
1use std::io;
3use prost::DecodeError;
4use thiserror::Error;
6#[derive(Error, Debug)]
7pub enum HdfsError {
8    #[error("IO error occurred while communicating with HDFS: {0}")]
9    IOError(#[from] io::Error),
10    #[error("data transfer error: {0}")]
11    DataTransferError(String),
12    #[error("checksums didn't match")]
13    ChecksumError,
14    #[error("invalid path: {0}")]
15    InvalidPath(String),
16    #[error("invalid argument: {0}")]
17    InvalidArgument(String),
18    #[error("failed to parse URL: {0}")]
19    UrlParseError(#[from] url::ParseError),
20    #[error("file already exists: {0}")]
21    AlreadyExists(String),
22    #[error("operation failed: {0}")]
23    OperationFailed(String),
24    #[error("file not found: {0}")]
25    FileNotFound(String),
26    #[error("blocks not found for {0}")]
27    BlocksNotFound(String),
28    #[error("path is a directory: {0}")]
29    IsADirectoryError(String),
30    #[error("unsupported erasure coding policy {0}")]
31    UnsupportedErasureCodingPolicy(String),
32    #[error("erasure coding error: {0}")]
33    ErasureCodingError(String),
34    #[error("operation not supported: {0}")]
35    UnsupportedFeature(String),
36    #[error("interal error, this shouldn't happen: {0}")]
37    InternalError(String),
38    #[error("failed to decode RPC response: {0}")]
39    InvalidRPCResponse(#[from] DecodeError),
40    #[error("RPC error: {0} {1}")]
41    RPCError(String, String),
42    #[error("fatal RPC error: {0} {1}")]
43    FatalRPCError(String, String),
44    #[error("SASL error: {0}")]
45    SASLError(String),
46    #[error("GSSAPI error: {0:?} {1} {2}")]
47    GSSAPIError(crate::security::gssapi::GssMajorCodes, u32, String),
48    #[error("No valid SASL mechanism found")]
49    NoSASLMechanism,
52pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, HdfsError>;