error.rs1use std::io;
3#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
6pub enum Error {
7 #[error("An IO error occurred when reading the pack or creating a temporary file")]
8 Io(#[from] io::Error),
9 #[error("A pack entry could not be extracted")]
10 PackEntryDecode(#[from] crate::data::input::Error),
11 #[error("Indices of type {} cannot be written, only {} are supported", *.0 as usize, crate::index::Version::default() as usize)]
12 Unsupported(crate::index::Version),
13 #[error("Ref delta objects are not supported as there is no way to look them up. Resolve them beforehand.")]
14 IteratorInvariantNoRefDelta,
15 #[error("The iterator failed to set a trailing hash over all prior pack entries in the last provided entry")]
16 IteratorInvariantTrailer,
17 #[error("Only u32::MAX objects can be stored in a pack, found {0}")]
18 IteratorInvariantTooManyObjects(usize),
19 #[error("{pack_offset} is not a valid offset for pack offset {distance}")]
20 IteratorInvariantBaseOffset { pack_offset: u64, distance: u64 },
21 #[error(transparent)]
22 Tree(#[from] crate::cache::delta::Error),
23 #[error(transparent)]
24 TreeTraversal(#[from] crate::cache::delta::traverse::Error),