
1// Copyright 2015-2016 Benjamin Fry
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8use alloc::borrow::Cow;
9use alloc::string::String;
10use alloc::vec::Vec;
11use core::{char, iter::Peekable};
13use crate::serialize::txt::errors::{LexerError, LexerErrorKind, LexerResult};
15/// A Lexer for Zone files
16pub(crate) struct Lexer<'a> {
17    txt: Peekable<CowChars<'a>>,
18    state: State,
21impl<'a> Lexer<'a> {
22    /// Creates a new lexer with the given data to parse
23    pub(crate) fn new(txt: impl Into<Cow<'a, str>>) -> Self {
24        Lexer {
25            txt: CowChars {
26                data: txt.into(),
27                offset: 0,
28            }
29            .peekable(),
30            state: State::StartLine,
31        }
32    }
34    /// Return the next Token in the string
35    pub(crate) fn next_token(&mut self) -> LexerResult<Option<Token>> {
36        let mut char_data_vec: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
37        let mut char_data: Option<String> = None;
39        for i in 0..4_096 {
40            // max chars in a single lex, helps with issues in the lexer...
41            assert!(i < 4095); // keeps the bounds of the loop defined (nothing lasts forever)
43            // This is to get around mutability rules such that we can peek at the iter without moving next...
44            let ch: Option<char> = self.peek();
46            // handy line for debugging
47            // debug!("ch = {:?}; state = {:?}(c: {:?}, v: {:?})", ch, self.state, char_data, char_data_vec);
49            // continuing states should pass back the state as the last statement,
50            //  terminal states should set the state internally and return the proper Token::*.
51            // TODO: there is some non-ideal copying going on in here...
52            match self.state {
53                State::StartLine => {
54                    match ch {
55                        Some('\r') | Some('\n') => {
56                            self.state = State::EOL;
57                        }
58                        // white space at the start of line is a Blank
59                        Some(ch) if ch.is_whitespace() => self.state = State::Blank,
60                        Some(_) => self.state = State::RestOfLine,
61                        None => {
62                            self.state = State::EOF;
63                        }
64                    }
65                }
66                State::RestOfLine => {
67                    match ch {
68                        Some('@') => self.state = State::At,
69                        Some('(') => {
70                            self.txt.next();
71                            char_data_vec = Some(Vec::new());
72                            self.state = State::List;
73                        }
74                        Some(ch @ ')') => return Err(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(ch).into()),
75                        Some('$') => {
76                            self.txt.next();
77                            char_data = Some(String::new());
78                            self.state = State::Dollar;
79                        }
80                        Some('\r') | Some('\n') => {
81                            self.state = State::EOL;
82                        }
83                        Some('"') => {
84                            self.txt.next();
85                            char_data = Some(String::new());
86                            self.state = State::Quote;
87                        }
88                        Some(';') => self.state = State::Comment { is_list: false },
89                        Some(ch) if ch.is_whitespace() => {
90                            self.txt.next();
91                        } // gobble other whitespace
92                        Some(ch) if !ch.is_control() && !ch.is_whitespace() => {
93                            char_data = Some(String::new());
94                            self.state = State::CharData { is_list: false };
95                        }
96                        Some(ch) => return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnrecognizedChar(ch).into()),
97                        None => {
98                            self.state = State::EOF;
99                        }
100                    }
101                }
102                State::Blank => {
103                    // consume the whitespace
104                    self.txt.next();
105                    self.state = State::RestOfLine;
106                    return Ok(Some(Token::Blank));
107                }
108                State::Comment { is_list } => {
109                    match ch {
110                        Some('\r') | Some('\n') => {
111                            self.state = if is_list { State::List } else { State::EOL };
112                        } // out of the comment
113                        Some(_) => {
114                            self.txt.next();
115                        } // advance the token by default and maintain state
116                        None => {
117                            self.state = State::EOF;
118                        }
119                    }
120                }
121                State::Quote => {
122                    match ch {
123                        // end and gobble the '"'
124                        Some('"') => {
125                            self.state = State::RestOfLine;
126                            self.txt.next();
127                            return Ok(Some(Token::CharData(
128                                char_data.take().unwrap_or_else(|| "".into()),
129                            )));
130                        }
131                        Some('\\') => {
132                            Self::push_to_str(&mut char_data, self.escape_seq()?)?;
133                        }
134                        Some(ch) => {
135                            self.txt.next();
136                            Self::push_to_str(&mut char_data, ch)?;
137                        }
138                        None => return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnclosedQuotedString.into()),
139                    }
140                }
141                State::Dollar => {
142                    match ch {
143                        // even this is a little broad for what's actually possible in a dollar...
144                        Some(ch @ 'A'..='Z') => {
145                            self.txt.next();
146                            Self::push_to_str(&mut char_data, ch)?;
147                        }
148                        // finishes the Dollar...
149                        Some(_) | None => {
150                            self.state = State::RestOfLine;
151                            let dollar: String = char_data.take().ok_or_else(|| {
152                                LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::IllegalState(
153                                    "char_data \
154                                     is None",
155                                ))
156                            })?;
158                            return Ok(Some(match dollar.as_str() {
159                                "INCLUDE" => Token::Include,
160                                "ORIGIN" => Token::Origin,
161                                "TTL" => Token::Ttl,
162                                _ => {
163                                    return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnrecognizedDollar(
164                                        char_data.take().unwrap_or_else(|| "".into()),
165                                    )
166                                    .into());
167                                }
168                            }));
169                        }
170                    }
171                }
172                State::List => match ch {
173                    Some(';') => {
174                        self.txt.next();
175                        self.state = State::Comment { is_list: true }
176                    }
177                    Some(')') => {
178                        self.txt.next();
179                        self.state = State::RestOfLine;
180                        return char_data_vec
181                            .take()
182                            .ok_or_else(|| {
183                                LexerErrorKind::IllegalState("char_data_vec is None").into()
184                            })
185                            .map(|v| Some(Token::List(v)));
186                    }
187                    Some(ch) if ch.is_whitespace() => {
188                        self.txt.next();
189                    }
190                    Some(ch) if !ch.is_control() && !ch.is_whitespace() => {
191                        char_data = Some(String::new());
192                        self.state = State::CharData { is_list: true }
193                    }
194                    Some(ch) => return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnrecognizedChar(ch).into()),
195                    None => return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnclosedList.into()),
196                },
197                State::CharData { is_list } => {
198                    match ch {
199                        Some(ch @ ')') if !is_list => {
200                            return Err(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(ch).into());
201                        }
202                        Some(ch) if ch.is_whitespace() || ch == ')' || ch == ';' => {
203                            if is_list {
204                                char_data_vec
205                                    .as_mut()
206                                    .ok_or_else(|| {
207                                        LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::IllegalState(
208                                            "char_data_vec is None",
209                                        ))
210                                    })
211                                    .and_then(|v| {
212                                        let char_data = char_data.take().ok_or(
213                                            LexerErrorKind::IllegalState("char_data is None"),
214                                        )?;
216                                        v.push(char_data);
217                                        Ok(())
218                                    })?;
219                                self.state = State::List;
220                            } else {
221                                self.state = State::RestOfLine;
222                                let result = char_data.take().ok_or_else(|| {
223                                    LexerErrorKind::IllegalState("char_data is None").into()
224                                });
225                                let opt = result.map(|s| Some(Token::CharData(s)));
226                                return opt;
227                            }
228                        }
229                        // TODO: this next one can be removed, but will keep unescaping for quoted strings
230                        //Some('\\') => { try!(Self::push_to_str(&mut char_data, try!(self.escape_seq()))); },
231                        Some(ch) if !ch.is_control() && !ch.is_whitespace() => {
232                            self.txt.next();
233                            Self::push_to_str(&mut char_data, ch)?;
234                        }
235                        Some(ch) => return Err(LexerErrorKind::UnrecognizedChar(ch).into()),
236                        None => {
237                            self.state = State::EOF;
238                            return char_data
239                                .take()
240                                .ok_or_else(|| {
241                                    LexerErrorKind::IllegalState("char_data is None").into()
242                                })
243                                .map(|s| Some(Token::CharData(s)));
244                        }
245                    }
246                }
247                State::At => {
248                    self.txt.next();
249                    self.state = State::RestOfLine;
250                    return Ok(Some(Token::At));
251                }
252                State::EOL => match ch {
253                    Some('\r') => {
254                        self.txt.next();
255                    }
256                    Some('\n') => {
257                        self.txt.next();
258                        self.state = State::StartLine;
259                        return Ok(Some(Token::EOL));
260                    }
261                    Some(ch) => return Err(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(ch).into()),
262                    None => return Err(LexerErrorKind::EOF.into()),
263                },
264                // to exhaust all cases, this should never be run...
265                State::EOF => {
266                    self.txt.next(); // making sure we consume the last... it will always return None after.
267                    return Ok(None);
268                }
269            }
270        }
272        unreachable!("The above match statement should have found a terminal state");
273    }
275    fn push_to_str(collect: &mut Option<String>, ch: char) -> LexerResult<()> {
276        collect
277            .as_mut()
278            .ok_or_else(|| LexerErrorKind::IllegalState("collect is None").into())
279            .map(|s| {
280                s.push(ch);
281            })
282    }
284    fn escape_seq(&mut self) -> LexerResult<char> {
285        // escaped character, let's decode it.
286        self.txt.next(); // consume the escape
287        let ch = self
288            .peek()
289            .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::EOF))?;
291        if !ch.is_control() {
292            if ch.is_numeric() {
293                // in this case it's an escaped octal: \DDD
294                let d1: u32 = self
295                    .txt
296                    .next()
297                    .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::EOF))
298                    .map(|c| {
299                        c.to_digit(10)
300                            .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(c)))
301                    })??; // gobble
302                let d2: u32 = self
303                    .txt
304                    .next()
305                    .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::EOF))
306                    .map(|c| {
307                        c.to_digit(10)
308                            .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(c)))
309                    })??; // gobble
310                let d3: u32 = self
311                    .txt
312                    .next()
313                    .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::EOF))
314                    .map(|c| {
315                        c.to_digit(10)
316                            .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(c)))
317                    })??; // gobble
319                let val: u32 = (d1 << 16) + (d2 << 8) + d3;
320                let ch: char = char::from_u32(val)
321                    .ok_or_else(|| LexerError::from(LexerErrorKind::UnrecognizedOctet(val)))?;
323                Ok(ch)
324            } else {
325                // this is an escaped char: \X
326                self.txt.next(); // gobble the char
327                Ok(ch)
328            }
329        } else {
330            Err(LexerErrorKind::IllegalCharacter(ch).into())
331        }
332    }
334    fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
335        self.txt.peek().copied()
336    }
339struct CowChars<'a> {
340    data: Cow<'a, str>,
341    offset: usize,
344impl Iterator for CowChars<'_> {
345    type Item = char;
347    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
348        let mut iter = self.data[self.offset..].char_indices();
349        let (_, ch) = iter.next()?; // The returned index is always `0`
350        match iter.next() {
351            Some((idx, _)) => self.offset += idx,
352            None => self.offset = self.data.len(),
353        }
355        Some(ch)
356    }
360#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
361pub(crate) enum State {
362    StartLine,
363    RestOfLine,
364    Blank,                      // only if the first part of the line
365    List,                       // (..)
366    CharData { is_list: bool }, // [a-zA-Z, non-control utf8]+
367    //  Name,              // CharData + '.' + CharData
368    Comment { is_list: bool }, // ;.*
369    At,                        // @
370    Quote,                     // ".*"
371    Dollar,                    // $
372    EOL,                       // \n or \r\n
373    EOF,
376/// Tokens emited from each Lexer pass
377#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
378pub enum Token {
379    /// only if the first part of the line
380    Blank,
381    /// (..) TODO, this is probably wrong, List maybe should just skip line endings
382    List(Vec<String>),
383    /// [a-zA-Z, non-control utf8, ., -, 0-9]+, ".*"
384    CharData(String),
385    /// @
386    At,
387    /// $INCLUDE
388    Include,
389    /// $ORIGIN
390    Origin,
391    /// $TTL
392    Ttl,
393    /// \n or \r\n
394    EOL,
398mod lex_test {
399    use alloc::string::ToString;
401    use super::*;
403    #[allow(clippy::uninlined_format_args)]
404    fn next_token(lexer: &mut Lexer<'_>) -> Option<Token> {
405        let result = lexer.next_token();
406        assert!(result.is_ok(), "{:?}", result);
407        result.unwrap()
408    }
410    #[test]
411    fn blank() {
412        // first blank
413        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("     dead beef");
414        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
415        assert_eq!(
416            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
417            Token::CharData("dead".to_string())
418        );
419        assert_eq!(
420            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
421            Token::CharData("beef".to_string())
422        );
424        // not the second blank
425        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("dead beef");
426        assert_eq!(
427            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
428            Token::CharData("dead".to_string())
429        );
430        assert_eq!(
431            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
432            Token::CharData("beef".to_string())
433        );
435        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("dead beef\r\n after");
436        assert_eq!(
437            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
438            Token::CharData("dead".to_string())
439        );
440        assert_eq!(
441            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
442            Token::CharData("beef".to_string())
443        );
444        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
445        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
446        assert_eq!(
447            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
448            Token::CharData("after".to_string())
449        );
451        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(
452            "dead beef ();comment
453         after",
454        );
455        assert_eq!(
456            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
457            Token::CharData("dead".to_string())
458        );
459        assert_eq!(
460            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
461            Token::CharData("beef".to_string())
462        );
463        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::List(vec![]));
464        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
465        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
466        assert_eq!(
467            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
468            Token::CharData("after".to_string())
469        );
470    }
472    #[test]
473    fn escape() {
474        assert_eq!(
475            Lexer::new("a\\Aa").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
476            Token::CharData("a\\Aa".to_string())
477        );
478        assert_eq!(
479            Lexer::new("a\\$").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
480            Token::CharData("a\\$".to_string())
481        );
482        assert_eq!(
483            Lexer::new("a\\077").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
484            Token::CharData("a\\077".to_string())
485        );
486    }
488    #[test]
489    fn quoted_txt() {
490        assert_eq!(
491            Lexer::new("\"Quoted\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
492            Token::CharData("Quoted".to_string())
493        );
494        assert_eq!(
495            Lexer::new("\";@$\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
496            Token::CharData(";@$".to_string())
497        );
498        assert_eq!(
499            Lexer::new("\"some \\A\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
500            Token::CharData("some A".to_string())
501        );
502        assert_eq!(
503            Lexer::new("\"a\\Aa\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
504            Token::CharData("aAa".to_string())
505        );
506        assert_eq!(
507            Lexer::new("\"a\\$\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
508            Token::CharData("a$".to_string())
509        );
510        assert_eq!(
511            Lexer::new("\"a\\077\"").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
512            Token::CharData("a\u{707}".to_string())
513        );
515        assert!(Lexer::new("\"a\\\"").next_token().is_err());
516        assert!(Lexer::new("\"a\\0\"").next_token().is_err());
517        assert!(Lexer::new("\"a\\07\"").next_token().is_err());
519        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("\"multi\nline\ntext\"");
521        assert_eq!(
522            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
523            Token::CharData("multi\nline\ntext".to_string())
524        );
525        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
527        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("\"multi\r\nline\r\ntext\"\r\n");
529        assert_eq!(
530            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
531            Token::CharData("multi\r\nline\r\ntext".to_string())
532        );
533        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
534        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
536        assert!(Lexer::new("\"multi").next_token().is_err());
537    }
539    #[test]
540    fn unicode() {
541        assert_eq!(
542            Lexer::new("♥").next_token().unwrap().unwrap(),
543            Token::CharData("♥".to_string())
544        );
545    }
547    // fun with tests!!! lots of options
548    #[test]
549    fn lex() {
550        assert_eq!(
551            next_token(&mut Lexer::new(".")).unwrap(),
552            Token::CharData(".".to_string())
553        );
554        assert_eq!(
555            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("            .")).unwrap(),
556            Token::Blank
557        );
558        assert_eq!(
559            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("abc")).unwrap(),
560            Token::CharData("abc".to_string())
561        );
562        assert_eq!(
563            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("abc.")).unwrap(),
564            Token::CharData("abc.".to_string())
565        );
566        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new(";abc")), None);
567        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new(";;@$-\"")), None);
568        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new("@")).unwrap(), Token::At);
569        assert_eq!(
570            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("123")).unwrap(),
571            Token::CharData("123".to_string())
572        );
573        assert_eq!(
574            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("$INCLUDE")).unwrap(),
575            Token::Include
576        );
577        assert_eq!(
578            next_token(&mut Lexer::new("$ORIGIN")).unwrap(),
579            Token::Origin
580        );
581        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new("$TTL")).unwrap(), Token::Ttl);
582        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new("\n")), Some(Token::EOL));
583        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut Lexer::new("\r\n")), Some(Token::EOL));
584    }
586    #[test]
587    fn list() {
588        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("(");
589        assert!(lexer.next_token().is_err());
591        assert!(Lexer::new(")").next_token().is_err());
593        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("()");
594        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::List(vec![]));
595        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
597        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("(abc)");
598        assert_eq!(
599            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
600            Token::List(vec!["abc".to_string()])
601        );
602        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
604        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("(\nabc\n)");
605        assert_eq!(
606            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
607            Token::List(vec!["abc".to_string()])
608        );
609        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
611        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("(\nabc\nabc)");
612        assert_eq!(
613            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
614            Token::List(vec!["abc".to_string(), "abc".to_string()])
615        );
616        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
618        let mut lexer = Lexer::new("(\nabc;comment\n)");
619        assert_eq!(
620            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
621            Token::List(vec!["abc".to_string()])
622        );
623        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer), None);
624    }
626    #[test]
627    #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)]
628    fn soa() {
629        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(
630            "@   IN  SOA     VENERA      Action\\.domains (
631                                 \
632                        20     ; SERIAL
633                                 7200   ; REFRESH
634                                 \
635                        600    ; RETRY
636                                 3600000; EXPIRE
637                                 \
638                        60)    ; MINIMUM
640        NS      A.ISI.EDU.
641        NS      VENERA
642        \
643                        NS      VAXA
644        MX      10      VENERA
645        MX      20      VAXA
648                        A       A
651        A       \
655        );
657        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::At);
658        assert_eq!(
659            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
660            Token::CharData("IN".to_string())
661        );
662        assert_eq!(
663            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
664            Token::CharData("SOA".to_string())
665        );
666        assert_eq!(
667            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
668            Token::CharData("VENERA".to_string())
669        );
670        assert_eq!(
671            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
672            Token::CharData("Action\\.domains".to_string())
673        );
674        assert_eq!(
675            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
676            Token::List(vec![
677                "20".to_string(),
678                "7200".to_string(),
679                "600".to_string(),
680                "3600000".to_string(),
681                "60".to_string(),
682            ])
683        );
684        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
685        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
686        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
687        assert_eq!(
688            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
689            Token::CharData("NS".to_string())
690        );
691        assert_eq!(
692            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
693            Token::CharData("A.ISI.EDU.".to_string())
694        );
695        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
696        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
697        assert_eq!(
698            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
699            Token::CharData("NS".to_string())
700        );
701        assert_eq!(
702            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
703            Token::CharData("VENERA".to_string())
704        );
705        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
706        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
707        assert_eq!(
708            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
709            Token::CharData("NS".to_string())
710        );
711        assert_eq!(
712            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
713            Token::CharData("VAXA".to_string())
714        );
715        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
716        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
717        assert_eq!(
718            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
719            Token::CharData("MX".to_string())
720        );
721        assert_eq!(
722            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
723            Token::CharData("10".to_string())
724        );
725        assert_eq!(
726            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
727            Token::CharData("VENERA".to_string())
728        );
729        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
730        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
731        assert_eq!(
732            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
733            Token::CharData("MX".to_string())
734        );
735        assert_eq!(
736            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
737            Token::CharData("20".to_string())
738        );
739        assert_eq!(
740            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
741            Token::CharData("VAXA".to_string())
742        );
743        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
744        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
745        assert_eq!(
746            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
747            Token::CharData("A".to_string())
748        );
749        assert_eq!(
750            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
751            Token::CharData("A".to_string())
752        );
753        assert_eq!(
754            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
755            Token::CharData("".to_string())
756        );
757        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
758        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
759        assert_eq!(
760            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
761            Token::CharData("VENERA".to_string())
762        );
763        assert_eq!(
764            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
765            Token::CharData("A".to_string())
766        );
767        assert_eq!(
768            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
769            Token::CharData("".to_string())
770        );
771        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
772        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Blank);
773        assert_eq!(
774            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
775            Token::CharData("A".to_string())
776        );
777        assert_eq!(
778            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
779            Token::CharData("".to_string())
780        );
781        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
782        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::EOL);
783        assert_eq!(next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(), Token::Include);
784        assert_eq!(
785            next_token(&mut lexer).unwrap(),
786            Token::CharData("<SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT".to_string())
787        );
788        assert!(next_token(&mut lexer).is_none());
789    }