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//! The `console.count` and `console.countReset` functions allow you to run a counter
//! amd log it to the browser's developer tools console. You
//! call `console.count("foo")` when the counter begins, and call
//! `console.countReset("foo")` when it is to be reset.
//! [See MDN for more info](
//! This API wraps both the `count` and `countReset` calls into a single type
//! named `Counter`, ensuring both are called.
//! The counter is started with
//! ```no_run
//! use gloo_console::Counter;
//! let counter = Counter::new("foo");
//! counter.count();
//! counter.count();
//! ```
use web_sys::console;
/// A console time measurement.
/// Dropping this will reset the counter to 0.
pub struct Counter<'a> {
label: &'a str,
impl<'a> Counter<'a> {
/// Starts a console time measurement. The measurement
/// ends when the constructed `ConsoleTimer` object is dropped.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// use gloo_console::Counter;
/// let _timer = Counter::new("foo");
/// ```
pub fn new(label: &'a str) -> Counter<'a> {
Counter { label }
/// Increments the counter
pub fn count(&self) {
impl<'a> Drop for Counter<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {