Macro body

macro_rules! body {
    ($($body:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Construct an hcl::Body from HCL blocks and attributes.

The macro supports a subset of the HCL syntax. If you need more flexibility, use the BlockBuilder instead.

§Supported Syntax

  • Attribute keys and block identifiers can be raw identifiers (identifier) or parenthesized expressions ((expr)).
  • Block labels can be string literals ("label"), identifiers (label) or parenthesized expressions ((label_expr)).
  • Object keys can be string literals ("key"), identifiers (key) or parenthesized expressions ((key_expr)).
  • Attribute expression values can be any valid primitive, collection or expression.

§Unsupported syntax

Heredocs are not supported by the hcl::body macro.

The body! macro is composed out of different other macros that can be used on their own to construct HCL data structures:

Additionally the value! macro is provided for constructing a Value.


use hcl::{Block, Body};

let body = hcl::body!({
    resource "aws_sns_topic" "topic" {
        name = "my-topic"

let expected = Body::builder()
            .add_attribute(("name", "my-topic"))

assert_eq!(body, expected);

Attribute keys, block identifiers and object keys can be expressions by wrapping them in parenthesis:

use hcl::{Block, Body};

let block_identifier = "resource";
let attribute_key = "name";

let body = hcl::body!({
    (block_identifier) "aws_sns_topic" "topic" {
        (attribute_key) = "my-topic"

let expected = Body::builder()
            .add_attribute((attribute_key, "my-topic"))

assert_eq!(body, expected);