Crate hcl

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Build Status License: Apache 2.0 License: MIT

A rust library for interacting with the Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL).


  • A parser for the HCL syntax specification
  • Types for all HCL structures, e.g. body, blocks and attributes
  • Supporting macros like body! for constructing HCL data structures
  • Supports the expression and template sub-languages in attribute values
  • Support for deserializing and serializing arbitrary types that implement serde::Deserialize or serde::Serialize
  • Evaluation of the HCL expression and template sub-languages

§Cargo features

  • perf: enables parser performance optimizations such as inlining of small strings on the stack. This feature is disabled by default.

§Deserialization examples

Deserialize arbitrary HCL according to the HCL JSON Specification:

use serde_json::{json, Value};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      foo = [1, 2]
      bar = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = json!({
    "some_attr": {
        "foo": [1, 2],
        "bar": true
    "some_block": {
        "some_block_label": {
            "attr": "value"

let value: Value = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, expected);

If you need to preserve context about the HCL structure, deserialize into hcl::Body instead:

use hcl::{Block, Body, Expression};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      "foo" = [1, 2]
      "bar" = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = Body::builder()
            ("foo", Expression::from(vec![1, 2])),
            ("bar", Expression::Bool(true)),
            .add_attribute(("attr", "value"))

let body: Body = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(body, expected);

§Serialization examples

An example to serialize some terraform configuration:

use hcl::expr::Traversal;
use hcl::{Block, Body, Variable};

let body = Body::builder()
            .add_attribute(("protocol", "sqs"))

let expected = r#"
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "my-subscription" {
  topic_arn =
  protocol = "sqs"
  endpoint =

let serialized = hcl::to_string(&body).unwrap();

assert_eq!(serialized, expected);

Also have a look at the other examples provided in the documentation of the ser module to learn how you can construct HCL blocks when serializing custom types.

§Expression evaluation

The eval module documentation contains more details and examples for expression and template evaluation, but here’s a very short example:

use hcl::Value;
use hcl::eval::{Context, Evaluate};
use hcl::expr::TemplateExpr;

let expr = TemplateExpr::from("Hello ${name}!");

let mut ctx = Context::new();
ctx.declare_var("name", "World");

assert_eq!(expr.evaluate(&ctx).unwrap(), Value::from("Hello World!"));


This crate provides a couple of macros to ease building HCL data structures. Have a look at their documentation for usage examples.


Contributions are welcome! Please read before creating a PR.


The source code of hcl-rs is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.



  • Deserialize HCL data to a Rust data structure.
  • The Error and Result types used by this crate.
  • Evaluate HCL templates and expressions.
  • Types to represent the HCL expression sub-language.
  • Format data structures as HCL.
  • Serialize a Rust data structure into HCL data.
  • Types to represent the HCL structural sub-language.
  • Types to represent the HCL template sub-language.
  • The Value enum, a loosely typed way of representing any valid HCL value.


  • Construct an hcl::Attribute from a key and a value expression.
  • Construct an hcl::Block from a block identifier, optional block labels and a block body.
  • Construct an hcl::Body from HCL blocks and attributes.
  • Construct an hcl::Expression from an HCL attribute value expression literal.
  • Construct an hcl::Structure which may be either an HCL attribute or block.
  • Construct an hcl::Value from an HCL attribute value value literal.


  • Represents an HCL attribute which consists of an attribute key and a value expression.
  • Represents an HCL block which consists of a block identifier, zero or more block labels and a block body.
  • Represents an HCL config file body.
  • Represents an HCL identifier.
  • An opaque string storage which inlines small strings on the stack if the perf feature is enabled.
  • Represents an HCL number.
  • The main type to represent the HCL template sub-languange.


  • Represents an HCL block label.
  • The error type used by this crate.
  • A type representing the expression sub-language. It is used in HCL attributes to specify values and in HCL templates.
  • Represents an object key.
  • Represents an HCL structure.
  • Represents any valid HCL value.


  • Interpret a hcl::Body as an instance of type T.
  • Deserialize an instance of type T from an IO stream of HCL.
  • Deserialize an instance of type T from a byte slice.
  • Deserialize an instance of type T from a string of HCL text.
  • Convert a hcl::Value into a type T that implements serde::Deserialize.
  • Parse a hcl::Body from a &str.
  • Convert a T into hcl::Expression which is an enum that can represent any valid HCL attribute value expression.
  • Serialize the given value as an HCL string.
  • Convert a T into hcl::Value which is an enum that can represent any valid HCL value.
  • Serialize the given value as an HCL byte vector.
  • Serialize the given value as HCL into the IO stream.

Type Aliases§

  • The map type used for HCL objects.
  • The object type used in the expression sub-language.
  • The result type used by this crate.