
1use std::ffi::{c_int, c_void};
2use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
3use std::ptr;
4use std::task::{Context, Poll};
6use http_body_util::BodyExt as _;
8use super::task::{hyper_context, hyper_task, hyper_task_return_type, AsTaskType};
9use super::{UserDataPointer, HYPER_ITER_CONTINUE};
10use crate::body::{Bytes, Frame, Incoming as IncomingBody};
11use crate::ffi::size_t;
13/// A streaming HTTP body.
15/// This is used both for sending requests (with `hyper_request_set_body`) and
16/// for receiving responses (with `hyper_response_body`).
18/// For outgoing request bodies, call `hyper_body_set_data_func` to provide the
19/// data.
21/// For incoming response bodies, call `hyper_body_data` to get a task that will
22/// yield a chunk of data each time it is polled. That task must be then be
23/// added to the executor with `hyper_executor_push`.
25/// Methods:
27/// - hyper_body_new:           Create a new “empty” body.
28/// - hyper_body_set_userdata:  Set userdata on this body, which will be passed to callback functions.
29/// - hyper_body_set_data_func: Set the data callback for this body.
30/// - hyper_body_data:          Creates a task that will poll a response body for the next buffer of data.
31/// - hyper_body_foreach:       Creates a task to execute the callback with each body chunk received.
32/// - hyper_body_free:          Free a body.
33pub struct hyper_body(pub(super) IncomingBody);
35/// A buffer of bytes that is sent or received on a `hyper_body`.
37/// Obtain one of these in the callback of `hyper_body_foreach` or by receiving
38/// a task of type `HYPER_TASK_BUF` from `hyper_executor_poll` (after calling
39/// `hyper_body_data` and pushing the resulting task).
41/// Methods:
43/// - hyper_buf_bytes: Get a pointer to the bytes in this buffer.
44/// - hyper_buf_copy:  Create a new hyper_buf * by copying the provided bytes.
45/// - hyper_buf_free:  Free this buffer.
46/// - hyper_buf_len:   Get the length of the bytes this buffer contains.
47pub struct hyper_buf(pub(crate) Bytes);
49pub(crate) struct UserBody {
50    data_func: hyper_body_data_callback,
51    userdata: *mut c_void,
54// ===== Body =====
56type hyper_body_foreach_callback = extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const hyper_buf) -> c_int;
58type hyper_body_data_callback =
59    extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *mut hyper_context<'_>, *mut *mut hyper_buf) -> c_int;
61ffi_fn! {
62    /// Creates a new "empty" body.
63    ///
64    /// If not configured, this body acts as an empty payload.
65    ///
66    /// To avoid a memory leak, the body must eventually be consumed by
67    /// `hyper_body_free`, `hyper_body_foreach`, or `hyper_request_set_body`.
68    fn hyper_body_new() -> *mut hyper_body {
69        Box::into_raw(Box::new(hyper_body(IncomingBody::ffi())))
70    } ?= ptr::null_mut()
73ffi_fn! {
74    /// Free a body.
75    ///
76    /// This should only be used if the request isn't consumed by
77    /// `hyper_body_foreach` or `hyper_request_set_body`.
78    fn hyper_body_free(body: *mut hyper_body) {
79        drop(non_null!(Box::from_raw(body) ?= ()));
80    }
83ffi_fn! {
84    /// Creates a task that will poll a response body for the next buffer of data.
85    ///
86    /// The task may have different types depending on the outcome:
87    ///
88    /// - `HYPER_TASK_BUF`: Success, and more data was received.
89    /// - `HYPER_TASK_ERROR`: An error retrieving the data.
90    /// - `HYPER_TASK_EMPTY`: The body has finished streaming data.
91    ///
92    /// When the application receives the task from `hyper_executor_poll`,
93    /// if the task type is `HYPER_TASK_BUF`, it should cast the task to
94    /// `hyper_buf *` and consume all the bytes in the buffer. Then
95    /// the application should call `hyper_body_data` again for the same
96    /// `hyper_body *`, to create a task for the next buffer of data.
97    /// Repeat until the polled task type is `HYPER_TASK_ERROR` or
98    /// `HYPER_TASK_EMPTY`.
99    ///
100    /// To avoid a memory leak, the task must eventually be consumed by
101    /// `hyper_task_free`, or taken ownership of by `hyper_executor_push`
102    /// without subsequently being given back by `hyper_executor_poll`.
103    ///
104    /// This does not consume the `hyper_body *`, so it may be used again.
105    /// However, the `hyper_body *` MUST NOT be used or freed until the
106    /// related task is returned from `hyper_executor_poll`.
107    ///
108    /// For a more convenient method, see also `hyper_body_foreach`.
109    fn hyper_body_data(body: *mut hyper_body) -> *mut hyper_task {
110        // This doesn't take ownership of the Body, so don't allow destructor
111        let mut body = ManuallyDrop::new(non_null!(Box::from_raw(body) ?= ptr::null_mut()));
113        Box::into_raw(hyper_task::boxed(async move {
114            loop {
115                match body.0.frame().await {
116                    Some(Ok(frame)) => {
117                        if let Ok(data) = frame.into_data() {
118                            return Ok(Some(hyper_buf(data)));
119                        } else {
120                            continue;
121                        }
122                    },
123                    Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e),
124                    None => return Ok(None),
125                }
126            }
127        }))
128    } ?= ptr::null_mut()
131ffi_fn! {
132    /// Creates a task to execute the callback with each body chunk received.
133    ///
134    /// To avoid a memory leak, the task must eventually be consumed by
135    /// `hyper_task_free`, or taken ownership of by `hyper_executor_push`
136    /// without subsequently being given back by `hyper_executor_poll`.
137    ///
138    /// The `hyper_buf` pointer is only a borrowed reference. It cannot live outside
139    /// the execution of the callback. You must make a copy of the bytes to retain them.
140    ///
141    /// The callback should return `HYPER_ITER_CONTINUE` to continue iterating
142    /// chunks as they are received, or `HYPER_ITER_BREAK` to cancel. Each
143    /// invocation of the callback must consume all the bytes it is provided.
144    /// There is no mechanism to signal to Hyper that only a subset of bytes were
145    /// consumed.
146    ///
147    /// This will consume the `hyper_body *`, you shouldn't use it anymore or free it.
148    fn hyper_body_foreach(body: *mut hyper_body, func: hyper_body_foreach_callback, userdata: *mut c_void) -> *mut hyper_task {
149        let mut body = non_null!(Box::from_raw(body) ?= ptr::null_mut());
150        let userdata = UserDataPointer(userdata);
152        Box::into_raw(hyper_task::boxed(async move {
153            let _ = &userdata;
154            while let Some(item) = body.0.frame().await {
155                let frame = item?;
156                if let Ok(chunk) = frame.into_data() {
157                    if HYPER_ITER_CONTINUE != func(userdata.0, &hyper_buf(chunk)) {
158                        return Err(crate::Error::new_user_aborted_by_callback());
159                    }
160                }
161            }
162            Ok(())
163        }))
164    } ?= ptr::null_mut()
167ffi_fn! {
168    /// Set userdata on this body, which will be passed to callback functions.
169    fn hyper_body_set_userdata(body: *mut hyper_body, userdata: *mut c_void) {
170        let b = non_null!(&mut *body ?= ());
171        b.0.as_ffi_mut().userdata = userdata;
172    }
175ffi_fn! {
176    /// Set the outgoing data callback for this body.
177    ///
178    /// The callback is called each time hyper needs to send more data for the
179    /// body. It is passed the value from `hyper_body_set_userdata`.
180    ///
181    /// If there is data available, the `hyper_buf **` argument should be set
182    /// to a `hyper_buf *` containing the data, and `HYPER_POLL_READY` should
183    /// be returned.
184    ///
185    /// Returning `HYPER_POLL_READY` while the `hyper_buf **` argument points
186    /// to `NULL` will indicate the body has completed all data.
187    ///
188    /// If there is more data to send, but it isn't yet available, a
189    /// `hyper_waker` should be saved from the `hyper_context *` argument, and
190    /// `HYPER_POLL_PENDING` should be returned. You must wake the saved waker
191    /// to signal the task when data is available.
192    ///
193    /// If some error has occurred, you can return `HYPER_POLL_ERROR` to abort
194    /// the body.
195    fn hyper_body_set_data_func(body: *mut hyper_body, func: hyper_body_data_callback) {
196        let b = non_null!{ &mut *body ?= () };
197        b.0.as_ffi_mut().data_func = func;
198    }
201// ===== impl UserBody =====
203impl UserBody {
204    pub(crate) fn new() -> UserBody {
205        UserBody {
206            data_func: data_noop,
207            userdata: std::ptr::null_mut(),
208        }
209    }
211    pub(crate) fn poll_data(
212        &mut self,
213        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
214    ) -> Poll<Option<crate::Result<Frame<Bytes>>>> {
215        let mut out = std::ptr::null_mut();
216        match (self.data_func)(self.userdata, hyper_context::wrap(cx), &mut out) {
217            super::task::HYPER_POLL_READY => {
218                if out.is_null() {
219                    Poll::Ready(None)
220                } else {
221                    let buf = unsafe { Box::from_raw(out) };
222                    Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Frame::data(buf.0))))
223                }
224            }
225            super::task::HYPER_POLL_PENDING => Poll::Pending,
226            super::task::HYPER_POLL_ERROR => {
227                Poll::Ready(Some(Err(crate::Error::new_body_write_aborted())))
228            }
229            unexpected => Poll::Ready(Some(Err(crate::Error::new_body_write(format!(
230                "unexpected hyper_body_data_func return code {}",
231                unexpected
232            ))))),
233        }
234    }
237/// cbindgen:ignore
238extern "C" fn data_noop(
239    _userdata: *mut c_void,
240    _: *mut hyper_context<'_>,
241    _: *mut *mut hyper_buf,
242) -> c_int {
243    super::task::HYPER_POLL_READY
246unsafe impl Send for UserBody {}
247unsafe impl Sync for UserBody {}
249// ===== Bytes =====
251ffi_fn! {
252    /// Create a new `hyper_buf *` by copying the provided bytes.
253    ///
254    /// This makes an owned copy of the bytes, so the `buf` argument can be
255    /// freed (with `hyper_buf_free`) or changed afterwards.
256    ///
257    /// To avoid a memory leak, the copy must eventually be consumed by
258    /// `hyper_buf_free`.
259    ///
260    /// This returns `NULL` if allocating a new buffer fails.
261    fn hyper_buf_copy(buf: *const u8, len: size_t) -> *mut hyper_buf {
262        let slice = unsafe {
263            std::slice::from_raw_parts(buf, len)
264        };
265        Box::into_raw(Box::new(hyper_buf(Bytes::copy_from_slice(slice))))
266    } ?= ptr::null_mut()
269ffi_fn! {
270    /// Get a pointer to the bytes in this buffer.
271    ///
272    /// This should be used in conjunction with `hyper_buf_len` to get the length
273    /// of the bytes data.
274    ///
275    /// This pointer is borrowed data, and not valid once the `hyper_buf` is
276    /// consumed/freed.
277    fn hyper_buf_bytes(buf: *const hyper_buf) -> *const u8 {
278        unsafe { (*buf).0.as_ptr() }
279    } ?= ptr::null()
282ffi_fn! {
283    /// Get the length of the bytes this buffer contains.
284    fn hyper_buf_len(buf: *const hyper_buf) -> size_t {
285        unsafe { (*buf).0.len() }
286    }
289ffi_fn! {
290    /// Free this buffer.
291    ///
292    /// This should be used for any buffer once it is no longer needed.
293    fn hyper_buf_free(buf: *mut hyper_buf) {
294        drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(buf) });
295    }
298unsafe impl AsTaskType for hyper_buf {
299    fn as_task_type(&self) -> hyper_task_return_type {
300        hyper_task_return_type::HYPER_TASK_BUF
301    }