
1// Copyright 2015-2018 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8use alloc::boxed::Box;
9use alloc::sync::Arc;
10use core::future::Future;
11use core::pin::Pin;
12use core::task::{Context, Poll};
13use std::io;
14use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
16use futures_util::stream::{Stream, StreamExt};
17use futures_util::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt, future, ready};
18use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
19use socket2::{self, Socket};
20use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
21use tracing::{debug, trace};
23use crate::BufDnsStreamHandle;
24use crate::multicast::MdnsQueryType;
25use crate::runtime::TokioRuntimeProvider;
26use crate::udp::UdpStream;
27use crate::xfer::SerialMessage;
29pub(crate) const MDNS_PORT: u16 = 5353;
30/// mDNS ipv4 address, see [multicast-addresses](https://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses/multicast-addresses.xhtml)
31pub static MDNS_IPV4: Lazy<SocketAddr> =
32    Lazy::new(|| SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::new(224, 0, 0, 251).into(), MDNS_PORT));
33/// link-local mDNS ipv6 address, see [ipv6-multicast-addresses](https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses/ipv6-multicast-addresses.xhtml)
34pub static MDNS_IPV6: Lazy<SocketAddr> = Lazy::new(|| {
35    SocketAddr::new(
36        Ipv6Addr::new(0xFF02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00FB).into(),
37        MDNS_PORT,
38    )
41/// A UDP stream of DNS binary packets
42#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
43pub struct MdnsStream {
44    /// Multicast address used for mDNS queries
45    multicast_addr: SocketAddr,
46    /// This is used for sending and (directly) receiving messages
47    datagram: Option<UdpStream<TokioRuntimeProvider>>,
48    // FIXME: like UdpStream, this Arc is unnecessary, only needed for temp async/await capture below
49    /// In one-shot multicast, this will not join the multicast group
50    multicast: Option<Arc<UdpSocket>>,
51    /// Receiving portion of the MdnsStream
52    rcving_mcast: Option<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = io::Result<SerialMessage>> + Send>>>,
55impl MdnsStream {
56    /// associates the socket to the well-known ipv4 multicast address
57    pub fn new_ipv4(
58        mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
59        packet_ttl: Option<u32>,
60        ipv4_if: Option<Ipv4Addr>,
61    ) -> (
62        Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self, io::Error>> + Send + Unpin>,
63        BufDnsStreamHandle,
64    ) {
65        Self::new(*MDNS_IPV4, mdns_query_type, packet_ttl, ipv4_if, None)
66    }
68    /// associates the socket to the well-known ipv6 multicast address
69    pub fn new_ipv6(
70        mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
71        packet_ttl: Option<u32>,
72        ipv6_if: Option<u32>,
73    ) -> (
74        Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self, io::Error>> + Send + Unpin>,
75        BufDnsStreamHandle,
76    ) {
77        Self::new(*MDNS_IPV6, mdns_query_type, packet_ttl, None, ipv6_if)
78    }
80    /// Returns the address of the multicast network in use
81    pub fn multicast_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {
82        self.multicast_addr
83    }
85    /// This method is available for specifying a custom Multicast address to use.
86    ///
87    /// In general this operates nearly identically to UDP, except that it automatically joins
88    ///  the default multicast DNS addresses. See <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6762#section-5>
89    ///  for details.
90    ///
91    /// When sending ipv6 multicast packets, the interface being used is required,
92    ///  this will panic if the interface is not specified for all MdnsQueryType except Passive
93    ///  (which does not allow sending data)
94    ///
95    /// # Arguments
96    ///
97    /// * `multicast_addr` - address to use for multicast requests
98    /// * `mdns_query_type` - true if the querier using this socket will only perform standard DNS queries over multicast.
99    /// * `ipv4_if` - Address to bind to for sending multicast packets, defaults to `` if not specified (not relevant for ipv6)
100    /// * `ipv6_if` - Interface index for the interface to be used when sending ipv6 packets.
101    ///
102    /// # Return
103    ///
104    /// a tuple of a Future Stream which will handle sending and receiving messages, and a
105    ///  handle which can be used to send messages into the stream.
106    pub fn new(
107        multicast_addr: SocketAddr,
108        mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
109        packet_ttl: Option<u32>,
110        ipv4_if: Option<Ipv4Addr>,
111        ipv6_if: Option<u32>,
112    ) -> (
113        Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self, io::Error>> + Send + Unpin>,
114        BufDnsStreamHandle,
115    ) {
116        let (message_sender, outbound_messages) = BufDnsStreamHandle::new(multicast_addr);
117        let multicast_socket = match Self::join_multicast(&multicast_addr, mdns_query_type) {
118            Ok(socket) => socket,
119            Err(err) => return (Box::new(future::err(err)), message_sender),
120        };
122        // TODO: allow the bind address to be specified...
123        // constructs a future for getting the next randomly bound port to a UdpSocket
124        let next_socket = Self::next_bound_local_address(
125            &multicast_addr,
126            mdns_query_type,
127            packet_ttl,
128            ipv4_if,
129            ipv6_if,
130        );
132        // while 0 is meant to keep the packet on localhost, linux regards this as an error,
133        //   while macOS (BSD?) and Windows allow it.
134        if let Some(ttl) = packet_ttl {
135            assert!(ttl > 0, "TTL must be greater than 0");
136        }
138        // This set of futures collapses the next udp socket into a stream which can be used for
139        //  sending and receiving udp packets.
140        let stream = {
141            Box::new(
142                next_socket
143                    .map(move |socket| match socket {
144                        Ok(Some(socket)) => {
145                            socket.set_nonblocking(true)?;
146                            Ok(Some(UdpSocket::from_std(socket)?))
147                        }
148                        Ok(None) => Ok(None),
149                        Err(err) => Err(err),
150                    })
151                    .map_ok(move |socket: Option<_>| {
152                        let datagram: Option<_> =
153                            socket.map(|socket| UdpStream::from_parts(socket, outbound_messages));
154                        let multicast: Option<_> = multicast_socket.map(|multicast_socket| {
155                            Arc::new(UdpSocket::from_std(multicast_socket).expect("bad handle?"))
156                        });
158                        Self {
159                            multicast_addr,
160                            datagram,
161                            multicast,
162                            rcving_mcast: None,
163                        }
164                    }),
165            )
166        };
168        (stream, message_sender)
169    }
171    /// On Windows, unlike all Unix variants, it is improper to bind to the multicast address
172    ///
173    /// see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms737550(v=vs.85).aspx
174    #[cfg(windows)]
175    fn bind_multicast(socket: &Socket, multicast_addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
176        let multicast_addr = match multicast_addr {
177            SocketAddr::V4(addr) => SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED.into(), addr.port()),
178            SocketAddr::V6(addr) => SocketAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED.into(), addr.port()),
179        };
180        socket.bind(&socket2::SockAddr::from(multicast_addr))
181    }
183    /// On unixes we bind to the multicast address, which causes multicast packets to be filtered
184    #[cfg(unix)]
185    fn bind_multicast(socket: &Socket, multicast_addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
186        socket.bind(&socket2::SockAddr::from(*multicast_addr))
187    }
189    /// Returns a socket joined to the multicast address
190    fn join_multicast(
191        multicast_addr: &SocketAddr,
192        mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
193    ) -> Result<Option<std::net::UdpSocket>, io::Error> {
194        if !mdns_query_type.join_multicast() {
195            return Ok(None);
196        }
198        let ip_addr = multicast_addr.ip();
199        // it's an error to not use a proper mDNS address
200        if !ip_addr.is_multicast() {
201            return Err(io::Error::new(
202                io::ErrorKind::Other,
203                format!("expected multicast address for binding: {ip_addr}"),
204            ));
205        }
207        // binding the UdpSocket to the multicast address tells the OS to filter all packets on this socket to just this
208        //   multicast address
209        // TODO: allow the binding interface to be specified
210        let socket = match &ip_addr {
211            IpAddr::V4(mdns_v4) => {
212                let socket = Socket::new(
213                    socket2::Domain::IPV4,
214                    socket2::Type::DGRAM,
215                    Some(socket2::Protocol::UDP),
216                )?;
217                socket.join_multicast_v4(mdns_v4, &Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED)?;
218                socket
219            }
220            IpAddr::V6(mdns_v6) => {
221                let socket = Socket::new(
222                    socket2::Domain::IPV6,
223                    socket2::Type::DGRAM,
224                    Some(socket2::Protocol::UDP),
225                )?;
227                socket.set_only_v6(true)?;
228                socket.join_multicast_v6(mdns_v6, 0)?;
229                socket
230            }
231        };
233        socket.set_nonblocking(true)?;
234        socket.set_reuse_address(true)?;
235        #[cfg(unix)] // this is currently restricted to Unix's in socket2
236        socket.set_reuse_port(true)?;
237        Self::bind_multicast(&socket, multicast_addr)?;
239        debug!("joined {multicast_addr}");
240        Ok(Some(std::net::UdpSocket::from(socket)))
241    }
243    /// Creates a future for randomly binding to a local socket address for client connections.
244    fn next_bound_local_address(
245        multicast_addr: &SocketAddr,
246        mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
247        packet_ttl: Option<u32>,
248        ipv4_if: Option<Ipv4Addr>,
249        ipv6_if: Option<u32>,
250    ) -> NextRandomUdpSocket {
251        let bind_address: IpAddr = match multicast_addr {
252            SocketAddr::V4(..) => IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED),
253            SocketAddr::V6(..) => IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED),
254        };
256        NextRandomUdpSocket {
257            bind_address,
258            mdns_query_type,
259            packet_ttl,
260            ipv4_if,
261            ipv6_if,
262        }
263    }
266impl Stream for MdnsStream {
267    type Item = io::Result<SerialMessage>;
269    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
270        assert!(self.datagram.is_some() || self.multicast.is_some());
272        // we poll the datagram socket first, if available, since it's a direct response or direct request
273        if let Some(datagram) = self.as_mut().datagram.as_mut() {
274            match datagram.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
275                Poll::Ready(ready) => return Poll::Ready(ready),
276                Poll::Pending => (), // drop through
277            }
278        }
280        loop {
281            let msg = if let Some(receiving) = self.rcving_mcast.as_mut() {
282                // TODO: should we drop this packet if it's not from the same src as dest?
283                let msg = ready!(receiving.as_mut().poll_unpin(cx))?;
285                Some(Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(msg))))
286            } else {
287                None
288            };
290            self.rcving_mcast = None;
292            if let Some(msg) = msg {
293                return msg;
294            }
296            // let socket = Arc::clone(socket);
297            if let Some(socket) = &self.multicast {
298                let socket = Arc::clone(socket);
299                let receive_future = async {
300                    let socket = socket;
301                    let mut buf = [0u8; 2_048];
302                    let (len, src) = socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await?;
304                    Ok(SerialMessage::new(
305                        buf.iter().take(len).cloned().collect(),
306                        src,
307                    ))
308                };
310                self.rcving_mcast = Some(Box::pin(receive_future.boxed()));
311            }
312        }
313    }
316#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
317struct NextRandomUdpSocket {
318    bind_address: IpAddr,
319    mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType,
320    packet_ttl: Option<u32>,
321    ipv4_if: Option<Ipv4Addr>,
322    ipv6_if: Option<u32>,
325impl NextRandomUdpSocket {
326    fn prepare_sender(&self, socket: std::net::UdpSocket) -> io::Result<std::net::UdpSocket> {
327        let addr = socket.local_addr()?;
328        debug!("preparing sender on: {addr}");
330        let socket = Socket::from(socket);
332        // TODO: TTL doesn't work on ipv6
333        match addr {
334            SocketAddr::V4(..) => {
335                socket.set_multicast_loop_v4(true)?;
336                socket.set_multicast_if_v4(&self.ipv4_if.unwrap_or(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED))?;
337                if let Some(ttl) = self.packet_ttl {
338                    socket.set_ttl(ttl)?;
339                    socket.set_multicast_ttl_v4(ttl)?;
340                }
341            }
342            SocketAddr::V6(..) => {
343                let ipv6_if = self.ipv6_if.unwrap_or_else(|| {
344                    panic!("for ipv6 multicasting the interface must be specified")
345                });
347                socket.set_multicast_loop_v6(true)?;
348                socket.set_multicast_if_v6(ipv6_if)?;
349                if let Some(ttl) = self.packet_ttl {
350                    socket.set_unicast_hops_v6(ttl)?;
351                    socket.set_multicast_hops_v6(ttl)?;
352                }
353            }
354        }
356        Ok(std::net::UdpSocket::from(socket))
357    }
360impl Future for NextRandomUdpSocket {
361    // TODO: clean this up, the RandomUdpSocket shouldn't care about the query type
362    type Output = io::Result<Option<std::net::UdpSocket>>;
364    /// polls until there is an available next random UDP port.
365    ///
366    /// if there is no port available after 10 attempts, returns NotReady
367    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
368        // non-one-shot, i.e. continuous, always use one of the well-known mdns ports and bind to the multicast addr
369        if !self.mdns_query_type.sender() {
370            debug!("skipping sending stream");
371            Poll::Ready(Ok(None))
372        } else if self.mdns_query_type.bind_on_5353() {
373            let addr = SocketAddr::new(self.bind_address, MDNS_PORT);
374            debug!("binding sending stream to {}", addr);
375            let socket = std::net::UdpSocket::bind(addr)?;
376            let socket = self.prepare_sender(socket)?;
378            Poll::Ready(Ok(Some(socket)))
379        } else {
380            // TODO: this is basically identical to UdpStream from here... share some code? (except for the port restriction)
381            // one-shot queries look very similar to UDP socket, but can't listen on 5353
383            for attempt in 0..10 {
384                // Per RFC 6056 Section 2.1:
385                //
386                //    The dynamic port range defined by IANA consists of the 49152-65535
387                //    range, and is meant for the selection of ephemeral ports.
388                let port = rand::random_range(49152_u16..=u16::MAX);
390                // see one_shot usage info: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6762#section-5
391                //  the MDNS_PORT is used to signal to remote processes that this is capable of receiving multicast packets
392                //  i.e. is joined to the multicast address.
393                if port == MDNS_PORT {
394                    trace!("unlucky, got MDNS_PORT");
395                    continue;
396                }
398                let addr = SocketAddr::new(self.bind_address, port);
399                debug!("binding sending stream to {}", addr);
401                match std::net::UdpSocket::bind(addr) {
402                    Ok(socket) => {
403                        let socket = self.prepare_sender(socket)?;
404                        return Poll::Ready(Ok(Some(socket)));
405                    }
406                    Err(err) => debug!("unable to bind port, attempt: {}: {}", attempt, err),
407                }
408            }
410            debug!("could not get next random port, delaying");
412            // TODO: this replaced a task::current().notify, is it correct?
413            cx.waker().wake_by_ref();
414            Poll::Pending
415        }
416    }
420pub(crate) mod tests {
421    #![allow(clippy::dbg_macro, clippy::print_stdout)]
423    use alloc::string::ToString;
424    use std::println;
426    use futures_util::future::Either;
427    use test_support::subscribe;
428    use tokio::runtime;
430    use super::*;
431    use crate::xfer::dns_handle::DnsStreamHandle;
433    // TODO: is there a better way?
434    const BASE_TEST_PORT: u16 = 5379;
436    /// 250 appears to be unused/unregistered
437    static TEST_MDNS_IPV4: Lazy<IpAddr> = Lazy::new(|| Ipv4Addr::new(224, 0, 0, 250).into());
438    /// FA appears to be unused/unregistered
439    static TEST_MDNS_IPV6: Lazy<IpAddr> =
440        Lazy::new(|| Ipv6Addr::new(0xFF02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x00FA).into());
442    // one_shot tests are basically clones from the udp tests
443    #[tokio::test]
444    async fn test_next_random_socket() {
445        subscribe();
447        let (stream, _) = MdnsStream::new(
448            SocketAddr::new(*TEST_MDNS_IPV4, BASE_TEST_PORT),
449            MdnsQueryType::OneShot,
450            Some(1),
451            None,
452            None,
453        );
454        let result = stream.await;
456        if let Err(error) = result {
457            println!("Random address error: {error:#?}");
458            panic!("failed to get next random address");
459        }
460    }
462    // FIXME: reenable after breakage in async/await
463    #[ignore]
464    #[test]
465    fn test_one_shot_mdns_ipv4() {
466        subscribe();
467        one_shot_mdns_test(SocketAddr::new(*TEST_MDNS_IPV4, BASE_TEST_PORT + 1));
468    }
470    #[test]
471    #[ignore]
472    fn test_one_shot_mdns_ipv6() {
473        subscribe();
474        one_shot_mdns_test(SocketAddr::new(*TEST_MDNS_IPV6, BASE_TEST_PORT + 2));
475    }
477    //   as there are probably unexpected responses coming on the standard addresses
478    fn one_shot_mdns_test(mdns_addr: SocketAddr) {
479        use core::time::Duration;
481        let client_done = alloc::sync::Arc::new(core::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::new(false));
483        let test_bytes: &'static [u8; 8] = b"DEADBEEF";
484        let send_recv_times = 10;
485        let client_done_clone = client_done.clone();
487        // an in and out server
488        let server_handle = std::thread::Builder::new()
489            .name("test_one_shot_mdns:server".to_string())
490            .spawn(move || {
491                let server_loop = runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
492                let mut timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
493                    .flatten()
494                    .boxed();
496                // TTLs are 0 so that multicast test packets never leave the test host...
497                // FIXME: this is hardcoded to index 5 for ipv6, which isn't going to be correct in most cases...
498                let (server_stream_future, mut server_sender) = MdnsStream::new(
499                    mdns_addr,
500                    MdnsQueryType::OneShotJoin,
501                    Some(1),
502                    None,
503                    Some(5),
504                );
506                // For one-shot responses we are competing with a system mDNS responder, we will respond from a different port...
507                let mut server_stream = server_loop
508                    .block_on(server_stream_future)
509                    .expect("could not create mDNS listener")
510                    .into_future();
512                for _ in 0..=send_recv_times {
513                    if client_done_clone.load(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
514                        return;
515                    }
516                    // wait for some bytes...
517                    match server_loop.block_on(
518                        future::lazy(|_| future::select(server_stream, timeout)).flatten(),
519                    ) {
520                        Either::Left((buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp, timeout_tmp)) => {
521                            let (buffer_and_addr, stream_tmp): (
522                                Option<Result<SerialMessage, io::Error>>,
523                                MdnsStream,
524                            ) = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
526                            server_stream = stream_tmp.into_future();
527                            timeout = timeout_tmp;
528                            let (buffer, addr) = buffer_and_addr
529                                .expect("no msg received")
530                                .expect("error receiving msg")
531                                .into_parts();
533                            assert_eq!(&buffer, test_bytes);
534                            //println!("server got data! {}", addr);
536                            // bounce them right back...
537                            server_sender
538                                .send(SerialMessage::new(test_bytes.to_vec(), addr))
539                                .expect("could not send to client");
540                        }
541                        Either::Right(((), buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp)) => {
542                            server_stream = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
543                            timeout =
544                                future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
545                                    .flatten()
546                                    .boxed();
547                        }
548                    }
550                    // let the server turn for a bit... send the message
551                    server_loop.block_on(tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)));
552                }
553            })
554            .unwrap();
556        // setup the client, which is going to run on the testing thread...
557        let io_loop = runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
559        // FIXME: this is hardcoded to index 5 for ipv6, which isn't going to be correct in most cases...
560        let (stream, mut sender) =
561            MdnsStream::new(mdns_addr, MdnsQueryType::OneShot, Some(1), None, Some(5));
562        let mut stream = io_loop.block_on(stream).ok().unwrap().into_future();
563        let mut timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
564            .flatten()
565            .boxed();
566        let mut successes = 0;
568        for _ in 0..send_recv_times {
569            // test once
570            sender
571                .send(SerialMessage::new(test_bytes.to_vec(), mdns_addr))
572                .unwrap();
574            println!("client sending data!");
576            // TODO: this lazy isn't needed is it?
577            match io_loop.block_on(future::lazy(|_| future::select(stream, timeout)).flatten()) {
578                Either::Left((buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp, timeout_tmp)) => {
579                    let (buffer_and_addr, stream_tmp) = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
580                    stream = stream_tmp.into_future();
581                    timeout = timeout_tmp;
583                    let (buffer, _addr) = buffer_and_addr
584                        .expect("no msg received")
585                        .expect("error receiving msg")
586                        .into_parts();
587                    println!("client got data!");
589                    assert_eq!(&buffer, test_bytes);
590                    successes += 1;
591                }
592                Either::Right(((), buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp)) => {
593                    stream = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
594                    timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
595                        .flatten()
596                        .boxed();
597                }
598            }
599        }
601        client_done.store(true, core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
602        println!("successes: {successes}");
603        assert!(successes >= 1);
604        server_handle.join().expect("server thread failed");
605    }
607    // FIXME: reenable after breakage in async/await
608    #[ignore]
609    #[test]
610    fn test_passive_mdns() {
611        subscribe();
612        passive_mdns_test(
613            MdnsQueryType::Passive,
614            SocketAddr::new(*TEST_MDNS_IPV4, BASE_TEST_PORT + 3),
615        )
616    }
618    // FIXME: reenable after breakage in async/await
619    #[ignore]
620    #[test]
621    fn test_oneshot_join_mdns() {
622        subscribe();
623        passive_mdns_test(
624            MdnsQueryType::OneShotJoin,
625            SocketAddr::new(*TEST_MDNS_IPV4, BASE_TEST_PORT + 4),
626        )
627    }
629    //   as there are probably unexpected responses coming on the standard addresses
630    fn passive_mdns_test(mdns_query_type: MdnsQueryType, mdns_addr: SocketAddr) {
631        use core::time::Duration;
633        let server_got_packet = alloc::sync::Arc::new(core::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::new(false));
635        let test_bytes: &'static [u8; 8] = b"DEADBEEF";
636        let send_recv_times = 10;
637        let server_got_packet_clone = server_got_packet.clone();
639        // an in and out server
640        let _server_handle = std::thread::Builder::new()
641            .name("test_one_shot_mdns:server".to_string())
642            .spawn(move || {
643                let io_loop = runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
644                let mut timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
645                    .flatten()
646                    .boxed();
648                // TTLs are 0 so that multicast test packets never leave the test host...
649                // FIXME: this is hardcoded to index 5 for ipv6, which isn't going to be correct in most cases...
650                let (server_stream_future, _server_sender) =
651                    MdnsStream::new(mdns_addr, mdns_query_type, Some(1), None, Some(5));
653                // For one-shot responses we are competing with a system mDNS responder, we will respond from a different port...
654                let mut server_stream = io_loop
655                    .block_on(server_stream_future)
656                    .expect("could not create mDNS listener")
657                    .into_future();
659                for _ in 0..=send_recv_times {
660                    // wait for some bytes...
661                    match io_loop.block_on(
662                        future::lazy(|_| future::select(server_stream, timeout)).flatten(),
663                    ) {
664                        Either::Left((_buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp, _timeout_tmp)) => {
665                            // let (buffer_and_addr, stream_tmp) = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
667                            // server_stream = stream_tmp.into_future();
668                            // timeout = timeout_tmp;
669                            // let (buffer, addr) = buffer_and_addr.expect("no buffer received");
671                            // assert_eq!(&buffer, test_bytes);
672                            // println!("server got data! {}", addr);
674                            server_got_packet_clone
675                                .store(true, core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
676                            return;
677                        }
678                        Either::Right(((), buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp)) => {
679                            server_stream = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
680                            timeout =
681                                future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
682                                    .flatten()
683                                    .boxed();
684                        }
685                    }
687                    // let the server turn for a bit... send the message
688                    io_loop.block_on(tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)));
689                }
690            })
691            .unwrap();
693        // setup the client, which is going to run on the testing thread...
694        let io_loop = runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
695        // FIXME: this is hardcoded to index 5 for ipv6, which isn't going to be correct in most cases...
696        let (stream, mut sender) =
697            MdnsStream::new(mdns_addr, MdnsQueryType::OneShot, Some(1), None, Some(5));
698        let mut stream = io_loop.block_on(stream).ok().unwrap().into_future();
699        let mut timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
700            .flatten()
701            .boxed();
703        for _ in 0..send_recv_times {
704            // test once
705            sender
706                .send(SerialMessage::new(test_bytes.to_vec(), mdns_addr))
707                .unwrap();
709            println!("client sending data!");
711            // TODO: this lazy is probably unnecessary?
712            let run_result =
713                io_loop.block_on(future::lazy(|_| future::select(stream, timeout)).flatten());
715            if server_got_packet.load(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
716                return;
717            }
719            match run_result {
720                Either::Left((buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp, timeout_tmp)) => {
721                    let (_buffer_and_addr, stream_tmp) = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
722                    stream = stream_tmp.into_future();
723                    timeout = timeout_tmp;
724                }
725                Either::Right(((), buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp)) => {
726                    stream = buffer_and_addr_stream_tmp;
727                    timeout = future::lazy(|_| tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)))
728                        .flatten()
729                        .boxed();
730                }
731            }
732        }
734        panic!("server never got packet.");
735    }