
1use std::io;
3use gix_transport::{client, Protocol};
5use crate::fetch::response::shallow_update_from_line;
6use crate::fetch::{
7    response,
8    response::{Acknowledgement, ShallowUpdate, WantedRef},
9    Response,
12fn parse_v2_section<'a, T>(
13    line: &mut String,
14    reader: &mut impl client::ExtendedBufRead<'a>,
15    res: &mut Vec<T>,
16    parse: impl Fn(&str) -> Result<T, response::Error>,
17) -> Result<bool, response::Error> {
18    line.clear();
19    while reader.readline_str(line)? != 0 {
20        res.push(parse(line)?);
21        line.clear();
22    }
23    // End of message, or end of section?
24    Ok(if reader.stopped_at() == Some(client::MessageKind::Delimiter) {
25        // try reading more sections
26        reader.reset(Protocol::V2);
27        false
28    } else {
29        // we are done, there is no pack
30        true
31    })
34impl Response {
35    /// Parse a response of the given `version` of the protocol from `reader`.
36    ///
37    /// `client_expects_pack` is only relevant for V1 stateful connections, and if `false`, causes us to stop parsing when seeing `NAK`,
38    /// and if `true` we will keep parsing until we get a pack as the client already signalled to the server that it's done.
39    /// This way of doing things allows us to exploit knowledge about more recent versions of the protocol, which keeps code easier
40    /// and more localized without having to support all the cruft that there is.
41    ///
42    /// `wants_to_negotiate` should be `false` for clones which is when we don't have sent any haves. The reason for this flag to exist
43    /// is to predict how to parse V1 output only, and neither `client_expects_pack` nor `wants_to_negotiate` are relevant for V2.
44    /// This ugliness is in place to avoid having to resort to an [an even more complex ugliness](
45    /// that `git` has to use to predict how many acks are supposed to be read. We also genuinely hope that this covers it all….
46    pub fn from_line_reader<'a>(
47        version: Protocol,
48        reader: &mut impl client::ExtendedBufRead<'a>,
49        client_expects_pack: bool,
50        wants_to_negotiate: bool,
51    ) -> Result<Response, response::Error> {
52        match version {
53            Protocol::V0 | Protocol::V1 => {
54                let mut line = String::new();
55                let mut acks = Vec::<Acknowledgement>::new();
56                let mut shallows = Vec::<ShallowUpdate>::new();
57                let mut saw_ready = false;
58                let has_pack = 'lines: loop {
59                    line.clear();
60                    let peeked_line = match reader.peek_data_line() {
61                        Some(Ok(Ok(line))) => String::from_utf8_lossy(line),
62                        // This special case (hang/block forever) deals with a single NAK being a legitimate EOF sometimes
63                        // Note that this might block forever in stateful connections as there it's not really clear
64                        // if something will be following or not by just looking at the response. Instead you have to know
65                        // [a lot](
66                        // to deal with this correctly.
67                        // For now this is acceptable, as V2 can be used as a workaround, which also is the default.
68                        Some(Err(err)) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => break 'lines false,
69                        Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err.into()),
70                        Some(Ok(Err(err))) => return Err(err.into()),
71                        None => {
72                            // maybe we saw a shallow flush packet, let's reset and retry
73                            debug_assert_eq!(
74                                reader.stopped_at(),
75                                Some(client::MessageKind::Flush),
76                                "If this isn't a flush packet, we don't know what's going on"
77                            );
78                            reader.readline_str(&mut line)?;
79                            reader.reset(Protocol::V1);
80                            match reader.peek_data_line() {
81                                Some(Ok(Ok(line))) => String::from_utf8_lossy(line),
82                                Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err.into()),
83                                Some(Ok(Err(err))) => return Err(err.into()),
84                                None => break 'lines false, // EOF
85                            }
86                        }
87                    };
89                    if Response::parse_v1_ack_or_shallow_or_assume_pack(&mut acks, &mut shallows, &peeked_line) {
90                        break 'lines true;
91                    }
92                    assert_ne!(reader.readline_str(&mut line)?, 0, "consuming a peeked line works");
93                    // When the server sends ready, we know there is going to be a pack so no need to stop early.
94                    saw_ready |= matches!(acks.last(), Some(Acknowledgement::Ready));
95                    if let Some(Acknowledgement::Nak) = acks.last().filter(|_| !client_expects_pack || !saw_ready) {
96                        if !wants_to_negotiate {
97                            continue;
98                        }
99                        break 'lines false;
100                    }
101                };
102                Ok(Response {
103                    acks,
104                    shallows,
105                    wanted_refs: vec![],
106                    has_pack,
107                })
108            }
109            Protocol::V2 => {
110                // NOTE: We only read acknowledgements and scrub to the pack file, until we have use for the other features
111                let mut line = String::new();
112                reader.reset(Protocol::V2);
113                let mut acks = Vec::<Acknowledgement>::new();
114                let mut shallows = Vec::<ShallowUpdate>::new();
115                let mut wanted_refs = Vec::<WantedRef>::new();
116                let has_pack = 'section: loop {
117                    line.clear();
118                    if reader.readline_str(&mut line)? == 0 {
119                        return Err(response::Error::Io(io::Error::new(
120                            io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
121                            "Could not read message headline",
122                        )));
123                    };
125                    match line.trim_end() {
126                        "acknowledgments" => {
127                            if parse_v2_section(&mut line, reader, &mut acks, Acknowledgement::from_line)? {
128                                break 'section false;
129                            }
130                        }
131                        "shallow-info" => {
132                            if parse_v2_section(&mut line, reader, &mut shallows, shallow_update_from_line)? {
133                                break 'section false;
134                            }
135                        }
136                        "wanted-refs" => {
137                            if parse_v2_section(&mut line, reader, &mut wanted_refs, WantedRef::from_line)? {
138                                break 'section false;
139                            }
140                        }
141                        "packfile" => {
142                            // what follows is the packfile itself, which can be read with a sideband enabled reader
143                            break 'section true;
144                        }
145                        _ => return Err(response::Error::UnknownSectionHeader { header: line }),
146                    }
147                };
148                Ok(Response {
149                    acks,
150                    shallows,
151                    wanted_refs,
152                    has_pack,
153                })
154            }
155        }
156    }