1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
//! Hex encoding and decoding.
//! General purpose hex encoding/decoding library with a conservative MSRV and dependency policy.
//! ## Basic Usage
//! ```
//! # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
//! // In your manifest use the `package` key to improve import ergonomics.
//! // hex = { package = "hex-conservative", version = "*" }
//! # use hex_conservative as hex; // No need for this if using `package` as above.
//! use hex::prelude::*;
//! // Decode an arbitrary length hex string into a vector.
//! let v = Vec::from_hex("deadbeef").expect("valid hex digits");
//! // Or a known length hex string into a fixed size array.
//! let a = <[u8; 4]>::from_hex("deadbeef").expect("valid length and valid hex digits");
//! // We support `LowerHex` and `UpperHex` out of the box for `[u8]` slices.
//! println!("An array as lower hex: {:x}", a.as_hex());
//! // And for vecs since `Vec` derefs to byte slice.
//! println!("A vector as upper hex: {:X}", v.as_hex());
//! // Allocate a new string (also `to_upper_hex_string`).
//! let s = v.to_lower_hex_string();
//! // Please note, mixed case strings will still parse successfully but we only
//! // support displaying hex in a single case.
//! assert_eq!(
//! Vec::from_hex("dEaDbEeF").expect("valid mixed case hex digits"),
//! Vec::from_hex("deadbeef").expect("valid hex digits"),
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(all(not(test), not(feature = "std")), no_std)]
// Experimental features we need.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
// Coding conventions
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;
pub mod _export {
/// A re-export of core::*
pub mod _core {
pub use core::*;
pub mod buf_encoder;
pub mod display;
pub mod error;
mod iter;
pub mod parse;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub mod serde;
/// Re-exports of the common crate traits.
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::{display::DisplayHex, parse::FromHex};
pub(crate) use table::Table;
#[rustfmt::skip] // Keep public re-exports separate.
pub use self::{
error::{OddLengthStringError, HexToBytesError, HexToArrayError, InvalidCharError},
iter::{BytesToHexIter, HexToBytesIter, HexSliceToBytesIter},
/// Possible case of hex.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Case {
/// Produce lower-case chars (`[0-9a-f]`).
/// This is the default.
/// Produce upper-case chars (`[0-9A-F]`).
impl Default for Case {
fn default() -> Self { Case::Lower }
impl Case {
/// Returns the encoding table.
/// The returned table may only contain displayable ASCII chars.
pub(crate) fn table(self) -> &'static Table {
match self {
Case::Lower => &Table::LOWER,
Case::Upper => &Table::UPPER,
/// Correctness boundary for `Table`.
mod table {
use arrayvec::ArrayString;
/// Table of hex chars.
// Correctness invariant: each byte in the table must be ASCII.
pub(crate) struct Table([u8; 16]);
impl Table {
pub(crate) const LOWER: Self = Table([
b'0', b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5', b'6', b'7', b'8', b'9', b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd',
b'e', b'f',
pub(crate) const UPPER: Self = Table([
b'0', b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5', b'6', b'7', b'8', b'9', b'A', b'B', b'C', b'D',
b'E', b'F',
/// Encodes single byte as two ASCII chars using the given table.
/// The function guarantees only returning values from the provided table.
pub(crate) fn byte_to_hex(&self, byte: u8) -> ArrayString<2> {
let left = self.0[usize::from(byte.wrapping_shr(4))];
let right = self.0[usize::from(byte & 0x0F)];
ArrayString::from_byte_string(&[left, right]).expect("Table only contains valid ASCII")
/// Quick and dirty macro for parsing hex in tests.
/// For improved ergonomics import with: `use hex_conservative::test_hex_unwrap as hex;`
macro_rules! test_hex_unwrap (($hex:expr) => (<Vec<u8> as $crate::FromHex>::from_hex($hex).unwrap()));
mod tests {
use crate::test_hex_unwrap as hex;
fn parse_hex_into_vector() {
let got = hex!("deadbeef");
let want = vec![0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef];
assert_eq!(got, want)