Macro imap_deconstruct

macro_rules! imap_deconstruct {
    ($(let { $($key:ident),+ $(,)? } = $map:expr;)*) => { ... };
Available on crate feature map only.
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A macro to help deconstructs maps inspired by JS.

This macro is an experiment and may change or be entirely deleted before the 1.0 release.


use implicit_clone::unsync::*;
use implicit_clone::imap_deconstruct;

let my_imap = [(IString::from("foo"), 1), (IString::from("bar"), 2)]
    .collect::<IMap<IString, u32>>();
    let { foo, bar, baz } = my_imap;
    let { foobarbaz } = my_imap;
assert_eq!(foo, Some(1));
assert_eq!(bar, Some(2));
assert_eq!(baz, None);
assert_eq!(foobarbaz, None);