macro_rules! ForLt {
    (< $lt:lifetime > = $T:ty $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($($shorthand_syntax:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Produce impl ForLt1 types on demand.


  • Full syntax
    ForLt!(<'r> = some::Arbitrary<'r, Type>)
  • Shorthand syntax

    You can use the anonymous/elided '_ lifetime (or even implicitly elided if behind &) in which case you skip the <'lt> = part, and just write:

    ForLt!(some::Arbitrary<'_, Type>)


use ::higher_kinded_types::ForLt;

type A = ForLt!(<'r> = &'r str);
// the following two definitions are equivalent to A (syntax sugar).
type B = ForLt!(&'_ str);
type C = ForLt!(&str);

//     Let `'r` be `'static`, this results in:
//                      |
//                      vvvvvvv
let a: <A as ForLt>::Of<'static> = "a";
//     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//          `&'static str` !
//     vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
let b: <B as ForLt>::Of<'static> = "b";
let c: <C as ForLt>::Of<'static> = "c";

  1. + Send + Sync + Unpin