; 10]>::default();
203        let first_entry = last.clone();
204        let mut cursor = last;
205        let mut base_buffer_size: Option<usize> = None;
206        let mut object_kind: Option<gix_object::Kind> = None;
207        let mut consumed_input: Option<usize> = None;
209        // Find the first full base, either an undeltified object in the pack or a reference to another object.
210        let mut total_delta_data_size: u64 = 0;
211        while cursor.header.is_delta() {
212            if let Some((kind, packed_size)) = cache.get(, cursor.data_offset, out) {
213                base_buffer_size = Some(out.len());
214                object_kind = Some(kind);
215                // If the input entry is a cache hit, keep the packed size as it must be returned.
216                // Otherwise, the packed size will be determined later when decompressing the input delta
217                if total_delta_data_size == 0 {
218                    consumed_input = Some(packed_size);
219                }
220                break;
221            }
222            // This is a pessimistic guess, as worst possible compression should not be bigger than the data itself.
223            // TODO: is this assumption actually true?
224            total_delta_data_size += cursor.decompressed_size;
225            let decompressed_size = cursor
226                .decompressed_size
227                .try_into()
228                .expect("a single delta size small enough to fit a usize");
229            chain.push(Delta {
230                data: Range {
231                    start: 0,
232                    end: decompressed_size,
233                },
234                base_size: 0,
235                result_size: 0,
236                decompressed_size,
237                data_offset: cursor.data_offset,
238            });
239            use crate::data::entry::Header;
240            cursor = match cursor.header {
241                Header::OfsDelta { base_distance } => self.entry(cursor.base_pack_offset(base_distance))?,
242                Header::RefDelta { base_id } => match resolve(base_id.as_ref(), out) {
243                    Some(ResolvedBase::InPack(entry)) => entry,
244                    Some(ResolvedBase::OutOfPack { end, kind }) => {
245                        base_buffer_size = Some(end);
246                        object_kind = Some(kind);
247                        break;
248                    }
249                    None => return Err(Error::DeltaBaseUnresolved(base_id)),
250                },
251                _ => unreachable!("cursor.is_delta() only allows deltas here"),
252            };
253        }
255        // This can happen if the cache held the first entry itself
256        // We will just treat it as an object then, even though it's technically incorrect.
257        if chain.is_empty() {
258            return Ok(Outcome::from_object_entry(
259                object_kind.expect("object kind as set by cache"),
260                &first_entry,
261                consumed_input.expect("consumed bytes as set by cache"),
262            ));
263        };
265        // First pass will decompress all delta data and keep it in our output buffer
266        // [<possibly resolved base object>]<>...
267        // so that we can find the biggest result size.
268        let total_delta_data_size: usize = total_delta_data_size.try_into().expect("delta data to fit in memory");
270        let chain_len = chain.len();
271        let (first_buffer_end, second_buffer_end) = {
272            let delta_start = base_buffer_size.unwrap_or(0);
274            let delta_range = Range {
275                start: delta_start,
276                end: delta_start + total_delta_data_size,
277            };
278            out.try_reserve(delta_range.end.saturating_sub(out.len()))?;
279            out.resize(delta_range.end, 0);
281            let mut instructions = &mut out[delta_range.clone()];
282            let mut relative_delta_start = 0;
283            let mut biggest_result_size = 0;
284            for (delta_idx, delta) in chain.iter_mut().rev().enumerate() {
285                let consumed_from_data_offset = self.decompress_entry_from_data_offset(
286                    delta.data_offset,
287                    inflate,
288                    &mut instructions[],
289                )?;
290                let is_last_delta_to_be_applied = delta_idx + 1 == chain_len;
291                if is_last_delta_to_be_applied {
292                    consumed_input = Some(consumed_from_data_offset);
293                }
295                let (base_size, offset) = delta::decode_header_size(instructions);
296                let mut bytes_consumed_by_header = offset;
297                biggest_result_size = biggest_result_size.max(base_size);
298                delta.base_size = base_size.try_into().expect("base size fits into usize");
300                let (result_size, offset) = delta::decode_header_size(&instructions[offset..]);
301                bytes_consumed_by_header += offset;
302                biggest_result_size = biggest_result_size.max(result_size);
303                delta.result_size = result_size.try_into().expect("result size fits into usize");
305                // the absolute location into the instructions buffer, so we keep track of the end point of the last
306       = relative_delta_start + bytes_consumed_by_header;
307                relative_delta_start += delta.decompressed_size;
308       = relative_delta_start;
310                instructions = &mut instructions[delta.decompressed_size..];
311            }
313            // Now we can produce a buffer like this
314            // [<biggest-result-buffer, possibly filled with resolved base object data>]<biggest-result-buffer><>
315            // from [<possibly resolved base object>]<>...
316            let biggest_result_size: usize = biggest_result_size.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::OutOfMemory)?;
317            let first_buffer_size = biggest_result_size;
318            let second_buffer_size = first_buffer_size;
319            let out_size = first_buffer_size + second_buffer_size + total_delta_data_size;
320            out.try_reserve(out_size.saturating_sub(out.len()))?;
321            out.resize(out_size, 0);
323            // Now 'rescue' the deltas, because in the next step we possibly overwrite that portion
324            // of memory with the base object (in the majority of cases)
325            let second_buffer_end = {
326                let end = first_buffer_size + second_buffer_size;
327                if delta_range.start < end {
328                    // …this means that the delta size is even larger than two uncompressed worst-case
329                    // intermediate results combined. It would already be undesirable to have it bigger
330                    // then the target size (as you could just store the object in whole).
331                    // However, this just means that it reuses existing deltas smartly, which as we rightfully
332                    // remember stand for an object each. However, this means a lot of data is read to restore
333                    // a single object sometimes. Fair enough - package size is minimized that way.
334                    out.copy_within(delta_range, end);
335                } else {
336                    let (buffers, instructions) = out.split_at_mut(end);
337                    instructions.copy_from_slice(&buffers[delta_range]);
338                }
339                end
340            };
342            // If we don't have a out-of-pack object already, fill the base-buffer by decompressing the full object
343            // at which the cursor is left after the iteration
344            if base_buffer_size.is_none() {
345                let base_entry = cursor;
346                debug_assert!(!base_entry.header.is_delta());
347                object_kind = base_entry.header.as_kind();
348                self.decompress_entry_from_data_offset(base_entry.data_offset, inflate, out)?;
349            }
351            (first_buffer_size, second_buffer_end)
352        };
354        // From oldest to most recent, apply all deltas, swapping the buffer back and forth
355        // TODO: once we have more tests, we could optimize this memory-intensive work to
356        //       analyse the delta-chains to only copy data once - after all, with 'copy-from-base' deltas,
357        //       all data originates from one base at some point.
358        // `out` is: [source-buffer][target-buffer][max-delta-instructions-buffer]
359        let (buffers, instructions) = out.split_at_mut(second_buffer_end);
360        let (mut source_buf, mut target_buf) = buffers.split_at_mut(first_buffer_end);
362        let mut last_result_size = None;
363        for (
364            delta_idx,
365            Delta {
366                data,
367                base_size,
368                result_size,
369                ..
370            },
371        ) in chain.into_iter().rev().enumerate()
372        {
373            let data = &mut instructions[data];
374            if delta_idx + 1 == chain_len {
375                last_result_size = Some(result_size);
376            }
377            delta::apply(&source_buf[..base_size], &mut target_buf[..result_size], data);
378            // use the target as source for the next delta
379            std::mem::swap(&mut source_buf, &mut target_buf);
380        }
382        let last_result_size = last_result_size.expect("at least one delta chain item");
383        // uneven chains leave the target buffer after the source buffer
384        // FIXME(Performance) If delta-chains are uneven, we know we will have to copy bytes over here
385        //      Instead we could use a different start buffer, to naturally end up with the result in the
386        //      right one.
387        //      However, this is a bit more complicated than just that - you have to deal with the base
388        //      object, which should also be placed in the second buffer right away. You don't have that
389        //      control/knowledge for out-of-pack bases, so this is a special case to deal with, too.
390        //      Maybe these invariants can be represented in the type system though.
391        if chain_len % 2 == 1 {
392            // this seems inverted, but remember: we swapped the buffers on the last iteration
393            target_buf[..last_result_size].copy_from_slice(&source_buf[..last_result_size]);
394        }
395        debug_assert!(out.len() >= last_result_size);
396        out.truncate(last_result_size);
398        let object_kind = object_kind.expect("a base object as root of any delta chain that we are here to resolve");
399        let consumed_input = consumed_input.expect("at least one decompressed delta object");
400        cache.put(
401  ,
402            first_entry.data_offset,
403            out.as_slice(),
404            object_kind,
405            consumed_input,
406        );
407        Ok(Outcome {
408            kind: object_kind,
409            // technically depending on the cache, the chain size is not correct as it might
410            // have been cut short by a cache hit. The caller must deactivate the cache to get
411            // actual results
412            num_deltas: chain_len as u32,
413            decompressed_size: first_entry.decompressed_size,
414            compressed_size: consumed_input,
415            object_size: last_result_size as u64,
416        })
417    }
421mod tests {
422    use super::*;
423    use gix_testtools::size_ok;
425    #[test]
426    fn size_of_decode_entry_outcome() {
427        let actual = std::mem::size_of::<Outcome>();
428        let expected = 32;
429        assert!(
430            size_ok(actual, expected),
431            "this shouldn't change without use noticing as it's returned a lot: {actual} <~ {expected}"
432        );
433    }