
1use crate::fetch::response::{Acknowledgement, ShallowUpdate, WantedRef};
2use std::path::PathBuf;
4/// Options for use in [`fetch()`](`crate::fetch()`)
5#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
6pub struct Options<'a> {
7    /// The path to the file containing the shallow commit boundary.
8    ///
9    /// When needed, it will be locked in preparation for being modified.
10    pub shallow_file: PathBuf,
11    /// How to deal with shallow repositories. It does affect how negotiations are performed.
12    pub shallow: &'a Shallow,
13    /// Describe how to handle tags when fetching.
14    pub tags: Tags,
15    /// If `true`, if we fetch from a remote that only offers shallow clones, the operation will fail with an error
16    /// instead of writing the shallow boundary to the shallow file.
17    pub reject_shallow_remote: bool,
20/// For use in [`RefMap::new()`] and [`fetch`](crate::fetch()).
21#[cfg(feature = "handshake")]
22pub struct Context<'a, T> {
23    /// The outcome of the handshake performed with the remote.
24    ///
25    /// Note that it's mutable as depending on the protocol, it may contain refs that have been sent unconditionally.
26    pub handshake: &'a mut crate::handshake::Outcome,
27    /// The transport to use when making an `ls-refs` or `fetch` call.
28    ///
29    /// This is always done if the underlying protocol is V2, which is implied by the absence of refs in the `handshake` outcome.
30    pub transport: &'a mut T,
31    /// How to self-identify during the `ls-refs` call in [`RefMap::new()`] or the `fetch` call in [`fetch()`](crate::fetch()).
32    ///
33    /// This could be read from the `gitoxide.userAgent` configuration variable.
34    pub user_agent: (&'static str, Option<std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>>),
35    /// If `true`, output all packetlines using the the `gix-trace` machinery.
36    pub trace_packetlines: bool,
39#[cfg(feature = "fetch")]
40mod with_fetch {
41    use crate::fetch;
42    use crate::fetch::{negotiate, refmap};
44    /// For use in [`fetch`](crate::fetch()).
45    pub struct NegotiateContext<'a, 'b, 'c, Objects, Alternates, AlternatesOut, AlternatesErr, Find>
46    where
47        Objects: gix_object::Find + gix_object::FindHeader + gix_object::Exists,
48        Alternates: FnOnce() -> Result<AlternatesOut, AlternatesErr>,
49        AlternatesErr: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
50        AlternatesOut: Iterator<Item = (gix_ref::file::Store, Find)>,
51        Find: gix_object::Find,
52    {
53        /// Access to the object database.
54        /// *Note* that the `exists()` calls must not trigger a refresh of the ODB packs as plenty of them might fail, i.e. find on object.
55        pub objects: &'a Objects,
56        /// Access to the git references database.
57        pub refs: &'a gix_ref::file::Store,
58        /// A function that returns an iterator over `(refs, objects)` for each alternate repository, to assure all known objects are added also according to their tips.
59        pub alternates: Alternates,
60        /// The implementation that performs the negotiation later, i.e. prepare wants and haves.
61        pub negotiator: &'a mut dyn gix_negotiate::Negotiator,
62        /// The commit-graph for use by the `negotiator` - we populate it with tips to initialize the graph traversal.
63        pub graph: &'a mut gix_negotiate::Graph<'b, 'c>,
64    }
66    /// A trait to encapsulate steps to negotiate the contents of the pack.
67    ///
68    /// Typical implementations use the utilities found in the [`negotiate`] module.
69    pub trait Negotiate {
70        /// Typically invokes [`negotiate::mark_complete_and_common_ref()`].
71        fn mark_complete_and_common_ref(&mut self) -> Result<negotiate::Action, negotiate::Error>;
72        /// Typically invokes [`negotiate::add_wants()`].
73        /// Returns `true` if wants were added, or `false` if the negotiation should be aborted.
74        #[must_use]
75        fn add_wants(&mut self, arguments: &mut fetch::Arguments, remote_ref_target_known: &[bool]) -> bool;
76        /// Typically invokes [`negotiate::one_round()`].
77        fn one_round(
78            &mut self,
79            state: &mut negotiate::one_round::State,
80            arguments: &mut fetch::Arguments,
81            previous_response: Option<&fetch::Response>,
82        ) -> Result<(negotiate::Round, bool), negotiate::Error>;
83    }
85    /// The outcome of [`fetch()`](crate::fetch()).
86    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
87    pub struct Outcome {
88        /// The most recent server response.
89        ///
90        /// Useful to obtain information about new shallow boundaries.
91        pub last_response: fetch::Response,
92        /// Information about the negotiation to receive the new pack.
93        pub negotiate: NegotiateOutcome,
94    }
96    /// The negotiation-specific outcome of [`fetch()`](crate::fetch()).
97    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
98    pub struct NegotiateOutcome {
99        /// The outcome of the negotiation stage of the fetch operation.
100        ///
101        /// If it is…
102        ///
103        /// * [`negotiate::Action::MustNegotiate`] there will always be a `pack`.
104        /// * [`negotiate::Action::SkipToRefUpdate`] there is no `pack` but references can be updated right away.
105        ///
106        /// Note that this is never [negotiate::Action::NoChange`] as this would mean there is no negotiation information at all
107        /// so this structure wouldn't be present.
108        pub action: negotiate::Action,
109        /// Additional information for each round of negotiation.
110        pub rounds: Vec<negotiate::Round>,
111    }
113    /// Information about the relationship between our refspecs, and remote references with their local counterparts.
114    ///
115    /// It's the first stage that offers connection to the server, and is typically required to perform one or more fetch operations.
116    #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
117    pub struct RefMap {
118        /// A mapping between a remote reference and a local tracking branch.
119        pub mappings: Vec<refmap::Mapping>,
120        /// The explicit refspecs that were supposed to be used for fetching.
121        ///
122        /// Typically, they are configured by the remote and are referred to by
123        /// [`refmap::SpecIndex::ExplicitInRemote`] in [`refmap::Mapping`].
124        pub refspecs: Vec<gix_refspec::RefSpec>,
125        /// Refspecs which have been added implicitly due to settings of the `remote`, usually pre-initialized from
126        /// [`extra_refspecs` in RefMap options](refmap::init::Options).
127        /// They are referred to by [`refmap::SpecIndex::Implicit`] in [`refmap::Mapping`].
128        ///
129        /// They are never persisted nor are they typically presented to the user.
130        pub extra_refspecs: Vec<gix_refspec::RefSpec>,
131        /// Information about the fixes applied to the `mapping` due to validation and sanitization.
132        pub fixes: Vec<gix_refspec::match_group::validate::Fix>,
133        /// All refs advertised by the remote.
134        pub remote_refs: Vec<crate::handshake::Ref>,
135        /// The kind of hash used for all data sent by the server, if understood by this client implementation.
136        ///
137        /// It was extracted from the `handshake` as advertised by the server.
138        pub object_hash: gix_hash::Kind,
139    }
141#[cfg(feature = "fetch")]
142pub use with_fetch::*;
144/// Describe how shallow clones are handled when fetching, with variants defining how the *shallow boundary* is handled.
146/// The *shallow boundary* is a set of commits whose parents are not present in the repository.
147#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
148pub enum Shallow {
149    /// Fetch all changes from the remote without affecting the shallow boundary at all.
150    ///
151    /// This also means that repositories that aren't shallow will remain like that.
152    #[default]
153    NoChange,
154    /// Receive update to `depth` commits in the history of the refs to fetch (from the viewpoint of the remote),
155    /// with the value of `1` meaning to receive only the commit a ref is pointing to.
156    ///
157    /// This may update the shallow boundary to increase or decrease the amount of available history.
158    DepthAtRemote(std::num::NonZeroU32),
159    /// Increase the number of commits and thus expand the shallow boundary by `depth` commits as seen from our local
160    /// shallow boundary, with a value of `0` having no effect.
161    Deepen(u32),
162    /// Set the shallow boundary at the `cutoff` time, meaning that there will be no commits beyond that time.
163    Since {
164        /// The date beyond which there will be no history.
165        cutoff: gix_date::Time,
166    },
167    /// Receive all history excluding all commits reachable from `remote_refs`. These can be long or short
168    /// ref names or tag names.
169    Exclude {
170        /// The ref names to exclude, short or long. Note that ambiguous short names will cause the remote to abort
171        /// without an error message being transferred (because the protocol does not support it)
172        remote_refs: Vec<gix_ref::PartialName>,
173        /// If some, this field has the same meaning as [`Shallow::Since`] which can be used in combination
174        /// with excluded references.
175        since_cutoff: Option<gix_date::Time>,
176    },
179impl Shallow {
180    /// Produce a variant that causes the repository to loose its shallow boundary, effectively by extending it
181    /// beyond all limits.
182    pub fn undo() -> Self {
183        Shallow::DepthAtRemote((i32::MAX as u32).try_into().expect("valid at compile time"))
184    }
187/// Describe how to handle tags when fetching
188#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
189pub enum Tags {
190    /// Fetch all tags from the remote, even if these are not reachable from objects referred to by our refspecs.
191    All,
192    /// Fetch only the tags that point to the objects being sent.
193    /// That way, annotated tags that point to an object we receive are automatically transmitted and their refs are created.
194    /// The same goes for lightweight tags.
195    #[default]
196    Included,
197    /// Do not fetch any tags.
198    None,
201impl Tags {
202    /// Obtain a refspec that determines whether or not to fetch all tags, depending on this variant.
203    ///
204    /// The returned refspec is the default refspec for tags, but won't overwrite local tags ever.
205    #[cfg(feature = "fetch")]
206    pub fn to_refspec(&self) -> Option<gix_refspec::RefSpecRef<'static>> {
207        match self {
208            Tags::All | Tags::Included => Some(
209                gix_refspec::parse("refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*".into(), gix_refspec::parse::Operation::Fetch)
210                    .expect("valid"),
211            ),
212            Tags::None => None,
213        }
214    }
217/// A representation of a complete fetch response
218#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
219pub struct Response {
220    pub(crate) acks: Vec<Acknowledgement>,
221    pub(crate) shallows: Vec<ShallowUpdate>,
222    pub(crate) wanted_refs: Vec<WantedRef>,
223    pub(crate) has_pack: bool,
226/// The progress ids used in during various steps of the fetch operation.
228/// Note that tagged progress isn't very widely available yet, but support can be improved as needed.
230/// Use this information to selectively extract the progress of interest in case the parent application has custom visualization.
231#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
232pub enum ProgressId {
233    /// The progress name is defined by the remote and the progress messages it sets, along with their progress values and limits.
234    RemoteProgress,
237impl From<ProgressId> for gix_features::progress::Id {
238    fn from(v: ProgressId) -> Self {
239        match v {
240            ProgressId::RemoteProgress => *b"FERP",
241        }
242    }