
1// Copyright 2015-2023 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8//! `DnsMultiplexer` and associated types implement the state machines for sending DNS messages while using the underlying streams.
10use std::{
11    borrow::Borrow,
12    collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap},
13    fmt::{self, Display},
14    marker::Unpin,
15    pin::Pin,
16    sync::Arc,
17    task::{Context, Poll},
18    time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
21use futures_channel::mpsc;
22use futures_util::{
23    future::Future,
24    ready,
25    stream::{Stream, StreamExt},
26    FutureExt,
28use rand::{
29    self,
30    distributions::{Distribution, Standard},
32use tracing::debug;
34use crate::{
35    error::{ProtoError, ProtoErrorKind},
36    op::{MessageFinalizer, MessageVerifier},
37    xfer::{
38        ignore_send, BufDnsStreamHandle, DnsClientStream, DnsRequest, DnsRequestSender,
39        DnsResponse, DnsResponseStream, SerialMessage, CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE,
40    },
41    DnsStreamHandle, Time,
44const QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS: usize = 100; // max number of messages to receive from the UDP socket
46struct ActiveRequest {
47    // the completion is the channel for a response to the original request
48    completion: mpsc::Sender<Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>>,
49    request_id: u16,
50    timeout: Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Unpin>,
51    verifier: Option<MessageVerifier>,
54impl ActiveRequest {
55    fn new(
56        completion: mpsc::Sender<Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>>,
57        request_id: u16,
58        timeout: Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Unpin>,
59        verifier: Option<MessageVerifier>,
60    ) -> Self {
61        Self {
62            completion,
63            request_id,
64            // request,
65            timeout,
66            verifier,
67        }
68    }
70    /// polls the timeout and converts the error
71    fn poll_timeout(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
72        self.timeout.poll_unpin(cx)
73    }
75    /// Returns true of the other side canceled the request
76    fn is_canceled(&self) -> bool {
77        self.completion.is_closed()
78    }
80    /// the request id of the message that was sent
81    fn request_id(&self) -> u16 {
82        self.request_id
83    }
85    /// Sends an error
86    fn complete_with_error(mut self, error: ProtoError) {
87        ignore_send(self.completion.try_send(Err(error)));
88    }
91/// A DNS Client implemented over futures-rs.
93/// This Client is generic and capable of wrapping UDP, TCP, and other underlying DNS protocol
94///  implementations. This should be used for underlying protocols that do not natively support
95///  multiplexed sessions.
96#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
97pub struct DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>
99    S: DnsClientStream + 'static,
100    MF: MessageFinalizer,
102    stream: S,
103    timeout_duration: Duration,
104    stream_handle: BufDnsStreamHandle,
105    active_requests: HashMap<u16, ActiveRequest>,
106    signer: Option<Arc<MF>>,
107    is_shutdown: bool,
110impl<S, MF> DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>
112    S: DnsClientStream + Unpin + 'static,
113    MF: MessageFinalizer,
115    /// Spawns a new DnsMultiplexer Stream. This uses a default timeout of 5 seconds for all requests.
116    ///
117    /// # Arguments
118    ///
119    /// * `stream` - A stream of bytes that can be used to send/receive DNS messages
120    ///              (see TcpClientStream or UdpClientStream)
121    /// * `stream_handle` - The handle for the `stream` on which bytes can be sent/received.
122    /// * `signer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
123    #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)]
124    pub fn new<F>(
125        stream: F,
126        stream_handle: BufDnsStreamHandle,
127        signer: Option<Arc<MF>>,
128    ) -> DnsMultiplexerConnect<F, S, MF>
129    where
130        F: Future<Output = Result<S, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static,
131    {
132        Self::with_timeout(stream, stream_handle, Duration::from_secs(5), signer)
133    }
135    /// Spawns a new DnsMultiplexer Stream.
136    ///
137    /// # Arguments
138    ///
139    /// * `stream` - A stream of bytes that can be used to send/receive DNS messages
140    ///              (see TcpClientStream or UdpClientStream)
141    /// * `timeout_duration` - All requests may fail due to lack of response, this is the time to
142    ///                        wait for a response before canceling the request.
143    /// * `stream_handle` - The handle for the `stream` on which bytes can be sent/received.
144    /// * `signer` - An optional signer for requests, needed for Updates with Sig0, otherwise not needed
145    pub fn with_timeout<F>(
146        stream: F,
147        stream_handle: BufDnsStreamHandle,
148        timeout_duration: Duration,
149        signer: Option<Arc<MF>>,
150    ) -> DnsMultiplexerConnect<F, S, MF>
151    where
152        F: Future<Output = Result<S, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static,
153    {
154        DnsMultiplexerConnect {
155            stream,
156            stream_handle: Some(stream_handle),
157            timeout_duration,
158            signer,
159        }
160    }
162    /// loop over active_requests and remove cancelled requests
163    ///  this should free up space if we already had 4096 active requests
164    fn drop_cancelled(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
165        let mut canceled = HashMap::<u16, ProtoError>::new();
166        for (&id, ref mut active_req) in &mut self.active_requests {
167            if active_req.is_canceled() {
168                canceled.insert(id, ProtoError::from("requestor canceled"));
169            }
171            // check for timeouts...
172            match active_req.poll_timeout(cx) {
173                Poll::Ready(()) => {
174                    debug!("request timed out: {}", id);
175                    canceled.insert(id, ProtoError::from(ProtoErrorKind::Timeout));
176                }
177                Poll::Pending => (),
178            }
179        }
181        // drop all the canceled requests
182        for (id, error) in canceled {
183            if let Some(active_request) = self.active_requests.remove(&id) {
184                // complete the request, it's failed...
185                active_request.complete_with_error(error);
186            }
187        }
188    }
190    /// creates random query_id, validates against all active queries
191    fn next_random_query_id(&self) -> Result<u16, ProtoError> {
192        let mut rand = rand::thread_rng();
194        for _ in 0..100 {
195            let id: u16 = Standard.sample(&mut rand); // the range is [0 ... u16::max]
197            if !self.active_requests.contains_key(&id) {
198                return Ok(id);
199            }
200        }
202        Err(ProtoError::from(
203            "id space exhausted, consider filing an issue",
204        ))
205    }
207    /// Closes all outstanding completes with a closed stream error
208    fn stream_closed_close_all(&mut self, error: ProtoError) {
209        debug!(error = error.as_dyn(), stream = %self.stream);
211        for (_, active_request) in self.active_requests.drain() {
212            // complete the request, it's failed...
213            active_request.complete_with_error(error.clone());
214        }
215    }
218/// A wrapper for a future DnsExchange connection
219#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
220pub struct DnsMultiplexerConnect<F, S, MF>
222    F: Future<Output = Result<S, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static,
223    S: Stream<Item = Result<SerialMessage, ProtoError>> + Unpin,
224    MF: MessageFinalizer + Send + Sync + 'static,
226    stream: F,
227    stream_handle: Option<BufDnsStreamHandle>,
228    timeout_duration: Duration,
229    signer: Option<Arc<MF>>,
232impl<F, S, MF> Future for DnsMultiplexerConnect<F, S, MF>
234    F: Future<Output = Result<S, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static,
235    S: DnsClientStream + Unpin + 'static,
236    MF: MessageFinalizer + Send + Sync + 'static,
238    type Output = Result<DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>, ProtoError>;
240    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
241        let stream: S = ready!(self.stream.poll_unpin(cx))?;
243        Poll::Ready(Ok(DnsMultiplexer {
244            stream,
245            timeout_duration: self.timeout_duration,
246            stream_handle: self
247                .stream_handle
248                .take()
249                .expect("must not poll after complete"),
250            active_requests: HashMap::new(),
251            signer: self.signer.clone(),
252            is_shutdown: false,
253        }))
254    }
257impl<S, MF> Display for DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>
259    S: DnsClientStream + 'static,
260    MF: MessageFinalizer + Send + Sync + 'static,
262    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
263        write!(formatter, "{}", self.stream)
264    }
267impl<S, MF> DnsRequestSender for DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>
269    S: DnsClientStream + Unpin + 'static,
270    MF: MessageFinalizer + Send + Sync + 'static,
272    fn send_message(&mut self, request: DnsRequest) -> DnsResponseStream {
273        if self.is_shutdown {
274            panic!("can not send messages after stream is shutdown")
275        }
277        if self.active_requests.len() > CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE {
278            return ProtoError::from(ProtoErrorKind::Busy).into();
279        }
281        let query_id = match self.next_random_query_id() {
282            Ok(id) => id,
283            Err(e) => return e.into(),
284        };
286        let (mut request, _) = request.into_parts();
287        request.set_id(query_id);
289        let now = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) {
290            Ok(now) => now.as_secs(),
291            Err(_) => return ProtoError::from("Current time is before the Unix epoch.").into(),
292        };
294        // TODO: truncates u64 to u32, error on overflow?
295        let now = now as u32;
297        let mut verifier = None;
298        if let Some(ref signer) = self.signer {
299            if signer.should_finalize_message(&request) {
300                match request.finalize::<MF>(signer.borrow(), now) {
301                    Ok(answer_verifier) => verifier = answer_verifier,
302                    Err(e) => {
303                        debug!("could not sign message: {}", e);
304                        return e.into();
305                    }
306                }
307            }
308        }
310        // store a Timeout for this message before sending
311        let timeout = S::Time::delay_for(self.timeout_duration);
313        let (complete, receiver) = mpsc::channel(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE);
315        // send the message
316        let active_request =
317            ActiveRequest::new(complete, request.id(), Box::new(timeout), verifier);
319        match request.to_vec() {
320            Ok(buffer) => {
321                debug!(id = %active_request.request_id(), "sending message");
322                let serial_message = SerialMessage::new(buffer, self.stream.name_server_addr());
324                debug!(
325                    "final message: {}",
326                    serial_message
327                        .to_message()
328                        .expect("bizarre we just made this message")
329                );
331                // add to the map -after- the client send b/c we don't want to put it in the map if
332                //  we ended up returning an error from the send.
333                match self.stream_handle.send(serial_message) {
334                    Ok(()) => self
335                        .active_requests
336                        .insert(active_request.request_id(), active_request),
337                    Err(err) => return err.into(),
338                };
339            }
340            Err(e) => {
341                debug!(
342                    id = %active_request.request_id(),
343                    error = e.as_dyn(),
344                    "error message"
345                );
346                // complete with the error, don't add to the map of active requests
347                return e.into();
348            }
349        }
351        receiver.into()
352    }
354    fn shutdown(&mut self) {
355        self.is_shutdown = true;
356    }
358    fn is_shutdown(&self) -> bool {
359        self.is_shutdown
360    }
363impl<S, MF> Stream for DnsMultiplexer<S, MF>
365    S: DnsClientStream + Unpin + 'static,
366    MF: MessageFinalizer + Send + Sync + 'static,
368    type Item = Result<(), ProtoError>;
370    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
371        // Always drop the cancelled queries first
372        self.drop_cancelled(cx);
374        if self.is_shutdown && self.active_requests.is_empty() {
375            debug!("stream is done: {}", self);
376            return Poll::Ready(None);
377        }
379        // Collect all inbound requests, max 100 at a time for QoS
380        //   by having a max we will guarantee that the client can't be DOSed in this loop
381        // TODO: make the QoS configurable
382        let mut messages_received = 0;
383        for i in 0..QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
384            match self.stream.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
385                Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(buffer))) => {
386                    messages_received = i;
388                    //   deserialize or log decode_error
389                    match buffer.to_message() {
390                        Ok(message) => match self.active_requests.entry(message.id()) {
391                            Entry::Occupied(mut request_entry) => {
392                                // send the response, complete the request...
393                                let active_request = request_entry.get_mut();
394                                if let Some(ref mut verifier) = active_request.verifier {
395                                    ignore_send(
396                                        active_request
397                                            .completion
398                                            .try_send(verifier(buffer.bytes())),
399                                    );
400                                } else {
401                                    ignore_send(active_request.completion.try_send(Ok(
402                                        DnsResponse::new(message, buffer.into_parts().0),
403                                    )));
404                                }
405                            }
406                            Entry::Vacant(..) => debug!("unexpected request_id: {}", message.id()),
407                        },
408                        // TODO: return src address for diagnostics
409                        Err(error) => debug!(error = error.as_dyn(), "error decoding message"),
410                    }
411                }
412                Poll::Ready(err) => {
413                    let err = match err {
414                        Some(Err(e)) => e,
415                        None => ProtoError::from("stream closed"),
416                        _ => unreachable!(),
417                    };
419                    self.stream_closed_close_all(err);
420                    self.is_shutdown = true;
421                    return Poll::Ready(None);
422                }
423                Poll::Pending => break,
424            }
425        }
427        // If still active, then if the qos (for _ in 0..100 loop) limit
428        // was hit then "yield". This'll make sure that the future is
429        // woken up immediately on the next turn of the event loop.
430        if messages_received == QOS_MAX_RECEIVE_MSGS {
431            // FIXME: this was a task::current().notify(); is this right?
432            cx.waker().wake_by_ref();
433        }
435        // Finally, return not ready to keep the 'driver task' alive.
436        Poll::Pending
437    }
441mod test {
442    use super::*;
443    use crate::op::message::NoopMessageFinalizer;
444    use crate::op::op_code::OpCode;
445    use crate::op::{Message, MessageType, Query};
446    use crate::rr::record_type::RecordType;
447    use crate::rr::{DNSClass, Name, RData, Record};
448    use crate::serialize::binary::BinEncodable;
449    use crate::xfer::StreamReceiver;
450    use crate::xfer::{DnsClientStream, DnsRequestOptions};
451    use futures_util::future;
452    use futures_util::stream::TryStreamExt;
453    use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
455    struct MockClientStream {
456        messages: Vec<Message>,
457        addr: SocketAddr,
458        id: Option<u16>,
459        receiver: Option<StreamReceiver>,
460    }
462    impl MockClientStream {
463        fn new(
464            mut messages: Vec<Message>,
465            addr: SocketAddr,
466        ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self, ProtoError>> + Send>> {
467            messages.reverse(); // so we can pop() and get messages in order
468            Box::pin(future::ok(Self {
469                messages,
470                addr,
471                id: None,
472                receiver: None,
473            }))
474        }
475    }
477    impl fmt::Display for MockClientStream {
478        fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
479            write!(formatter, "TestClientStream")
480        }
481    }
483    impl Stream for MockClientStream {
484        type Item = Result<SerialMessage, ProtoError>;
486        fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
487            let id = if let Some(id) = self.id {
488                id
489            } else {
490                let serial = ready!(self
491                    .receiver
492                    .as_mut()
493                    .expect("should only be polled after receiver has been set")
494                    .poll_next_unpin(cx));
495                let message = serial.unwrap().to_message().unwrap();
496                self.id = Some(message.id());
497                message.id()
498            };
500            if let Some(mut message) = self.messages.pop() {
501                message.set_id(id);
502                Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(SerialMessage::new(
503                    message.to_bytes().unwrap(),
504                    self.addr,
505                ))))
506            } else {
507                Poll::Pending
508            }
509        }
510    }
512    impl DnsClientStream for MockClientStream {
513        type Time = crate::TokioTime;
515        fn name_server_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {
516            self.addr
517        }
518    }
520    async fn get_mocked_multiplexer(
521        mock_response: Vec<Message>,
522    ) -> DnsMultiplexer<MockClientStream, NoopMessageFinalizer> {
523        let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 1234));
524        let mock_response = MockClientStream::new(mock_response, addr);
525        let (handler, receiver) = BufDnsStreamHandle::new(addr);
526        let mut multiplexer =
527            DnsMultiplexer::with_timeout(mock_response, handler, Duration::from_millis(100), None)
528                .await
529                .unwrap();
531        multiplexer.stream.receiver = Some(receiver); // so it can get the correct request id
533        multiplexer
534    }
536    fn a_query_answer() -> (DnsRequest, Vec<Message>) {
537        let name = Name::from_ascii("www.example.com").unwrap();
539        let mut msg = Message::new();
540        msg.add_query({
541            let mut query = Query::query(name.clone(), RecordType::A);
542            query.set_query_class(DNSClass::IN);
543            query
544        })
545        .set_message_type(MessageType::Query)
546        .set_op_code(OpCode::Query)
547        .set_recursion_desired(true);
549        let query = msg.clone();
550        msg.set_message_type(MessageType::Response).add_answer(
551            Record::new()
552                .set_name(name)
553                .set_ttl(86400)
554                .set_rr_type(RecordType::A)
555                .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
556                .set_data(Some(RData::A(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 215, 14).into())))
557                .clone(),
558        );
559        (
560            DnsRequest::new(query, DnsRequestOptions::default()),
561            vec![msg],
562        )
563    }
565    fn axfr_query() -> Message {
566        let name = Name::from_ascii("example.com").unwrap();
568        let mut msg = Message::new();
569        msg.add_query({
570            let mut query = Query::query(name, RecordType::AXFR);
571            query.set_query_class(DNSClass::IN);
572            query
573        })
574        .set_message_type(MessageType::Query)
575        .set_op_code(OpCode::Query)
576        .set_recursion_desired(true);
577        msg
578    }
580    fn axfr_response() -> Vec<Record> {
581        use crate::rr::rdata::*;
582        let origin = Name::from_ascii("example.com").unwrap();
583        let soa = Record::new()
584            .set_name(origin.clone())
585            .set_ttl(3600)
586            .set_rr_type(RecordType::SOA)
587            .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
588            .set_data(Some(RData::SOA(SOA::new(
589                Name::parse("sns.dns.icann.org.", None).unwrap(),
590                Name::parse("noc.dns.icann.org.", None).unwrap(),
591                2015082403,
592                7200,
593                3600,
594                1209600,
595                3600,
596            ))))
597            .clone();
599        vec![
600            soa.clone(),
601            Record::new()
602                .set_name(origin.clone())
603                .set_ttl(86400)
604                .set_rr_type(RecordType::NS)
605                .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
606                .set_data(Some(RData::NS(NS(Name::parse(
607                    "a.iana-servers.net.",
608                    None,
609                )
610                .unwrap()))))
611                .clone(),
612            Record::new()
613                .set_name(origin.clone())
614                .set_ttl(86400)
615                .set_rr_type(RecordType::NS)
616                .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
617                .set_data(Some(RData::NS(NS(Name::parse(
618                    "b.iana-servers.net.",
619                    None,
620                )
621                .unwrap()))))
622                .clone(),
623            Record::new()
624                .set_name(origin.clone())
625                .set_ttl(86400)
626                .set_rr_type(RecordType::A)
627                .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
628                .set_data(Some(RData::A(Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 215, 14).into())))
629                .clone(),
630            Record::new()
631                .set_name(origin)
632                .set_ttl(86400)
633                .set_rr_type(RecordType::AAAA)
634                .set_dns_class(DNSClass::IN)
635                .set_data(Some(RData::AAAA(
636                    Ipv6Addr::new(
637                        0x2606, 0x2800, 0x21f, 0xcb07, 0x6820, 0x80da, 0xaf6b, 0x8b2c,
638                    )
639                    .into(),
640                )))
641                .clone(),
642            soa,
643        ]
644    }
646    fn axfr_query_answer() -> (DnsRequest, Vec<Message>) {
647        let mut msg = axfr_query();
649        let query = msg.clone();
650        msg.set_message_type(MessageType::Response)
651            .insert_answers(axfr_response());
652        (
653            DnsRequest::new(query, DnsRequestOptions::default()),
654            vec![msg],
655        )
656    }
658    fn axfr_query_answer_multi() -> (DnsRequest, Vec<Message>) {
659        let base = axfr_query();
661        let query = base.clone();
662        let mut rr = axfr_response();
663        let rr2 = rr.split_off(3);
664        let mut msg1 = base.clone();
665        msg1.set_message_type(MessageType::Response)
666            .insert_answers(rr);
667        let mut msg2 = base;
668        msg2.set_message_type(MessageType::Response)
669            .insert_answers(rr2);
670        (
671            DnsRequest::new(query, DnsRequestOptions::default()),
672            vec![msg1, msg2],
673        )
674    }
676    #[tokio::test]
677    async fn test_multiplexer_a() {
678        let (query, answer) = a_query_answer();
679        let mut multiplexer = get_mocked_multiplexer(answer).await;
680        let response = multiplexer.send_message(query);
681        let response = tokio::select! {
682            _ = multiplexer.next() => {
683                // polling multiplexer to make it run
684                panic!("should never end")
685            },
686            r = response.try_collect::<Vec<_>>() => r.unwrap(),
687        };
688        assert_eq!(response.len(), 1);
689    }
691    #[tokio::test]
692    async fn test_multiplexer_axfr() {
693        let (query, answer) = axfr_query_answer();
694        let mut multiplexer = get_mocked_multiplexer(answer).await;
695        let response = multiplexer.send_message(query);
696        let response = tokio::select! {
697            _ = multiplexer.next() => {
698                // polling multiplexer to make it run
699                panic!("should never end")
700            },
701            r = response.try_collect::<Vec<_>>() => r.unwrap(),
702        };
703        assert_eq!(response.len(), 1);
704        assert_eq!(response[0].answers().len(), axfr_response().len());
705    }
707    #[tokio::test]
708    async fn test_multiplexer_axfr_multi() {
709        let (query, answer) = axfr_query_answer_multi();
710        let mut multiplexer = get_mocked_multiplexer(answer).await;
711        let response = multiplexer.send_message(query);
712        let response = tokio::select! {
713            _ = multiplexer.next() => {
714                // polling multiplexer to make it run
715                panic!("should never end")
716            },
717            r = response.try_collect::<Vec<_>>() => r.unwrap(),
718        };
719        assert_eq!(response.len(), 2);
720        assert_eq!(
721            response.iter().map(|m| m.answers().len()).sum::<usize>(),
722            axfr_response().len()
723        );
724    }