#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::ops::Range;
use super::TextLayout;
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Glyph<Length> {
pub advance: Length,
pub offset_x: Length,
pub offset_y: Length,
pub glyph_id: Option<core::num::NonZeroU16>,
pub text_byte_offset: usize,
pub trait TextShaper {
type LengthPrimitive: core::ops::Mul
+ core::ops::Div
+ core::ops::Add<Output = Self::LengthPrimitive>
+ core::ops::AddAssign
+ euclid::num::Zero
+ euclid::num::One
+ core::convert::From<i16>
+ Copy
+ core::fmt::Debug;
type Length: euclid::num::Zero
+ core::ops::AddAssign
+ core::ops::Add<Output = Self::Length>
+ core::ops::Sub<Output = Self::Length>
+ Default
+ Clone
+ Copy
+ core::cmp::PartialOrd
+ core::ops::Mul<Self::LengthPrimitive, Output = Self::Length>
+ core::ops::Div<Self::LengthPrimitive, Output = Self::Length>
+ core::fmt::Debug;
fn shape_text<GlyphStorage: core::iter::Extend<Glyph<Self::Length>>>(
text: &str,
glyphs: &mut GlyphStorage,
fn glyph_for_char(&self, ch: char) -> Option<Glyph<Self::Length>>;
fn max_lines(&self, max_height: Self::Length) -> usize;
pub trait FontMetrics<Length: Copy + core::ops::Sub<Output = Length>> {
fn height(&self) -> Length {
self.ascent() - self.descent()
fn ascent(&self) -> Length;
fn descent(&self) -> Length;
pub trait AbstractFont: TextShaper + FontMetrics<<Self as TextShaper>::Length> {}
impl<T> AbstractFont for T where T: TextShaper + FontMetrics<<Self as TextShaper>::Length> {}
pub struct ShapeBoundaries<'a> {
text: &'a str,
#[cfg(feature = "unicode-script")]
chars: core::str::CharIndices<'a>,
next_boundary_start: Option<usize>,
#[cfg(feature = "unicode-script")]
last_script: Option<unicode_script::Script>,
impl<'a> ShapeBoundaries<'a> {
pub fn new(text: &'a str) -> Self {
let next_boundary_start = if !text.is_empty() { Some(0) } else { None };
Self {
#[cfg(feature = "unicode-script")]
chars: text.char_indices(),
#[cfg(feature = "unicode-script")]
last_script: None,
impl<'a> Iterator for ShapeBoundaries<'a> {
type Item = usize;
#[cfg(feature = "unicode-script")]
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (next_offset, script) = loop {
match self.chars.next() {
Some((byte_offset, ch)) => {
use unicode_script::UnicodeScript;
let next_script = ch.script();
let previous_script = *self.last_script.get_or_insert(next_script);
if next_script == previous_script {
if matches!(
| unicode_script::Script::Common
| unicode_script::Script::Inherited,
) {
break (Some(byte_offset), Some(next_script));
None => {
break (None, None);
self.last_script = script;
self.next_boundary_start = next_offset;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-script"))]
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.next_boundary_start {
Some(_) => {
self.next_boundary_start = None;
None => None,
pub struct TextRun {
pub byte_range: Range<usize>,
pub glyph_range: Range<usize>,
pub struct ShapeBuffer<Length> {
pub glyphs: Vec<Glyph<Length>>,
pub text_runs: Vec<TextRun>,
impl<Length> ShapeBuffer<Length> {
pub fn new<Font>(layout: &TextLayout<Font>, text: &str) -> Self
Font: AbstractFont<Length = Length>,
Length: Copy + core::ops::AddAssign,
let mut glyphs = Vec::new();
let text_runs = ShapeBoundaries::new(text)
.scan(0, |run_start, run_end| {
let glyphs_start = glyphs.len();
layout.font.shape_text(&text[*run_start..run_end], &mut glyphs);
if let Some(letter_spacing) = layout.letter_spacing {
if glyphs.len() > glyphs_start {
let mut last_byte_offset = glyphs[glyphs_start].text_byte_offset;
for index in glyphs_start + 1..glyphs.len() {
let current_glyph_byte_offset = glyphs[index].text_byte_offset;
if current_glyph_byte_offset != last_byte_offset {
let previous_glyph = &mut glyphs[index - 1];
previous_glyph.advance += letter_spacing;
last_byte_offset = current_glyph_byte_offset;
glyphs.last_mut().unwrap().advance += letter_spacing;
let run = TextRun {
byte_range: Range { start: *run_start, end: run_end },
glyph_range: Range { start: glyphs_start, end: glyphs.len() },
*run_start = run_end;
Self { glyphs, text_runs }
fn test_shape_boundaries_simple() {
let simple_text = "Hello World";
let mut itemizer = ShapeBoundaries::new(simple_text);
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), Some(simple_text.len()));
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), None);
fn test_shape_boundaries_empty() {
let mut itemizer = ShapeBoundaries::new("");
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), None);
not(feature = "unicode-script"),
ignore = "Not supported without the unicode-script feature"
fn test_shape_boundaries_script_change() {
let text = "abc🍌🐒defதோசை.";
let mut itemizer = ShapeBoundaries::new(text).scan(0, |start, end| {
let str = &text[*start..end];
*start = end;
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), Some("abc🍌🐒def"));
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), Some("தோசை."));
assert_eq!(itemizer.next(), None);
impl<'a> TextShaper for &rustybuzz::Face<'a> {
type LengthPrimitive = f32;
type Length = f32;
fn shape_text<GlyphStorage: std::iter::Extend<Glyph<f32>>>(
text: &str,
glyphs: &mut GlyphStorage,
) {
let mut buffer = rustybuzz::UnicodeBuffer::new();
let glyph_buffer = rustybuzz::shape(self, &[], buffer);
let output_glyph_generator =
|(info, position)| {
let mut out_glyph = Glyph::default();
out_glyph.glyph_id = core::num::NonZeroU16::new(info.glyph_id as u16);
out_glyph.offset_x = position.x_offset as _;
out_glyph.offset_y = position.y_offset as _;
out_glyph.advance = position.x_advance as _;
out_glyph.text_byte_offset = info.cluster as usize;
fn glyph_for_char(&self, _ch: char) -> Option<Glyph<f32>> {
fn max_lines(&self, max_height: f32) -> usize {
(max_height / self.height()).floor() as _
impl<'a> FontMetrics<f32> for &rustybuzz::Face<'a> {
fn ascent(&self) -> f32 {
self.ascender() as _
fn descent(&self) -> f32 {
self.descender() as _
fn with_dejavu_font<R>(mut callback: impl FnMut(&rustybuzz::Face<'_>) -> R) -> Option<R> {
let mut fontdb = fontdb::Database::new();
let dejavu_path: std::path::PathBuf =
[env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "..", "common", "sharedfontdb", "DejaVuSans.ttf"]
fontdb.load_font_file(dejavu_path).expect("unable to load test dejavu font");
let font_id = fontdb.faces().next().unwrap().id;
fontdb.with_face_data(font_id, |data, font_index| {
let face =
rustybuzz::Face::from_slice(data, font_index).expect("unable to parse dejavu font");
fn test_shaping() {
use std::num::NonZeroU16;
use TextShaper;
with_dejavu_font(|face| {
let mut shaped_glyphs = Vec::new();
face.shape_text("a\u{0304}\u{0301}b", &mut shaped_glyphs);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[0].glyph_id, NonZeroU16::new(195));
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[0].text_byte_offset, 0);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[1].glyph_id, NonZeroU16::new(690));
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[1].text_byte_offset, 0);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[2].glyph_id, NonZeroU16::new(69));
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[2].text_byte_offset, 5);
let mut shaped_glyphs = Vec::new();
face.shape_text("a b", &mut shaped_glyphs);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[0].glyph_id, NonZeroU16::new(68));
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[0].text_byte_offset, 0);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[1].text_byte_offset, 1);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[2].glyph_id, NonZeroU16::new(69));
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs[2].text_byte_offset, 2);
fn test_letter_spacing() {
use TextShaper;
with_dejavu_font(|face| {
let text = "a\u{0304}\u{0301}b";
let advances = {
let mut shaped_glyphs = Vec::new();
face.shape_text(text, &mut shaped_glyphs);
assert_eq!(shaped_glyphs.len(), 3);
shaped_glyphs.iter().map(|g| g.advance).collect::<Vec<_>>()
let layout = TextLayout { font: &face, letter_spacing: Some(20.) };
let buffer = ShapeBuffer::new(&layout, text);
assert_eq!(buffer.glyphs.len(), advances.len());
let mut expected_advances = advances;
expected_advances[1] += layout.letter_spacing.unwrap();
*expected_advances.last_mut().unwrap() += layout.letter_spacing.unwrap();
buffer.glyphs.iter().map(|glyph| glyph.advance).collect::<Vec<_>>(),