
1// Copyright 2015-2022 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8use std::{
9    fmt::{self, Display},
10    future::Future,
11    net::SocketAddr,
12    pin::Pin,
13    sync::Arc,
14    task::{Context, Poll},
17use futures_util::{future::FutureExt, stream::Stream};
18use quinn::{ClientConfig, Connection, Endpoint, TransportConfig, VarInt};
19use rustls::{version::TLS13, ClientConfig as TlsClientConfig};
21use crate::udp::{DnsUdpSocket, QuicLocalAddr};
22use crate::{
23    error::ProtoError,
24    quic::quic_socket::QuinnAsyncUdpSocketAdapter,
25    quic::quic_stream::{DoqErrorCode, QuicStream},
26    udp::UdpSocket,
27    xfer::{DnsRequest, DnsRequestSender, DnsResponse, DnsResponseStream},
30use super::{quic_config, quic_stream};
32/// A DNS client connection for DNS-over-QUIC
33#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
34pub struct QuicClientStream {
35    quic_connection: Connection,
36    name_server_name: Arc<str>,
37    name_server: SocketAddr,
38    is_shutdown: bool,
41impl Display for QuicClientStream {
42    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
43        write!(
44            formatter,
45            "QUIC({},{})",
46            self.name_server, self.name_server_name
47        )
48    }
51impl QuicClientStream {
52    /// Builder for QuicClientStream
53    pub fn builder() -> QuicClientStreamBuilder {
54        QuicClientStreamBuilder::default()
55    }
57    async fn inner_send(
58        connection: Connection,
59        message: DnsRequest,
60    ) -> Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError> {
61        let (send_stream, recv_stream) = connection.open_bi().await?;
63        // RFC: The mapping specified here requires that the client selects a separate
64        //  QUIC stream for each query. The server then uses the same stream to provide all the response messages for that query.
65        let mut stream = QuicStream::new(send_stream, recv_stream);
67        stream.send(message.into_parts().0).await?;
69        // The client MUST send the DNS query over the selected stream,
70        // and MUST indicate through the STREAM FIN mechanism that no further data will be sent on that stream.
71        stream.finish().await?;
73        stream.receive().await
74    }
77impl DnsRequestSender for QuicClientStream {
78    /// The send loop for QUIC in DNS stipulates that a new QUIC "stream" should be opened and use for sending data.
79    ///
80    /// It should be closed after receiving the response. TODO: AXFR/IXFR support...
81    ///
82    /// ```text
83    /// 5.2. Stream Mapping and Usage
84    ///
85    /// The mapping of DNS traffic over QUIC streams takes advantage of the QUIC stream features detailed in Section 2 of [RFC9000],
86    /// the QUIC transport specification.
87    ///
88    /// DNS traffic follows a simple pattern in which the client sends a query, and the server provides one or more responses
89    /// (multiple responses can occur in zone transfers).The mapping specified here requires that the client selects a separate
90    /// QUIC stream for each query. The server then uses the same stream to provide all the response messages for that query. In
91    /// order that multiple responses can be parsed, a 2-octet length field is used in exactly the same way as the 2-octet length
92    /// field defined for DNS over TCP [RFC1035]. The practical result of this is that the content of each QUIC stream is exactly
93    /// the same as the content of a TCP connection that would manage exactly one query.All DNS messages (queries and responses)
94    /// sent over DoQ connections MUST be encoded as a 2-octet length field followed by the message content as specified in [RFC1035].
95    /// The client MUST select the next available client-initiated bidirectional stream for each subsequent query on a QUIC connection,
96    /// in conformance with the QUIC transport specification [RFC9000].The client MUST send the DNS query over the selected stream,
97    /// and MUST indicate through the STREAM FIN mechanism that no further data will be sent on that stream.The server MUST send the
98    /// response(s) on the same stream and MUST indicate, after the last response, through the STREAM FIN mechanism that no further
99    /// data will be sent on that stream.Therefore, a single DNS transaction consumes a single bidirectional client-initiated stream.
100    /// This means that the client's first query occurs on QUIC stream 0, the second on 4, and so on (see Section 2.1 of [RFC9000].
101    /// Servers MAY defer processing of a query until the STREAM FIN has been indicated on the stream selected by the client. Servers
102    /// and clients MAY monitor the number of "dangling" streams for which the expected queries or responses have been received but
103    /// not the STREAM FIN. Implementations MAY impose a limit on the number of such dangling streams. If limits are encountered,
104    /// implementations MAY close the connection.
105    ///
106    /// 5.2.1. DNS Message IDs
107    ///
108    /// When sending queries over a QUIC connection, the DNS Message ID MUST be set to zero. The stream mapping for DoQ allows for
109    /// unambiguous correlation of queries and responses and so the Message ID field is not required.
110    ///
111    /// This has implications for proxying DoQ message to and from other transports. For example, proxies may have to manage the
112    /// fact that DoQ can support a larger number of outstanding queries on a single connection than e.g., DNS over TCP because DoQ
113    /// is not limited by the Message ID space. This issue already exists for DoH, where a Message ID of 0 is recommended.When forwarding
114    /// a DNS message from DoQ over another transport, a DNS Message ID MUST be generated according to the rules of the protocol that is
115    /// in use. When forwarding a DNS message from another transport over DoQ, the Message ID MUST be set to zero.
116    /// ```
117    fn send_message(&mut self, message: DnsRequest) -> DnsResponseStream {
118        if self.is_shutdown {
119            panic!("can not send messages after stream is shutdown")
120        }
122        Box::pin(Self::inner_send(self.quic_connection.clone(), message)).into()
123    }
125    fn shutdown(&mut self) {
126        self.is_shutdown = true;
127        self.quic_connection
128            .close(DoqErrorCode::NoError.into(), b"Shutdown");
129    }
131    fn is_shutdown(&self) -> bool {
132        self.is_shutdown
133    }
136impl Stream for QuicClientStream {
137    type Item = Result<(), ProtoError>;
139    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
140        if self.is_shutdown {
141            Poll::Ready(None)
142        } else {
143            Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(())))
144        }
145    }
148/// A QUIC connection builder for DNS-over-QUIC
150pub struct QuicClientStreamBuilder {
151    crypto_config: Option<TlsClientConfig>,
152    transport_config: Arc<TransportConfig>,
153    bind_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
156impl QuicClientStreamBuilder {
157    /// Constructs a new TlsStreamBuilder with the associated ClientConfig
158    pub fn crypto_config(&mut self, crypto_config: TlsClientConfig) -> &mut Self {
159        self.crypto_config = Some(crypto_config);
160        self
161    }
163    /// Sets the address to connect from.
164    pub fn bind_addr(&mut self, bind_addr: SocketAddr) -> &mut Self {
165        self.bind_addr = Some(bind_addr);
166        self
167    }
169    /// Creates a new QuicStream to the specified name_server
170    ///
171    /// # Arguments
172    ///
173    /// * `name_server` - IP and Port for the remote DNS resolver
174    /// * `dns_name` - The DNS name, Subject Public Key Info (SPKI) name, as associated to a certificate
175    pub fn build(self, name_server: SocketAddr, dns_name: String) -> QuicClientConnect {
176        QuicClientConnect(Box::pin(self.connect(name_server, dns_name)) as _)
177    }
179    /// Create a QuicStream with existing connection
180    pub fn build_with_future<S, F>(
181        self,
182        future: F,
183        name_server: SocketAddr,
184        dns_name: String,
185    ) -> QuicClientConnect
186    where
187        S: DnsUdpSocket + QuicLocalAddr + 'static,
188        F: Future<Output = std::io::Result<S>> + Send + 'static,
189    {
190        QuicClientConnect(Box::pin(self.connect_with_future(future, name_server, dns_name)) as _)
191    }
193    async fn connect_with_future<S, F>(
194        self,
195        future: F,
196        name_server: SocketAddr,
197        dns_name: String,
198    ) -> Result<QuicClientStream, ProtoError>
199    where
200        S: DnsUdpSocket + QuicLocalAddr + 'static,
201        F: Future<Output = std::io::Result<S>> + Send,
202    {
203        let socket = future.await?;
204        let endpoint_config = quic_config::endpoint();
205        let wrapper = QuinnAsyncUdpSocketAdapter { io: socket };
206        let endpoint = Endpoint::new_with_abstract_socket(
207            endpoint_config,
208            None,
209            wrapper,
210            Arc::new(quinn::TokioRuntime),
211        )?;
212        self.connect_inner(endpoint, name_server, dns_name).await
213    }
215    async fn connect(
216        self,
217        name_server: SocketAddr,
218        dns_name: String,
219    ) -> Result<QuicClientStream, ProtoError> {
220        let connect = if let Some(bind_addr) = self.bind_addr {
221            <tokio::net::UdpSocket as UdpSocket>::connect_with_bind(name_server, bind_addr)
222        } else {
223            <tokio::net::UdpSocket as UdpSocket>::connect(name_server)
224        };
226        let socket = connect.await?;
227        let socket = socket.into_std()?;
228        let endpoint_config = quic_config::endpoint();
229        let endpoint = Endpoint::new(endpoint_config, None, socket, Arc::new(quinn::TokioRuntime))?;
230        self.connect_inner(endpoint, name_server, dns_name).await
231    }
233    async fn connect_inner(
234        self,
235        mut endpoint: Endpoint,
236        name_server: SocketAddr,
237        dns_name: String,
238    ) -> Result<QuicClientStream, ProtoError> {
239        // ensure the ALPN protocol is set correctly
240        let mut crypto_config = if let Some(crypto_config) = self.crypto_config {
241            crypto_config
242        } else {
243            client_config_tls13()?
244        };
245        if crypto_config.alpn_protocols.is_empty() {
246            crypto_config.alpn_protocols = vec![quic_stream::DOQ_ALPN.to_vec()];
247        }
248        let early_data_enabled = crypto_config.enable_early_data;
250        let mut client_config = ClientConfig::new(Arc::new(crypto_config));
251        client_config.transport_config(self.transport_config.clone());
253        endpoint.set_default_client_config(client_config);
255        let connecting = endpoint.connect(name_server, &dns_name)?;
256        // TODO: for Client/Dynamic update, don't use RTT, for queries, do use it.
258        let quic_connection = if early_data_enabled {
259            match connecting.into_0rtt() {
260                Ok((new_connection, _)) => new_connection,
261                Err(connecting) => connecting.await?,
262            }
263        } else {
264            connecting.await?
265        };
267        Ok(QuicClientStream {
268            quic_connection,
269            name_server_name: Arc::from(dns_name),
270            name_server,
271            is_shutdown: false,
272        })
273    }
276/// Default crypto options for quic
277pub fn client_config_tls13() -> Result<TlsClientConfig, ProtoError> {
278    use rustls::RootCertStore;
279    #[cfg_attr(
280        not(any(feature = "native-certs", feature = "webpki-roots")),
281        allow(unused_mut)
282    )]
283    let mut root_store = RootCertStore::empty();
284    #[cfg(all(feature = "native-certs", not(feature = "webpki-roots")))]
285    {
286        use crate::error::ProtoErrorKind;
288        let (added, ignored) =
289            root_store.add_parsable_certificates(&rustls_native_certs::load_native_certs()?);
291        if ignored > 0 {
292            tracing::warn!(
293                "failed to parse {} certificate(s) from the native root store",
294                ignored,
295            );
296        }
298        if added == 0 {
299            return Err(ProtoErrorKind::NativeCerts.into());
300        }
301    }
302    #[cfg(feature = "webpki-roots")]
303    root_store.add_trust_anchors(webpki_roots::TLS_SERVER_ROOTS.iter().map(|ta| {
304        rustls::OwnedTrustAnchor::from_subject_spki_name_constraints(
305            ta.subject,
306            ta.spki,
307            ta.name_constraints,
308        )
309    }));
311    Ok(TlsClientConfig::builder()
312        .with_safe_default_cipher_suites()
313        .with_safe_default_kx_groups()
314        .with_protocol_versions(&[&TLS13])
315        .expect("TLS 1.3 not supported")
316        .with_root_certificates(root_store)
317        .with_no_client_auth())
320impl Default for QuicClientStreamBuilder {
321    fn default() -> Self {
322        let mut transport_config = quic_config::transport();
323        // clients never accept new bidirectional streams
324        transport_config.max_concurrent_bidi_streams(VarInt::from_u32(0));
326        Self {
327            crypto_config: None,
328            transport_config: Arc::new(transport_config),
329            bind_addr: None,
330        }
331    }
334/// A future that resolves to an QuicClientStream
335pub struct QuicClientConnect(
336    Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<QuicClientStream, ProtoError>> + Send>>,
339impl Future for QuicClientConnect {
340    type Output = Result<QuicClientStream, ProtoError>;
342    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
343        self.0.poll_unpin(cx)
344    }
347/// A future that resolves to
348pub struct QuicClientResponse(
349    Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send>>,
352impl Future for QuicClientResponse {
353    type Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>;
355    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
356        self.0.as_mut().poll(cx).map_err(ProtoError::from)
357    }