
1//! Normalization.
3//! # IRI normalization (and resolution) can fail
5//! Though this is not explicitly stated in RFC 3986, IRI normalization can fail.
6//! For example, `foo:.///bar`, `foo:./..//bar`, and `foo:/..//bar` are all
7//! normalized to `foo://bar` as a string. However, IRI without authority (note
8//! that this is different from "with empty authority") cannot have a path
9//! starting with `//`, since it is ambiguous and can be interpreted as an IRI
10//! with authority. So, `foo://bar` is decomposed as scheme `foo`, authority
11//! `bar`, and empty path. The expected result is the combination of scheme
12//! `foo`, no authority, and path `//bar` (though this is not possible to
13//! serialize), so the algorithm fails as it cannot return the intended result.
15//! IRI resolution can also fail since it (conditionally) invokes normalization
16//! during the resolution process. For example, resolving a reference `.///bar`
17//! or `/..//bar` against the base `foo:` fail.
19//! Thus, IRI resolution can fail for some abnormal cases.
21//! Note that this kind of failure can happen only when the base IRI has no
22//! authority and empty path. This would be rare in the wild, since many people
23//! would use an IRI with authority part, such as `http://`.
25//! If you are handling `scheme://`-style URIs and IRIs, don't worry about the
26//! failure. Currently no cases are known to fail when at least one of the base
27//! IRI or the relative IRI contains authorities.
29//! To know what will happen on resolution failure, see the module documentation
30//! for [`resolve`][`crate::resolve`].
32//! ## Examples
34//! ### Normalization failure
36//! ```
37//! # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
38//! use iri_string::normalize::Error;
39//! use iri_string::types::{IriAbsoluteStr, IriReferenceStr};
41//! let base = IriAbsoluteStr::new("foo:.///bar")?;
42//! assert!(
43//!     base.normalize().ensure_rfc3986_normalizable().is_err(),
44//!     "this normalization should fails without WAHTWG URL Standard serialization"
45//! );
46//! # }
47//! # Ok::<_, iri_string::validate::Error>(())
48//! ```
50//! ### Resolution failure
52//! ```
53//! # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
54//! use iri_string::types::{IriAbsoluteStr, IriReferenceStr};
56//! let base = IriAbsoluteStr::new("scheme:")?;
57//! {
58//!     let reference = IriReferenceStr::new(".///bar")?;
59//!     let result = reference.resolve_against(base)
60//!         .ensure_rfc3986_normalizable();
61//!     assert!(result.is_err());
62//! }
64//! {
65//!     let reference2 = IriReferenceStr::new("/..//bar")?;
66//!     // Resulting string will be `scheme://bar`, but `bar` should be a path
67//!     // segment, not a host. So, the semantically correct target IRI cannot
68//!     // be represented.
69//!     let result2 = reference2.resolve_against(base)
70//!         .ensure_rfc3986_normalizable();
71//!     assert!(result2.is_err());
72//! }
73//! # }
74//! # Ok::<_, iri_string::validate::Error>(())
75//! ```
77mod error;
78mod path;
79mod pct_case;
81use core::fmt::{self, Display as _, Write as _};
82use core::marker::PhantomData;
84#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
85use alloc::collections::TryReserveError;
87use crate::components::{RiReferenceComponents, Splitter};
88#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
89use crate::format::{ToDedicatedString, ToStringFallible};
90use crate::parser::str::rfind_split_hole;
91use crate::parser::trusted::is_ascii_only_host;
92use crate::spec::Spec;
93use crate::types::{RiAbsoluteStr, RiReferenceStr, RiStr};
94#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
95use crate::types::{RiAbsoluteString, RiString};
97pub use self::error::Error;
98pub(crate) use self::path::{Path, PathCharacteristic, PathToNormalize};
99pub(crate) use self::pct_case::{
100    is_pct_case_normalized, NormalizedAsciiOnlyHost, PctCaseNormalized,
103/// Normalization algorithm.
104#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
105pub(crate) enum NormalizationMode {
106    /// No normalization.
107    None,
108    /// Default normalization mode.
109    ///
110    /// Applies RFC 3986 normalization whenever possible. When not possible,
111    /// applies serialization algorithm defined in WHATWG URL standard.
112    Default,
113    /// WHATWG-like normalization mode.
114    ///
115    /// Preserves relative path as is (modulo case/pct normalization) when the
116    /// authority component is absent.
117    PreserveAuthoritylessRelativePath,
120impl NormalizationMode {
121    /// Returns true if case normalization and percent-encoding normalization should be applied.
122    ///
123    /// Note that even when this option is `true`, plain US-ASCII characters
124    /// won't be automatically lowered. Users should apply case normalization
125    /// for US-ASCII only `host` component by themselves.
126    #[inline]
127    #[must_use]
128    fn case_pct_normalization(self) -> bool {
129        match self {
130            Self::None => false,
131            Self::Default | Self::PreserveAuthoritylessRelativePath => true,
132        }
133    }
136/// Normalizedness check algorithm.
137#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
138pub(crate) enum NormalizednessCheckMode {
139    /// Default algorithm (corresponding to [`NormalizationMode::Default`]).
140    Default,
141    /// Strict RFC 3986 normalization.
142    Rfc3986,
143    /// WHATWG-like normalization algorithm (corresponding to
144    /// [`NormalizationMode::PreserveAuthoritylessRelativePath`]).
145    PreserveAuthoritylessRelativePath,
148/// Normalization operation.
149#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
150pub(crate) struct NormalizationOp {
151    /// Normalization mode.
152    pub(crate) mode: NormalizationMode,
155/// Spec-agnostic IRI normalization/resolution input.
156#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
157pub(crate) struct NormalizationInput<'a> {
158    /// Target scheme.
159    scheme: &'a str,
160    /// Target authority.
161    authority: Option<&'a str>,
162    /// Target path without dot-removal.
163    path: Path<'a>,
164    /// Target query.
165    query: Option<&'a str>,
166    /// Target fragment.
167    fragment: Option<&'a str>,
168    /// Normalization type.
169    op: NormalizationOp,
172impl<'a> NormalizationInput<'a> {
173    /// Creates a `NormalizedInput` from IRIs to resolve.
174    #[inline]
175    #[must_use]
176    pub(crate) fn with_resolution_params<S: Spec>(
177        base_components: &RiReferenceComponents<'a, S>,
178        reference: &'a RiReferenceStr<S>,
179    ) -> Self {
180        let r = RiReferenceComponents::from(reference);
182        Self::create_normalization_input(
183            r.iri.as_str(),
184            &r.splitter,
185            base_components.iri.as_str(),
186            &base_components.splitter,
187        )
188    }
190    /// Creates a `NormalizationInput` from components to resolve an IRI.
191    #[must_use]
192    fn create_normalization_input(
193        r_iri: &'a str,
194        r: &Splitter,
195        b_iri: &'a str,
196        b: &Splitter,
197    ) -> Self {
198        /// The toplevel component the reference has.
199        #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
200        enum RefToplevel {
201            /// Scheme.
202            Scheme,
203            /// Authority.
204            Authority,
205            /// Path.
206            Path,
207            /// Query.
208            Query,
209            /// Reference is empty or has only fragment.
210            None,
211        }
213        impl RefToplevel {
214            /// Choose a component from either of the reference or the base,
215            /// based on the toplevel component of the reference.
216            #[inline]
217            #[must_use]
218            fn choose_then<T, F, G>(self, component: RefToplevel, reference: F, base: G) -> T
219            where
220                F: FnOnce() -> T,
221                G: FnOnce() -> T,
222            {
223                if self <= component {
224                    reference()
225                } else {
226                    base()
227                }
228            }
229        }
231        let ref_toplevel = if r.has_scheme() {
232            RefToplevel::Scheme
233        } else if r.has_authority() {
234            RefToplevel::Authority
235        } else if !r.is_path_empty(r_iri.len()) {
236            RefToplevel::Path
237        } else if r.has_query() {
238            RefToplevel::Query
239        } else {
240            RefToplevel::None
241        };
243        let path = match ref_toplevel {
244            RefToplevel::Scheme | RefToplevel::Authority => {
245                Path::NeedsProcessing(PathToNormalize::from_single_path(r.path_str(r_iri)))
246            }
247            RefToplevel::Path => {
248                let r_path = r.path_str(r_iri);
249                if r_path.starts_with('/') {
250                    Path::NeedsProcessing(PathToNormalize::from_single_path(r_path))
251                } else {
252                    // About this branch, see
253                    // <>.
254                    //
255                    // > o  If the base URI has a defined authority component and an empty
256                    // >    path, then return a string consisting of "/" concatenated with the
257                    // >    reference's path; otherwise,
258                    let b_path = b.path_str(b_iri);
259                    let b_path = if b.has_authority() && b_path.is_empty() {
260                        "/"
261                    } else {
262                        b_path
263                    };
264                    Path::NeedsProcessing(PathToNormalize::from_paths_to_be_resolved(
265                        b_path, r_path,
266                    ))
267                }
268            }
269            RefToplevel::Query | RefToplevel::None => Path::Done(b.path_str(b_iri)),
270        };
272        Self {
273            scheme: r.scheme_str(r_iri).unwrap_or_else(|| {
274                b.scheme_str(b_iri)
275                    .expect("[validity] non-relative IRI must have a scheme")
276            }),
277            authority: ref_toplevel.choose_then(
278                RefToplevel::Authority,
279                || r.authority_str(r_iri),
280                || b.authority_str(b_iri),
281            ),
282            path,
283            query: ref_toplevel.choose_then(
284                RefToplevel::Query,
285                || r.query_str(r_iri),
286                || b.query_str(b_iri),
287            ),
288            fragment: r.fragment_str(r_iri),
289            op: NormalizationOp {
290                mode: NormalizationMode::None,
291            },
292        }
293    }
296impl<'a, S: Spec> From<&'a RiStr<S>> for NormalizationInput<'a> {
297    fn from(iri: &'a RiStr<S>) -> Self {
298        let components = RiReferenceComponents::<S>::from(iri.as_ref());
299        let (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = components.to_major();
300        let scheme = scheme.expect("[validity] `absolute IRI must have `scheme`");
301        let path = Path::NeedsProcessing(PathToNormalize::from_single_path(path));
303        NormalizationInput {
304            scheme,
305            authority,
306            path,
307            query,
308            fragment,
309            op: NormalizationOp {
310                mode: NormalizationMode::None,
311            },
312        }
313    }
316#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
317impl<'a, S: Spec> From<&'a RiString<S>> for NormalizationInput<'a> {
318    #[inline]
319    fn from(iri: &'a RiString<S>) -> Self {
320        Self::from(iri.as_slice())
321    }
324impl<'a, S: Spec> From<&'a RiAbsoluteStr<S>> for NormalizationInput<'a> {
325    fn from(iri: &'a RiAbsoluteStr<S>) -> Self {
326        let components = RiReferenceComponents::<S>::from(iri.as_ref());
327        let (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = components.to_major();
328        let scheme = scheme.expect("[validity] `absolute IRI must have `scheme`");
329        let path = Path::NeedsProcessing(PathToNormalize::from_single_path(path));
331        NormalizationInput {
332            scheme,
333            authority,
334            path,
335            query,
336            fragment,
337            op: NormalizationOp {
338                mode: NormalizationMode::None,
339            },
340        }
341    }
344#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
345impl<'a, S: Spec> From<&'a RiAbsoluteString<S>> for NormalizationInput<'a> {
346    #[inline]
347    fn from(iri: &'a RiAbsoluteString<S>) -> Self {
348        Self::from(iri.as_slice())
349    }
352impl NormalizationInput<'_> {
353    /// Checks if the path is normalizable by RFC 3986 algorithm.
354    ///
355    /// Returns `Ok(())` when normalizable, returns `Err(_)` if not.
356    pub(crate) fn ensure_rfc3986_normalizable(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
357        if self.authority.is_some() {
358            return Ok(());
359        }
360        match self.path {
361            Path::Done(_) => Ok(()),
362            Path::NeedsProcessing(path) => path.ensure_rfc3986_normalizable_with_authority_absent(),
363        }
364    }
367/// Writable as a normalized IRI.
369/// Note that this implicitly apply serialization rule defined by WHATWG URL
370/// Standard (to handle normalization impossible by RFC 3986) because `Display`
371/// should not fail by reasons other than backend I/O failure. If you make the
372/// normalization fail in such cases, check if the path starts with `/./`.
373/// When the normalization succeeds by RFC 3986 algorithm, the path never starts
374/// with `/./`.
375struct NormalizedInner<'a, S> {
376    /// Spec-agnostic normalization input.
377    input: NormalizationInput<'a>,
378    /// Spec.
379    _spec: PhantomData<fn() -> S>,
382impl<S: Spec> fmt::Debug for NormalizedInner<'_, S> {
383    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
384        f.debug_struct("Normalized")
385            .field("input", &self.input)
386            .finish()
387    }
390impl<'a, S: Spec> NormalizedInner<'a, S> {
391    /// Creates a new `Normalized` object from the given input.
392    #[inline]
393    #[must_use]
394    fn from_input(input: NormalizationInput<'a>) -> Self {
395        Self {
396            input,
397            _spec: PhantomData,
398        }
399    }
402impl<S: Spec> fmt::Display for NormalizedInner<'_, S> {
403    #[inline]
404    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
405        // Write the scheme.
406        if self.input.op.mode.case_pct_normalization() {
407            normalize_scheme(f, self.input.scheme)?;
408        } else {
409            f.write_str(self.input.scheme)?;
410        }
411        f.write_str(":")?;
413        // Write the authority if available.
414        if let Some(authority) = self.input.authority {
415            f.write_str("//")?;
416            if self.input.op.mode.case_pct_normalization() {
417                normalize_authority::<S>(f, authority)?;
418            } else {
419                // No case/pct normalization.
420                f.write_str(authority)?;
421            }
422        }
424        // Process and write the path.
425        match self.input.path {
426            Path::Done(s) => {
427                if self.input.op.mode.case_pct_normalization() {
428                    // Normalize the path.
429                    PathToNormalize::from_single_path(s).fmt_write_normalize::<S, _>(
430                        f,
431                        self.input.op,
432                        self.input.authority.is_some(),
433                    )?
434                } else {
435                    // No normalization.
436                    f.write_str(s)?
437                }
438            }
439            Path::NeedsProcessing(path) => {
440                path.fmt_write_normalize::<S, _>(f, self.input.op, self.input.authority.is_some())?
441            }
442        }
444        // Write the query if available.
445        if let Some(query) = self.input.query {
446            f.write_char('?')?;
447            if self.input.op.mode.case_pct_normalization() {
448                normalize_query::<S>(f, query)?;
449            } else {
450                f.write_str(query)?;
451            }
452        }
454        // Write the fragment if available.
455        if let Some(fragment) = self.input.fragment {
456            f.write_char('#')?;
457            if self.input.op.mode.case_pct_normalization() {
458                normalize_fragment::<S>(f, fragment)?;
459            } else {
460                f.write_str(fragment)?;
461            }
462        }
464        Ok(())
465    }
468/// Writes the normalized scheme.
469pub(crate) fn normalize_scheme(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, scheme: &str) -> fmt::Result {
470    // Apply case normalization.
471    //
472    // > namely, that the scheme and US-ASCII only host are case
473    // > insensitive and therefore should be normalized to lowercase.
474    // >
475    // > --- <>.
476    //
477    // Note that `scheme` consists of only ASCII characters and contains
478    // no percent-encoded characters.
479    scheme
480        .chars()
481        .map(|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase())
482        .try_for_each(|c| f.write_char(c))
485/// Writes the normalized authority.
486fn normalize_authority<S: Spec>(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, authority: &str) -> fmt::Result {
487    let host_port = match rfind_split_hole(authority, b'@') {
488        Some((userinfo, host_port)) => {
489            // Don't lowercase `userinfo` even if it is ASCII only. `userinfo`
490            // is not a part of `host`.
491            PctCaseNormalized::<S>::new(userinfo).fmt(f)?;
492            f.write_char('@')?;
493            host_port
494        }
495        None => authority,
496    };
497    normalize_host_port::<S>(f, host_port)
500/// Writes the normalized host and port.
501pub(crate) fn normalize_host_port<S: Spec>(
502    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
503    host_port: &str,
504) -> fmt::Result {
505    // If the suffix is a colon, it is a delimiter between the host and empty
506    // port. An empty port should be removed during normalization (see RFC 3986
507    // section 3.2.3), so strip it.
508    //
509    // > URI producers and normalizers should omit the port component and its
510    // > ":" delimiter if port is empty or if its value would be the same as
511    // > that of the scheme's default.
512    // >
513    // > --- [RFC 3986 section 3.2.3. Port](
514    let host_port = host_port.strip_suffix(':').unwrap_or(host_port);
516    // Apply case normalization and percent-encoding normalization to `host`.
517    // Optional `":" port` part only consists of an ASCII colon and ASCII
518    // digits, so this won't affect to the test result.
519    if is_ascii_only_host(host_port) {
520        // If the host is ASCII characters only, make plain alphabets lower case.
521        NormalizedAsciiOnlyHost::new(host_port).fmt(f)
522    } else {
523        PctCaseNormalized::<S>::new(host_port).fmt(f)
524    }
527/// Writes the normalized query without the '?' prefix.
528pub(crate) fn normalize_query<S: Spec>(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, query: &str) -> fmt::Result {
529    // Apply percent-encoding normalization.
530    PctCaseNormalized::<S>::new(query).fmt(f)
533/// Writes the normalized query without the '#' prefix.
534pub(crate) fn normalize_fragment<S: Spec>(
535    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
536    fragment: &str,
537) -> fmt::Result {
538    // Apply percent-encoding normalization.
539    PctCaseNormalized::<S>::new(fragment).fmt(f)
542/// Normalized OR resolved IRI.
544/// Resolved IRI can be represented by this type. In that case, the result might
545/// not be normalized. If you want the IRI resolution result to be normalized,
546/// use [`enable_normalization`][`Self::enable_normalization`] method.
548/// [`Display`]: `core::fmt::Display`
549pub struct Normalized<'a, T: ?Sized> {
550    /// Spec-agnostic normalization input.
551    input: NormalizationInput<'a>,
552    /// Expected result type.
553    _ty_str: PhantomData<fn() -> T>,
556impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Debug for Normalized<'_, T> {
557    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
558        f.debug_struct("Normalized")
559            .field("input", &self.input)
560            .finish()
561    }
564impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Normalized<'a, T> {
565    /// Creates a new `Normalized` object from the given input.
566    #[inline]
567    #[must_use]
568    pub(crate) fn from_input(input: NormalizationInput<'a>) -> Self {
569        Self {
570            input,
571            _ty_str: PhantomData,
572        }
573    }
575    /// Enables the normalization.
576    ///
577    /// This lets the normalizer apply the case normalization, percent-encoding
578    /// normalization, and dot segments removal.
579    #[inline]
580    pub fn enable_normalization(&mut self) {
581        self.input.op.mode = NormalizationMode::Default;
582    }
584    /// Enables the normalization that preserve relative path under some condition.
585    ///
586    /// Note that this normalization algorithm is not compatible with RFC 3986
587    /// algorithm for some inputs.
588    ///
589    /// See [`RiStr::normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path()`]
590    /// for detail.
591    #[inline]
592    pub fn enable_normalization_preserving_authorityless_relative_path(&mut self) {
593        self.input.op.mode = NormalizationMode::PreserveAuthoritylessRelativePath;
594    }
596    /// Returns `Self` with normalization enabled.
597    #[inline]
598    #[must_use]
599    pub fn and_normalize(mut self) -> Self {
600        self.enable_normalization();
601        self
602    }
604    /// Returns `Self` with special normalization enabled.
605    ///
606    /// Note that this normalization algorithm is not compatible with RFC 3986
607    /// algorithm for some inputs.
608    ///
609    /// See [`RiStr::normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path()`]
610    /// for detail.
611    #[inline]
612    #[must_use]
613    pub fn and_normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path(mut self) -> Self {
614        self.enable_normalization_preserving_authorityless_relative_path();
615        self
616    }
618    /// Checks if the path is normalizable by RFC 3986 algorithm.
619    ///
620    /// Returns `Ok(())` when normalizable, returns `Err(_)` if not.
621    #[inline]
622    pub fn ensure_rfc3986_normalizable(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
623        self.input.ensure_rfc3986_normalizable()
624    }
627impl<S: Spec> fmt::Display for Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>> {
628    #[inline]
629    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
630        NormalizedInner::<S>::from_input(self.input).fmt(f)
631    }
634impl<S: Spec> fmt::Display for Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>> {
635    #[inline]
636    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
637        NormalizedInner::<S>::from_input(self.input).fmt(f)
638    }
641#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
642impl<S: Spec> ToDedicatedString for Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>> {
643    type Target = RiString<S>;
645    fn try_to_dedicated_string(&self) -> Result<Self::Target, TryReserveError> {
646        let s = self.try_to_string()?;
647        Ok(TryFrom::try_from(s).expect("[validity] the normalization result must be a valid IRI"))
648    }
651#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
652impl<S: Spec> From<Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>>> for RiString<S> {
653    #[inline]
654    fn from(v: Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>>) -> Self {
655        v.to_dedicated_string()
656    }
659#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
660impl<S: Spec> From<&Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>>> for RiString<S> {
661    #[inline]
662    fn from(v: &Normalized<'_, RiStr<S>>) -> Self {
663        v.to_dedicated_string()
664    }
667#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
668impl<S: Spec> ToDedicatedString for Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>> {
669    type Target = RiAbsoluteString<S>;
671    fn try_to_dedicated_string(&self) -> Result<Self::Target, TryReserveError> {
672        let s = self.try_to_string()?;
673        Ok(TryFrom::try_from(s).expect("[validity] the normalization result must be a valid IRI"))
674    }
677#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
678impl<S: Spec> From<Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>>> for RiAbsoluteString<S> {
679    #[inline]
680    fn from(v: Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>>) -> Self {
681        v.to_dedicated_string()
682    }
685#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
686impl<S: Spec> From<&Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>>> for RiAbsoluteString<S> {
687    #[inline]
688    fn from(v: &Normalized<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>>) -> Self {
689        v.to_dedicated_string()
690    }