1use core::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
3use alloc::borrow::Cow;
4use alloc::string::String;
5use alloc::vec::Vec;
7#[cfg(feature = "std")]
8use std::io::{self, Write};
10macro_rules! parse_style_comment {
11 ($e:expr, $step:ident, $b:block, $bq:block, $bc:block $(, $($addi:expr),+)?) => {
12 match $step {
13 0 => {
14 match $e {
15 b'<' => $step = 1,
16 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
17 $(| $addi)+ => $bq,)?
18 _ => (),
19 }
20 }
21 1 => {
22 match $e {
23 b'/' => $step = 2,
24 b'!' => $step = 10,
25 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
26 $(| $addi)+ => {
27 $step = 0;
28 $bq
29 },)?
30 _ => $step = 0,
31 }
32 }
33 2 => {
34 match $e {
35 b's' | b'S' => $step = 3,
36 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
37 $(| $addi)+ => {
38 $step = 0;
39 $bq
40 },)?
41 _ => $step = 0,
42 }
43 }
44 3 => {
45 match $e {
46 b't' | b'T' => $step = 4,
47 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
48 $(| $addi)+ => {
49 $step = 0;
50 $bq
51 },)?
52 _ => $step = 0,
53 }
54 }
55 4 => {
56 match $e {
57 b'y' | b'Y' => $step = 5,
58 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
59 $(| $addi)+ => {
60 $step = 0;
61 $bq
62 },)?
63 _ => $step = 0,
64 }
65 }
66 5 => {
67 match $e {
68 b'l' | b'L' => $step = 6,
69 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
70 $(| $addi)+ => {
71 $step = 0;
72 $bq
73 },)?
74 _ => $step = 0,
75 }
76 }
77 6 => {
78 match $e {
79 b'e' | b'E' => $step = 7,
80 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
81 $(| $addi)+ => {
82 $step = 0;
83 $bq
84 },)?
85 _ => $step = 0,
86 }
87 }
88 7 => {
89 match $e {
90 b'>' | 9..=13 | 28..=32 => {
91 $step = 0;
92 $b
93 },
94 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
95 $(| $addi)+ => {
96 $step = 0;
97 $bq
98 },)?
99 _ => $step = 0,
100 }
101 }
102 10 => {
103 match $e {
104 b'-' => $step = 11,
105 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
106 $(| $addi)+ => {
107 $step = 0;
108 $bq
109 },)?
110 _ => $step = 0,
111 }
112 }
113 11 => {
114 match $e {
115 b'-' => {
116 $step = 0;
117 $bc
118 },
119 $(b'\\' => $step = 100,
120 $(| $addi)+ => {
121 $step = 0;
122 $bq
123 },)?
124 _ => $step = 0,
125 }
126 }
127 100 => {
128 match $e {
129 b'<' => $step = 1,
130 _ => $step = 0,
131 }
132 }
133 _ => unreachable!(),
134 }
135 };
138macro_rules! parse_style_comment_single_quoted_text {
139 ($e:expr, $step:ident, $b:block, $bq:block, $bc:block) => {
140 parse_style_comment!($e, $step, $b, $bq, $bc, b'\'');
141 };
144macro_rules! parse_style_comment_double_quoted_text {
145 ($e:expr, $step:ident, $b:block, $bq:block, $bc:block) => {
146 parse_style_comment!($e, $step, $b, $bq, $bc, b'"');
147 };
150macro_rules! parse_style_comment_quoted_text {
151 ($e:expr, $step:ident, $b:block, $bq:block, $bc:block) => {
152 parse_style_comment!($e, $step, $b, $bq, $bc, b'\'', b'"');
153 };
156encode_impl! {
157 6;
158 /// The following substring is escaped:
159 ///
160 /// * `</style>` => `<\/style>`
161 /// * `<!--` => `<\!--`
162 parse_style_comment;
163 /// Encode text used in the `<style>` element.
164 encode_style;
165 /// Write text used in the `<style>` element to a mutable `String` reference and return the encoded string slice.
166 encode_style_to_string;
167 /// Write text used in the `<style>` element to a mutable `Vec<u8>` reference and return the encoded data slice.
168 encode_style_to_vec;
169 /// Write text used in the `<style>` element to a writer.
170 encode_style_to_writer;
173encode_impl! {
174 6;
175 /// The following substring and character are escaped:
176 ///
177 /// * `</style>` => `<\/style>`
178 /// * `'` => `\'`
179 /// * `<!--` => `<\!--`
180 parse_style_comment_single_quoted_text;
181 /// Encode text used in a single quoted text in the `<style>` element.
182 encode_style_single_quoted_text;
183 /// Write text used in a single quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `String` reference and return the encoded string slice.
184 encode_style_single_quoted_text_to_string;
185 /// Write text used in a single quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `Vec<u8>` reference and return the encoded data slice.
186 encode_style_single_quoted_text_to_vec;
187 /// Write text used in a single quoted text in the `<style>` element to a writer.
188 encode_style_single_quoted_text_to_writer;
191encode_impl! {
192 6;
193 /// The following substring and character are escaped:
194 ///
195 /// * `</style>` => `<\/style>`
196 /// * `"` => `\"`
197 /// * `<!--` => `<\!--`
198 parse_style_comment_double_quoted_text;
199 /// Encode text used in a double quoted text in the `<style>` element.
200 encode_style_double_quoted_text;
201 /// Write text used in a double quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `String` reference and return the encoded string slice.
202 encode_style_double_quoted_text_to_string;
203 /// Write text used in a double quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `Vec<u8>` reference and return the encoded data slice.
204 encode_style_double_quoted_text_to_vec;
205 /// Write text used in a double quoted text in the `<style>` element to a writer.
206 encode_style_double_quoted_text_to_writer;
209encode_impl! {
210 6;
211 /// The following substring and characters are escaped:
212 ///
213 /// * `</style>` => `<\/style>`
214 /// * `"` => `\"`
215 /// * `'` => `\'`
216 /// * `<!--` => `<\!--`
217 parse_style_comment_quoted_text;
218 /// Encode text used in a quoted text in the `<style>` element.
219 encode_style_quoted_text;
220 /// Write text used in a quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `String` reference and return the encoded string slice.
221 encode_style_quoted_text_to_string;
222 /// Write text used in a quoted text in the `<style>` element to a mutable `Vec<u8>` reference and return the encoded data slice.
223 encode_style_quoted_text_to_vec;
224 /// Write text used in a quoted text in the `<style>` element to a writer.
225 encode_style_quoted_text_to_writer;