
1use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
3use gix_features::{parallel, progress::Progress, zlib};
5use crate::index;
7mod reduce;
9pub mod with_index;
11pub mod with_lookup;
12use reduce::Reducer;
14mod error;
15pub use error::Error;
16use gix_features::progress::DynNestedProgress;
18mod types;
19pub use types::{Algorithm, ProgressId, SafetyCheck, Statistics};
21/// Traversal options for [`index::File::traverse()`].
22#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
23pub struct Options<F> {
24    /// The algorithm to employ.
25    pub traversal: Algorithm,
26    /// If `Some`, only use the given amount of threads. Otherwise, the amount of threads to use will be selected based on
27    /// the amount of available logical cores.
28    pub thread_limit: Option<usize>,
29    /// The kinds of safety checks to perform.
30    pub check: SafetyCheck,
31    /// A function to create a pack cache
32    pub make_pack_lookup_cache: F,
35impl Default for Options<fn() -> crate::cache::Never> {
36    fn default() -> Self {
37        Options {
38            check: Default::default(),
39            traversal: Default::default(),
40            thread_limit: None,
41            make_pack_lookup_cache: || crate::cache::Never,
42        }
43    }
46/// The outcome of the [`traverse()`][index::File::traverse()] method.
47pub struct Outcome {
48    /// The checksum obtained when hashing the file, which matched the checksum contained within the file.
49    pub actual_index_checksum: gix_hash::ObjectId,
50    /// The statistics obtained during traversal.
51    pub statistics: Statistics,
54/// Traversal of pack data files using an index file
55impl index::File {
56    /// Iterate through all _decoded objects_ in the given `pack` and handle them with a `Processor`.
57    /// The return value is (pack-checksum, [`Outcome`], `progress`), thus the pack traversal will always verify
58    /// the whole packs checksum to assure it was correct. In case of bit-rod, the operation will abort early without
59    /// verifying all objects using the [interrupt mechanism][gix_features::interrupt] mechanism.
60    ///
61    /// # Algorithms
62    ///
63    /// Using the [`Options::traversal`] field one can chose between two algorithms providing different tradeoffs. Both invoke
64    /// `new_processor()` to create functions receiving decoded objects, their object kind, index entry and a progress instance to provide
65    /// progress information.
66    ///
67    /// * [`Algorithm::DeltaTreeLookup`] builds an index to avoid any unnecessary computation while resolving objects, avoiding
68    ///   the need for a cache entirely, rendering `new_cache()` unused.
69    ///   One could also call [`traverse_with_index()`][index::File::traverse_with_index()] directly.
70    /// * [`Algorithm::Lookup`] uses a cache created by `new_cache()` to avoid having to re-compute all bases of a delta-chain while
71    ///   decoding objects.
72    ///   One could also call [`traverse_with_lookup()`][index::File::traverse_with_lookup()] directly.
73    ///
74    /// Use [`thread_limit`][Options::thread_limit] to further control parallelism and [`check`][SafetyCheck] to define how much the passed
75    /// objects shall be verified beforehand.
76    pub fn traverse<C, Processor, E, F>(
77        &self,
78        pack: &crate::data::File,
79        progress: &mut dyn DynNestedProgress,
80        should_interrupt: &AtomicBool,
81        processor: Processor,
82        Options {
83            traversal,
84            thread_limit,
85            check,
86            make_pack_lookup_cache,
87        }: Options<F>,
88    ) -> Result<Outcome, Error<E>>
89    where
90        C: crate::cache::DecodeEntry,
91        E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
92        Processor: FnMut(gix_object::Kind, &[u8], &index::Entry, &dyn Progress) -> Result<(), E> + Send + Clone,
93        F: Fn() -> C + Send + Clone,
94    {
95        match traversal {
96            Algorithm::Lookup => self.traverse_with_lookup(
97                processor,
98                pack,
99                progress,
100                should_interrupt,
101                with_lookup::Options {
102                    thread_limit,
103                    check,
104                    make_pack_lookup_cache,
105                },
106            ),
107            Algorithm::DeltaTreeLookup => self.traverse_with_index(
108                pack,
109                processor,
110                progress,
111                should_interrupt,
112                with_index::Options { check, thread_limit },
113            ),
114        }
115    }
117    fn possibly_verify<E>(
118        &self,
119        pack: &crate::data::File,
120        check: SafetyCheck,
121        pack_progress: &mut dyn Progress,
122        index_progress: &mut dyn Progress,
123        should_interrupt: &AtomicBool,
124    ) -> Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, Error<E>>
125    where
126        E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
127    {
128        Ok(if check.file_checksum() {
129            if self.pack_checksum() != pack.checksum() {
130                return Err(Error::PackMismatch {
131                    actual: pack.checksum(),
132                    expected: self.pack_checksum(),
133                });
134            }
135            let (pack_res, id) = parallel::join(
136                move || pack.verify_checksum(pack_progress, should_interrupt),
137                move || self.verify_checksum(index_progress, should_interrupt),
138            );
139            pack_res?;
140            id?
141        } else {
142            self.index_checksum()
143        })
144    }
146    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
147    fn decode_and_process_entry<C, E>(
148        &self,
149        check: SafetyCheck,
150        pack: &crate::data::File,
151        cache: &mut C,
152        buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
153        inflate: &mut zlib::Inflate,
154        progress: &mut dyn Progress,
155        index_entry: &index::Entry,
156        processor: &mut impl FnMut(gix_object::Kind, &[u8], &index::Entry, &dyn Progress) -> Result<(), E>,
157    ) -> Result<crate::data::decode::entry::Outcome, Error<E>>
158    where
159        C: crate::cache::DecodeEntry,
160        E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
161    {
162        let pack_entry = pack.entry(index_entry.pack_offset)?;
163        let pack_entry_data_offset = pack_entry.data_offset;
164        let entry_stats = pack
165            .decode_entry(
166                pack_entry,
167                buf,
168                inflate,
169                &|id, _| {
170                    let index = self.lookup(id)?;
171                    pack.entry(self.pack_offset_at_index(index))
172                        .ok()
173                        .map(crate::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::InPack)
174                },
175                cache,
176            )
177            .map_err(|e| Error::PackDecode {
178                source: e,
179                id: index_entry.oid,
180                offset: index_entry.pack_offset,
181            })?;
182        let object_kind = entry_stats.kind;
183        let header_size = (pack_entry_data_offset - index_entry.pack_offset) as usize;
184        let entry_len = header_size + entry_stats.compressed_size;
186        process_entry(
187            check,
188            object_kind,
189            buf,
190            index_entry,
191            || pack.entry_crc32(index_entry.pack_offset, entry_len),
192            progress,
193            processor,
194        )?;
195        Ok(entry_stats)
196    }
200fn process_entry<E>(
201    check: SafetyCheck,
202    object_kind: gix_object::Kind,
203    decompressed: &[u8],
204    index_entry: &index::Entry,
205    pack_entry_crc32: impl FnOnce() -> u32,
206    progress: &dyn Progress,
207    processor: &mut impl FnMut(gix_object::Kind, &[u8], &index::Entry, &dyn Progress) -> Result<(), E>,
208) -> Result<(), Error<E>>
210    E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
212    if check.object_checksum() {
213        let actual_oid = gix_object::compute_hash(index_entry.oid.kind(), object_kind, decompressed);
214        if actual_oid != index_entry.oid {
215            return Err(Error::PackObjectMismatch {
216                actual: actual_oid,
217                expected: index_entry.oid,
218                offset: index_entry.pack_offset,
219                kind: object_kind,
220            });
221        }
222        if let Some(desired_crc32) = index_entry.crc32 {
223            let actual_crc32 = pack_entry_crc32();
224            if actual_crc32 != desired_crc32 {
225                return Err(Error::Crc32Mismatch {
226                    actual: actual_crc32,
227                    expected: desired_crc32,
228                    offset: index_entry.pack_offset,
229                    kind: object_kind,
230                });
231            }
232        }
233    }
234    processor(object_kind, decompressed, index_entry, progress).map_err(Error::Processor)