
1// Copyright 2015-2023 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8//! NSEC record types
10use alloc::{fmt, string::ToString, vec::Vec};
12#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
13use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize};
15use crate::{
16    dnssec::Nsec3HashAlgorithm,
17    error::{ProtoError, ProtoErrorKind, ProtoResult},
18    rr::{RData, RecordData, RecordDataDecodable, RecordType, RecordTypeSet, domain::Label},
19    serialize::binary::*,
22use super::DNSSECRData;
24/// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3), NSEC3, March 2008
26/// ```text
27/// 3.  The NSEC3 Resource Record
29///    The NSEC3 Resource Record (RR) provides authenticated denial of
30///    existence for DNS Resource Record Sets.
32///    The NSEC3 RR lists RR types present at the original owner name of the
33///    NSEC3 RR.  It includes the next hashed owner name in the hash order
34///    of the zone.  The complete set of NSEC3 RRs in a zone indicates which
35///    RRSets exist for the original owner name of the RR and form a chain
36///    of hashed owner names in the zone.  This information is used to
37///    provide authenticated denial of existence for DNS data.  To provide
38///    protection against zone enumeration, the owner names used in the
39///    NSEC3 RR are cryptographic hashes of the original owner name
40///    prepended as a single label to the name of the zone.  The NSEC3 RR
41///    indicates which hash function is used to construct the hash, which
42///    salt is used, and how many iterations of the hash function are
43///    performed over the original owner name.  The hashing technique is
44///    described fully in Section 5.
46///    Hashed owner names of unsigned delegations may be excluded from the
47///    chain.  An NSEC3 RR whose span covers the hash of an owner name or
48///    "next closer" name of an unsigned delegation is referred to as an
49///    Opt-Out NSEC3 RR and is indicated by the presence of a flag.
51///    The owner name for the NSEC3 RR is the base32 encoding of the hashed
52///    owner name prepended as a single label to the name of the zone.
54///    The type value for the NSEC3 RR is 50.
56///    The NSEC3 RR RDATA format is class independent and is described
57///    below.
59///    The class MUST be the same as the class of the original owner name.
61///    The NSEC3 RR SHOULD have the same TTL value as the SOA minimum TTL
62///    field.  This is in the spirit of negative caching [RFC2308].
64/// 3.2.  NSEC3 RDATA Wire Format
66///  The RDATA of the NSEC3 RR is as shown below:
68///                       1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
69///   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
70///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
71///  |   Hash Alg.   |     Flags     |          Iterations           |
72///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
73///  |  Salt Length  |                     Salt                      /
74///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
75///  |  Hash Length  |             Next Hashed Owner Name            /
76///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
77///  /                         Type Bit Maps                         /
78///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
80///  Hash Algorithm is a single octet.
82///  Flags field is a single octet, the Opt-Out flag is the least
83///  significant bit, as shown below:
85///   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
86///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
87///  |             |O|
88///  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
90///  Iterations is represented as a 16-bit unsigned integer, with the most
91///  significant bit first.
93///  Salt Length is represented as an unsigned octet.  Salt Length
94///  represents the length of the Salt field in octets.  If the value is
95///  zero, the following Salt field is omitted.
97///  Salt, if present, is encoded as a sequence of binary octets.  The
98///  length of this field is determined by the preceding Salt Length
99///  field.
101///  Hash Length is represented as an unsigned octet.  Hash Length
102///  represents the length of the Next Hashed Owner Name field in octets.
104///  The next hashed owner name is not base32 encoded, unlike the owner
105///  name of the NSEC3 RR.  It is the unmodified binary hash value.  It
106///  does not include the name of the containing zone.  The length of this
107///  field is determined by the preceding Hash Length field.
108/// ```
109#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize))]
110#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
111pub struct NSEC3 {
112    hash_algorithm: Nsec3HashAlgorithm,
113    opt_out: bool,
114    iterations: u16,
115    salt: Vec<u8>,
116    next_hashed_owner_name: Vec<u8>,
117    /// The next hashed owner name, in base32-encoded form. If the next hashed owner name field is
118    /// too long, this may be `None` instead.
119    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(skip_serializing))]
120    next_hashed_owner_name_base32: Option<Label>,
121    type_bit_maps: RecordTypeSet,
124impl NSEC3 {
125    /// Constructs a new NSEC3 record
126    pub fn new(
127        hash_algorithm: Nsec3HashAlgorithm,
128        opt_out: bool,
129        iterations: u16,
130        salt: Vec<u8>,
131        next_hashed_owner_name: Vec<u8>,
132        type_bit_maps: impl IntoIterator<Item = RecordType>,
133    ) -> Self {
134        Self::with_record_type_set(
135            hash_algorithm,
136            opt_out,
137            iterations,
138            salt,
139            next_hashed_owner_name,
140            RecordTypeSet::new(type_bit_maps),
141        )
142    }
144    fn with_record_type_set(
145        hash_algorithm: Nsec3HashAlgorithm,
146        opt_out: bool,
147        iterations: u16,
148        salt: Vec<u8>,
149        next_hashed_owner_name: Vec<u8>,
150        type_bit_maps: RecordTypeSet,
151    ) -> Self {
152        let next_hashed_owner_name_base32 =
153            Label::from_ascii(&data_encoding::BASE32_DNSSEC.encode(&next_hashed_owner_name)).ok();
154        Self {
155            hash_algorithm,
156            opt_out,
157            iterations,
158            salt,
159            next_hashed_owner_name,
160            next_hashed_owner_name_base32,
161            type_bit_maps,
162        }
163    }
165    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.1), NSEC3, March 2008
166    ///
167    /// ```text
168    /// 3.1.1.  Hash Algorithm
169    ///
170    ///    The Hash Algorithm field identifies the cryptographic hash algorithm
171    ///    used to construct the hash-value.
172    ///
173    ///    The values for this field are defined in the NSEC3 hash algorithm
174    ///    registry defined in Section 11.
175    /// ```
176    pub fn hash_algorithm(&self) -> Nsec3HashAlgorithm {
177        self.hash_algorithm
178    }
180    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.2), NSEC3, March 2008
181    ///
182    /// ```text
183    /// 3.1.2.  Flags
184    ///
185    ///    The Flags field contains 8 one-bit flags that can be used to indicate
186    ///    different processing.  All undefined flags must be zero.  The only
187    ///    flag defined by this specification is the Opt-Out flag.
188    ///
189    ///  Opt-Out Flag
190    ///
191    ///    If the Opt-Out flag is set, the NSEC3 record covers zero or more
192    ///    unsigned delegations.
193    ///
194    ///    If the Opt-Out flag is clear, the NSEC3 record covers zero unsigned
195    ///    delegations.
196    ///
197    ///    The Opt-Out Flag indicates whether this NSEC3 RR may cover unsigned
198    ///    delegations.  It is the least significant bit in the Flags field.
199    ///    See Section 6 for details about the use of this flag.
200    /// ```
201    pub fn opt_out(&self) -> bool {
202        self.opt_out
203    }
205    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.3), NSEC3, March 2008
206    ///
207    /// ```text
208    /// 3.1.3.  Iterations
209    ///
210    ///    The Iterations field defines the number of additional times the hash
211    ///    function has been performed.  More iterations result in greater
212    ///    resiliency of the hash value against dictionary attacks, but at a
213    ///    higher computational cost for both the server and resolver.  See
214    ///    Section 5 for details of the use of this field, and Section 10.3 for
215    ///    limitations on the value.
216    /// ```
217    pub fn iterations(&self) -> u16 {
218        self.iterations
219    }
221    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.5), NSEC3, March 2008
222    ///
223    /// ```text
224    /// 3.1.5.  Salt
225    ///
226    ///    The Salt field is appended to the original owner name before hashing
227    ///    in order to defend against pre-calculated dictionary attacks.  See
228    ///    Section 5 for details on how the salt is used.
229    /// ```
230    pub fn salt(&self) -> &[u8] {
231        &self.salt
232    }
234    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.7), NSEC3, March 2008
235    ///
236    /// ```text
237    /// 3.1.7.  Next Hashed Owner Name
238    ///
239    ///  The Next Hashed Owner Name field contains the next hashed owner name
240    ///  in hash order.  This value is in binary format.  Given the ordered
241    ///  set of all hashed owner names, the Next Hashed Owner Name field
242    ///  contains the hash of an owner name that immediately follows the owner
243    ///  name of the given NSEC3 RR.  The value of the Next Hashed Owner Name
244    ///  field in the last NSEC3 RR in the zone is the same as the hashed
245    ///  owner name of the first NSEC3 RR in the zone in hash order.  Note
246    ///  that, unlike the owner name of the NSEC3 RR, the value of this field
247    ///  does not contain the appended zone name.
248    /// ```
249    pub fn next_hashed_owner_name(&self) -> &[u8] {
250        &self.next_hashed_owner_name
251    }
253    /// Returns the base32-encoded form of the next hashed owner name.
254    ///
255    /// This may return `None` if the next hashed owner name is too long.
256    pub fn next_hashed_owner_name_base32(&self) -> Option<&Label> {
257        self.next_hashed_owner_name_base32.as_ref()
258    }
260    /// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.1.8), NSEC3, March 2008
261    ///
262    /// ```text
263    /// 3.1.8.  Type Bit Maps
264    ///
265    ///  The Type Bit Maps field identifies the RRSet types that exist at the
266    ///  original owner name of the NSEC3 RR.
267    /// ```
268    pub fn type_bit_maps(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = RecordType> + '_ {
269        self.type_bit_maps.iter()
270    }
272    pub(crate) fn type_set(&self) -> &RecordTypeSet {
273        &self.type_bit_maps
274    }
276    /// Flags for encoding
277    pub fn flags(&self) -> u8 {
278        let mut flags: u8 = 0;
279        if self.opt_out {
280            flags |= 0b0000_0001
281        };
282        flags
283    }
286impl BinEncodable for NSEC3 {
287    fn emit(&self, encoder: &mut BinEncoder<'_>) -> ProtoResult<()> {
288        encoder.emit(self.hash_algorithm().into())?;
289        encoder.emit(self.flags())?;
290        encoder.emit_u16(self.iterations())?;
291        encoder.emit(self.salt().len() as u8)?;
292        encoder.emit_vec(self.salt())?;
293        encoder.emit(self.next_hashed_owner_name().len() as u8)?;
294        encoder.emit_vec(self.next_hashed_owner_name())?;
295        self.type_bit_maps.emit(encoder)?;
297        Ok(())
298    }
301impl<'r> RecordDataDecodable<'r> for NSEC3 {
302    fn read_data(decoder: &mut BinDecoder<'r>, length: Restrict<u16>) -> ProtoResult<Self> {
303        let start_idx = decoder.index();
305        let hash_algorithm = Nsec3HashAlgorithm::from_u8(
306            decoder.read_u8()?.unverified(/*Algorithm verified as safe*/),
307        )?;
308        let flags: u8 = decoder
309            .read_u8()?
310            .verify_unwrap(|flags| flags & 0b1111_1110 == 0)
311            .map_err(|flags| ProtoError::from(ProtoErrorKind::UnrecognizedNsec3Flags(flags)))?;
313        let opt_out: bool = flags & 0b0000_0001 == 0b0000_0001;
314        let iterations: u16 = decoder.read_u16()?.unverified(/*valid as any u16*/);
316        // read the salt
317        let salt_len = decoder.read_u8()?.map(|u| u as usize);
318        let salt_len_max = length
319            .map(|u| u as usize)
320            .checked_sub(decoder.index() - start_idx)
321            .map_err(|_| "invalid rdata for salt_len_max")?;
322        let salt_len = salt_len
323            .verify_unwrap(|salt_len| {
324                *salt_len <= salt_len_max.unverified(/*safe in comparison usage*/)
325            })
326            .map_err(|_| ProtoError::from("salt_len exceeds buffer length"))?;
327        let salt: Vec<u8> =
328            decoder.read_vec(salt_len)?.unverified(/*salt is any valid array of bytes*/);
330        // read the hashed_owner_name
331        let hash_len = decoder.read_u8()?.map(|u| u as usize);
332        let hash_len_max = length
333            .map(|u| u as usize)
334            .checked_sub(decoder.index() - start_idx)
335            .map_err(|_| "invalid rdata for hash_len_max")?;
336        let hash_len = hash_len
337            .verify_unwrap(|hash_len| {
338                *hash_len <= hash_len_max.unverified(/*safe in comparison usage*/)
339            })
340            .map_err(|_| ProtoError::from("hash_len exceeds buffer length"))?;
341        let next_hashed_owner_name: Vec<u8> =
342            decoder.read_vec(hash_len)?.unverified(/*will fail in usage if invalid*/);
344        // read the bitmap
345        let offset = u16::try_from(decoder.index() - start_idx)
346            .map_err(|_| ProtoError::from("decoding offset too large in NSEC3"))?;
347        let bit_map_len = length
348            .checked_sub(offset)
349            .map_err(|_| "invalid rdata length in NSEC3")?;
350        let record_types = RecordTypeSet::read_data(decoder, bit_map_len)?;
352        Ok(Self::with_record_type_set(
353            hash_algorithm,
354            opt_out,
355            iterations,
356            salt,
357            next_hashed_owner_name,
358            record_types,
359        ))
360    }
363impl RecordData for NSEC3 {
364    fn try_from_rdata(data: RData) -> Result<Self, RData> {
365        match data {
366            RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::NSEC3(csync)) => Ok(csync),
367            _ => Err(data),
368        }
369    }
371    fn try_borrow(data: &RData) -> Option<&Self> {
372        match data {
373            RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::NSEC3(csync)) => Some(csync),
374            _ => None,
375        }
376    }
378    fn record_type(&self) -> RecordType {
379        RecordType::NSEC3
380    }
382    fn into_rdata(self) -> RData {
383        RData::DNSSEC(DNSSECRData::NSEC3(self))
384    }
387/// [RFC 5155](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5155#section-3.3), NSEC3, March 2008
389/// ```text
390/// 3.3.  Presentation Format
392///    The presentation format of the RDATA portion is as follows:
394///    o  The Hash Algorithm field is represented as an unsigned decimal
395///       integer.  The value has a maximum of 255.
397///    o  The Flags field is represented as an unsigned decimal integer.
398///       The value has a maximum of 255.
400///    o  The Iterations field is represented as an unsigned decimal
401///       integer.  The value is between 0 and 65535, inclusive.
403///    o  The Salt Length field is not represented.
405///    o  The Salt field is represented as a sequence of case-insensitive
406///       hexadecimal digits.  Whitespace is not allowed within the
407///       sequence.  The Salt field is represented as "-" (without the
408///       quotes) when the Salt Length field has a value of 0.
410///    o  The Hash Length field is not represented.
412///    o  The Next Hashed Owner Name field is represented as an unpadded
413///       sequence of case-insensitive base32 digits, without whitespace.
415///    o  The Type Bit Maps field is represented as a sequence of RR type
416///       mnemonics.  When the mnemonic is not known, the TYPE
417///       representation as described in Section 5 of [RFC3597] MUST be
418///       used.
419/// ```
420impl fmt::Display for NSEC3 {
421    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
422        let salt = if self.salt.is_empty() {
423            "-".to_string()
424        } else {
425            data_encoding::HEXUPPER_PERMISSIVE.encode(&self.salt)
426        };
428        write!(
429            f,
430            "{alg} {flags} {iterations} {salt} {owner}",
431            alg = u8::from(self.hash_algorithm),
432            flags = self.flags(),
433            iterations = self.iterations,
434            salt = salt,
435            owner = data_encoding::BASE32_DNSSEC.encode(&self.next_hashed_owner_name)
436        )?;
438        for ty in self.type_bit_maps.iter() {
439            write!(f, " {ty}")?;
440        }
442        Ok(())
443    }
446/// Helper struct used in deserialization of [`NSEC3`].
448/// This struct excludes the `next_hashed_owner_name_base32` field, which is calculated from
449/// `next_hashed_owner_name`. Deserialization of `NSEC3` first uses the automatically generated
450/// `Deserialize` implementation provided by this struct, and then uses the [`NSEC3::new`]
451/// constructor. Deriving `Deserialize` on `NSEC3` directly would have broken the invariant
452/// relating `next_hashed_owner_name` and `next_hashed_owner_name_base32`.
453#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
455#[serde(rename = "NSEC3")]
456struct NSEC3Serde {
457    hash_algorithm: Nsec3HashAlgorithm,
458    opt_out: bool,
459    iterations: u16,
460    salt: Vec<u8>,
461    next_hashed_owner_name: Vec<u8>,
462    type_bit_maps: RecordTypeSet,
465#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
466impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for NSEC3 {
467    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
468    where
469        D: Deserializer<'de>,
470    {
471        let NSEC3Serde {
472            hash_algorithm,
473            opt_out,
474            iterations,
475            salt,
476            next_hashed_owner_name,
477            type_bit_maps,
478        } = NSEC3Serde::deserialize(deserializer)?;
479        Ok(Self::with_record_type_set(
480            hash_algorithm,
481            opt_out,
482            iterations,
483            salt,
484            next_hashed_owner_name,
485            type_bit_maps,
486        ))
487    }
491mod tests {
492    #![allow(clippy::dbg_macro, clippy::print_stdout)]
494    use std::println;
496    use super::*;
497    use crate::dnssec::rdata::RecordType;
499    #[test]
500    fn test() {
501        let rdata = NSEC3::new(
502            Nsec3HashAlgorithm::SHA1,
503            true,
504            2,
505            vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
506            vec![6, 7, 8, 9, 0],
507            [
508                RecordType::A,
509                RecordType::AAAA,
510                RecordType::DS,
511                RecordType::RRSIG,
512            ],
513        );
515        let mut bytes = Vec::new();
516        let mut encoder: BinEncoder<'_> = BinEncoder::new(&mut bytes);
517        assert!(rdata.emit(&mut encoder).is_ok());
518        let bytes = encoder.into_bytes();
520        println!("bytes: {bytes:?}");
522        let mut decoder: BinDecoder<'_> = BinDecoder::new(bytes);
523        let restrict = Restrict::new(bytes.len() as u16);
524        let read_rdata = NSEC3::read_data(&mut decoder, restrict).expect("Decoding error");
525        assert_eq!(rdata, read_rdata);
526    }
528    #[test]
529    fn test_dups() {
530        let rdata_with_dups = NSEC3::new(
531            Nsec3HashAlgorithm::SHA1,
532            true,
533            2,
534            vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
535            vec![6, 7, 8, 9, 0],
536            [
537                RecordType::A,
538                RecordType::AAAA,
539                RecordType::DS,
540                RecordType::AAAA,
541                RecordType::RRSIG,
542            ],
543        );
545        let rdata_wo = NSEC3::new(
546            Nsec3HashAlgorithm::SHA1,
547            true,
548            2,
549            vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
550            vec![6, 7, 8, 9, 0],
551            [
552                RecordType::A,
553                RecordType::AAAA,
554                RecordType::DS,
555                RecordType::RRSIG,
556            ],
557        );
559        let mut bytes = Vec::new();
560        let mut encoder: BinEncoder<'_> = BinEncoder::new(&mut bytes);
561        assert!(rdata_with_dups.emit(&mut encoder).is_ok());
562        let bytes = encoder.into_bytes();
564        println!("bytes: {bytes:?}");
566        let mut decoder: BinDecoder<'_> = BinDecoder::new(bytes);
567        let restrict = Restrict::new(bytes.len() as u16);
568        let read_rdata = NSEC3::read_data(&mut decoder, restrict).expect("Decoding error");
569        assert_eq!(rdata_wo, read_rdata);
570    }