
1// Copyright 2015-2023 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8//! Verifier is a structure for performing many of the signing processes of the DNSSEC specification
10use alloc::sync::Arc;
12use super::{
13    Algorithm, PublicKey,
14    rdata::{RRSIG, SIG},
15    tbs::{self, TBS},
17use crate::{
18    error::ProtoResult,
19    rr::{DNSClass, Name, Record},
20    serialize::binary::BinEncodable,
23/// Types which are able to verify DNS based signatures
24pub trait Verifier {
25    /// Return the algorithm which this Verifier covers
26    fn algorithm(&self) -> Algorithm;
28    /// Return the public key associated with this verifier
29    fn key(&self) -> ProtoResult<Arc<dyn PublicKey + '_>>;
31    /// Verifies the hash matches the signature with the current `key`.
32    ///
33    /// # Arguments
34    ///
35    /// * `hash` - the hash to be validated, see `rrset_tbs`
36    /// * `signature` - the signature to use to verify the hash, extracted from an `RData::RRSIG`
37    ///                 for example.
38    ///
39    /// # Return value
40    ///
41    /// True if and only if the signature is valid for the hash.
42    /// false if the `key`.
43    fn verify(&self, hash: &[u8], signature: &[u8]) -> ProtoResult<()> {
44        self.key()?.verify(hash, signature)
45    }
47    /// Verifies a message with the against the given signature, i.e. SIG0
48    ///
49    /// # Arguments
50    ///
51    /// * `message` - the message to verify
52    /// * `signature` - the signature to use for validation
53    ///
54    /// # Return value
55    ///
56    /// `true` if the message could be validated against the signature, `false` otherwise
57    fn verify_message<M: BinEncodable>(
58        &self,
59        message: &M,
60        signature: &[u8],
61        sig0: &SIG,
62    ) -> ProtoResult<()> {
63        tbs::message_tbs(message, sig0).and_then(|tbs| self.verify(tbs.as_ref(), signature))
64    }
66    /// Verifies an RRSig with the associated key, e.g. DNSKEY
67    ///
68    /// # Arguments
69    ///
70    /// * `name` - name associated with the rrsig being validated
71    /// * `dns_class` - DNSClass of the records, generally IN
72    /// * `sig` - signature record being validated
73    /// * `records` - Records covered by SIG
74    fn verify_rrsig<'a>(
75        &self,
76        name: &Name,
77        dns_class: DNSClass,
78        sig: &RRSIG,
79        records: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Record>,
80    ) -> ProtoResult<()> {
81        let rrset_tbs = TBS::from_sig(name, dns_class, sig, records)?;
82        self.verify(rrset_tbs.as_ref(), sig.sig())
83    }