[−][src]Function heim_common::prelude::futures::future::select
ⓘImportant traits for Select<A, B>
pub fn select<A, B>(future1: A, future2: B) -> Select<A, B> where
A: Future + Unpin,
B: Future + Unpin,
Waits for either one of two differently-typed futures to complete.
This function will return a new future which awaits for either one of both futures to complete. The returned future will finish with both the value resolved and a future representing the completion of the other work.
Note that this function consumes the receiving futures and returns a wrapped version of them.
Also note that if both this and the second future have the same
output type you can use the Either::factor_first
method to
conveniently extract out the value at the end.
use futures::future::{self, Either, Future, FutureExt}; // A poor-man's join implemented on top of select fn join<A, B, E>(a: A, b: B) -> impl Future<Output=(A::Output, B::Output)> where A: Future + Unpin, B: Future + Unpin, { future::select(a, b).then(|either| { match either { Either::Left((x, b)) => b.map(move |y| (x, y)).left_future(), Either::Right((y, a)) => a.map(move |x| (x, y)).right_future(), } }) }