
1use std::{error::Error, io};
3pub struct Response<'a> {
4    response: &'a str,
7impl<'a> Response<'a> {
8    pub fn new(response: &str) -> Response {
9        // * gets the response from client in lossy format
10        //! lossy format is used to convert the binary to readable string
11        let parse = Response { response: response };
12        Response {
13            response: parse.response,
14        }
15    }
16    pub fn method(&self) -> &str {
17        //* extract the methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE */
18        //* splits the response and get the 0th index element */
19        //*  */
20        let method = self.response.split(" ").nth(0);
21        match method {
22            Some(method) => method,
23            None => "path not found",
24        }
25    }
26    pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
27        let path = self.response.split(" ").nth(1);
28        // println!("{}", path);
29        match path {
30            Some(path) => path,
31            None => "path not found",
32        }
33    }
34    pub fn encoding_type(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
35        let responses = self.response.find("Accept-Encoding").unwrap();
36        let accept: Vec<&str> = self.response[responses..]
37            .trim_end_matches("\0")
38            .trim_end_matches("\r\n")
39            .split("\r\n")
40            .nth(0)
41            .unwrap()
42            .split(":")
43            .nth(1)
44            .unwrap()
45            .split(",")
46            .collect();
47        accept
48    }
49    pub fn content(&self) -> &str {
50        let content = self
51            .response
52            .find("\r\n\r\n")
53            .unwrap_or(self.response.len());
54        let response = self.response[content..].trim().trim_end_matches("\0");
55        response
56    }
57    pub fn token(&self) -> &str {
58        match self.response.find("Authorization : Bearer") {
59            Some(size) => {
60                let response = self.response[size..].trim().trim_end_matches("\r\n\r\n");
61                response
62            }
63            None => "Invalid token",
64        }
65    }
66    pub fn cookie(&self) -> Result<&str, Box<dyn Error>> {
67        // println!("{}", self.response);
68        match self.response.find("Cookie: ") {
69            Some(size) => {
70                let size = size + "Cookie :".len();
71                let cookie = self.response[size..]
72                    .trim()
73                    .trim_end_matches("\r\n\r\n")
74                    .trim_end_matches("\0");
75                println!("{:?}", cookie);
76                Ok(cookie)
77            }
78            None => Err(Box::new(io::Error::new(
79                io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
80                "Cookie Not found",
81            ))),
82        }
83    }