
1//! Template string types.
3use core::fmt;
5#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
6use alloc::borrow::Cow;
7#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "std")))]
8use alloc::boxed::Box;
9#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
10use alloc::rc::Rc;
11#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
12use alloc::string::String;
13#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
14use alloc::sync::Arc;
16use crate::spec::Spec;
17use crate::template::components::{VarListIter, VarName};
18use crate::template::context::{Context, DynamicContext};
19use crate::template::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
20use crate::template::expand::{expand_whole_dynamic, Chunk, Chunks, Expanded};
21use crate::template::parser::validate_template_str;
23#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
24pub use self::owned::UriTemplateString;
26/// Implements `PartialEq` and `PartialOrd`.
27macro_rules! impl_cmp {
28    ($ty_common:ty, $ty_lhs:ty, $ty_rhs:ty) => {
29        impl PartialEq<$ty_rhs> for $ty_lhs {
30            #[inline]
31            fn eq(&self, o: &$ty_rhs) -> bool {
32                <$ty_common as PartialEq<$ty_common>>::eq(self.as_ref(), o.as_ref())
33            }
34        }
35        impl PartialEq<$ty_lhs> for $ty_rhs {
36            #[inline]
37            fn eq(&self, o: &$ty_lhs) -> bool {
38                <$ty_common as PartialEq<$ty_common>>::eq(self.as_ref(), o.as_ref())
39            }
40        }
41        impl PartialOrd<$ty_rhs> for $ty_lhs {
42            #[inline]
43            fn partial_cmp(&self, o: &$ty_rhs) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
44                <$ty_common as PartialOrd<$ty_common>>::partial_cmp(self.as_ref(), o.as_ref())
45            }
46        }
47        impl PartialOrd<$ty_lhs> for $ty_rhs {
48            #[inline]
49            fn partial_cmp(&self, o: &$ty_lhs) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
50                <$ty_common as PartialOrd<$ty_common>>::partial_cmp(self.as_ref(), o.as_ref())
51            }
52        }
53    };
56#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
57mod owned;
59/// A borrowed slice of a URI template.
61/// URI Template is defined by [RFC 6570].
63/// Note that "URI Template" can also be used for IRI.
65/// [RFC 6570]:
67/// # Valid values
69/// This type can have a URI template string.
71/// # Applied errata
73/// [Errata ID 6937]( is applied, so
74/// single quotes are allowed to appear in an URI template.
76/// ```
77/// # use iri_string::template::Error;
78/// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
80/// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("'quoted'")?;
81/// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
82/// ```
83#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize))]
84#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
86#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
87pub struct UriTemplateStr {
88    /// The raw string.
89    inner: str,
92impl UriTemplateStr {
93    /// Creates a new string.
94    ///
95    /// # Examples
96    ///
97    /// ```
98    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
99    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
100    ///
101    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("/users/{username}")?;
102    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
103    /// ```
104    #[inline]
105    pub fn new(s: &str) -> Result<&Self, Error> {
106        TryFrom::try_from(s)
107    }
109    /// Creates a new string without validation.
110    ///
111    /// This does not validate the given string, so it is caller's
112    /// responsibility to ensure the given string is valid.
113    ///
114    /// # Safety
115    ///
116    /// The given string must be syntactically valid as `Self` type.
117    /// If not, any use of the returned value or the call of this
118    /// function itself may result in undefined behavior.
119    #[inline]
120    #[must_use]
121    pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(s: &str) -> &Self {
122        // SAFETY: `new_always_unchecked` requires the same precondition
123        // as `new_always_unchecked`.
124        unsafe { Self::new_always_unchecked(s) }
125    }
127    /// Creates a new string without any validation.
128    ///
129    /// This does not validate the given string at any time.
130    ///
131    /// Intended for internal use.
132    ///
133    /// # Safety
134    ///
135    /// The given string must be valid.
136    #[inline]
137    #[must_use]
138    unsafe fn new_always_unchecked(s: &str) -> &Self {
139        // SAFETY: the cast is safe since `Self` type has `repr(transparent)`
140        // attribute and the content is guaranteed as valid by the
141        // precondition of the function.
142        unsafe { &*(s as *const str as *const Self) }
143    }
145    /// Returns the template as a plain `&str`.
146    ///
147    /// # Examples
148    ///
149    /// ```
150    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
151    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
152    ///
153    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("/users/{username}")?;
154    /// assert_eq!(template.as_str(), "/users/{username}");
155    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
156    /// ```
157    #[inline]
158    #[must_use]
159    pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
160        self.as_ref()
161    }
163    /// Returns the template string length.
164    ///
165    /// # Examples
166    ///
167    /// ```
168    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
169    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
170    ///
171    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("/users/{username}")?;
172    /// assert_eq!(template.len(), "/users/{username}".len());
173    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
174    /// ```
175    #[inline]
176    #[must_use]
177    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
178        self.as_str().len()
179    }
181    /// Returns whether the string is empty.
182    ///
183    /// # Examples
184    ///
185    /// ```
186    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
187    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
188    ///
189    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("/users/{username}")?;
190    /// assert!(!template.is_empty());
191    ///
192    /// let empty = UriTemplateStr::new("")?;
193    /// assert!(empty.is_empty());
194    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
195    /// ```
196    #[inline]
197    #[must_use]
198    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
199        self.as_str().is_empty()
200    }
203impl UriTemplateStr {
204    /// Expands the template with the given context.
205    ///
206    /// # Examples
207    ///
208    /// ```
209    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
210    /// # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
211    /// use iri_string::spec::UriSpec;
212    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
213    /// use iri_string::template::simple_context::SimpleContext;
214    ///
215    /// let mut context = SimpleContext::new();
216    /// context.insert("username", "foo");
217    ///
218    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("/users/{username}")?;
219    /// let expanded = template.expand::<UriSpec, _>(&context)?;
220    ///
221    /// assert_eq!(
222    ///     expanded.to_string(),
223    ///     "/users/foo"
224    /// );
225    /// # }
226    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
227    /// ```
228    ///
229    /// You can control allowed characters in the output by changing spec type.
230    ///
231    /// ```
232    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
233    /// # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
234    /// use iri_string::spec::{IriSpec, UriSpec};
235    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
236    /// use iri_string::template::simple_context::SimpleContext;
237    ///
238    /// let mut context = SimpleContext::new();
239    /// context.insert("alpha", "\u{03B1}");
240    ///
241    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("{?alpha}")?;
242    ///
243    /// assert_eq!(
244    ///     template.expand::<UriSpec, _>(&context)?.to_string(),
245    ///     "?alpha=%CE%B1",
246    ///     "a URI cannot contain Unicode alpha (U+03B1), so it should be escaped"
247    /// );
248    /// assert_eq!(
249    ///     template.expand::<IriSpec, _>(&context)?.to_string(),
250    ///     "?alpha=\u{03B1}",
251    ///     "an IRI can contain Unicode alpha (U+03B1), so it written as is"
252    /// );
253    /// # }
254    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
255    /// ```
256    #[inline]
257    pub fn expand<'a, S: Spec, C: Context>(
258        &'a self,
259        context: &'a C,
260    ) -> Result<Expanded<'a, S, C>, Error> {
261        Expanded::new(self, context)
262    }
264    /// Expands the template with the given dynamic context.
265    ///
266    #[cfg_attr(
267        feature = "alloc",
268        doc = concat!(
269            "If you need the allocated [`String`], use",
270            "[`expand_dynamic_to_string`][`Self::expand_dynamic_to_string`]."
271        )
272    )]
273    ///
274    /// See the documentation for [`DynamicContext`] for usage.
275    pub fn expand_dynamic<S: Spec, W: fmt::Write, C: DynamicContext>(
276        &self,
277        writer: &mut W,
278        context: &mut C,
279    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
280        expand_whole_dynamic::<S, _, _>(self, writer, context)
281    }
283    /// Expands the template into a string, with the given dynamic context.
284    ///
285    /// This is basically [`expand_dynamic`][`Self::expand_dynamic`] method
286    /// that returns an owned string instead of writing to the given writer.
287    ///
288    /// See the documentation for [`DynamicContext`] for usage.
289    ///
290    /// # Examples
291    ///
292    /// ```
293    /// # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
294    /// # extern crate alloc;
295    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
296    /// # #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] {
297    /// # use alloc::string::String;
298    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
299    /// # use iri_string::template::context::{DynamicContext, Visitor, VisitPurpose};
300    /// use iri_string::spec::UriSpec;
301    ///
302    /// struct MyContext<'a> {
303    ///     // See the documentation for `DynamicContext`.
304    /// #     /// Target path.
305    /// #     target: &'a str,
306    /// #     /// Username.
307    /// #     username: Option<&'a str>,
308    /// #     /// A flag to remember whether the URI template
309    /// #     /// attempted to use `username` variable.
310    /// #     username_visited: bool,
311    /// }
312    /// #
313    /// # impl DynamicContext for MyContext<'_> {
314    /// #     fn on_expansion_start(&mut self) {
315    /// #         // Reset the state.
316    /// #         self.username_visited = false;
317    /// #     }
318    /// #     fn visit_dynamic<V: Visitor>(&mut self, visitor: V) -> V::Result {
319    /// #         match visitor.var_name().as_str() {
320    /// #             "target" => visitor.visit_string(,
321    /// #             "username" => {
322    /// #                 if visitor.purpose() == VisitPurpose::Expand {
323    /// #                     // The variable `username` is being used
324    /// #                     // on the template expansion.
325    /// #                     // Don't care whether `username` is defined or not.
326    /// #                     self.username_visited = true;
327    /// #                 }
328    /// #                 if let Some(username) = &self.username {
329    /// #                     visitor.visit_string(username)
330    /// #                 } else {
331    /// #                     visitor.visit_undefined()
332    /// #                 }
333    /// #             }
334    /// #             _ => visitor.visit_undefined(),
335    /// #         }
336    /// #     }
337    /// # }
338    ///
339    /// let mut context = MyContext {
340    ///     target: "/posts/1",
341    ///     username: Some("the_admin"),
342    ///     username_visited: false,
343    /// };
344    ///
345    /// // No access to the variable `username`.
346    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("{+target}{?username}")?;
347    /// let s = template.expand_dynamic_to_string::<UriSpec, _>(&mut context)?;
348    /// assert_eq!(s, "/posts/1?username=the_admin");
349    /// assert!(context.username_visited);
350    /// # }
351    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
352    /// ```
353    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
354    pub fn expand_dynamic_to_string<S: Spec, C: DynamicContext>(
355        &self,
356        context: &mut C,
357    ) -> Result<String, Error> {
358        let mut buf = String::new();
359        expand_whole_dynamic::<S, _, _>(self, &mut buf, context)?;
360        Ok(buf)
361    }
363    /// Returns an iterator of variables in the template.
364    ///
365    /// # Examples
366    ///
367    /// ```
368    /// # use iri_string::template::Error;
369    /// use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
370    ///
371    /// let template = UriTemplateStr::new("foo{/bar*,baz:4}{?qux}{&bar*}")?;
372    /// let mut vars = template.variables();
373    /// assert_eq!(|var| var.as_str()), Some("bar"));
374    /// assert_eq!(|var| var.as_str()), Some("baz"));
375    /// assert_eq!(|var| var.as_str()), Some("qux"));
376    /// assert_eq!(|var| var.as_str()), Some("bar"));
377    /// # Ok::<_, Error>(())
378    /// ```
379    #[inline]
380    #[must_use]
381    pub fn variables(&self) -> UriTemplateVariables<'_> {
382        UriTemplateVariables::new(self)
383    }
386impl fmt::Debug for UriTemplateStr {
387    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
388        f.debug_tuple("UriTemplateStr").field(&&self.inner).finish()
389    }
392impl AsRef<str> for UriTemplateStr {
393    #[inline]
394    fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
395        &self.inner
396    }
399impl AsRef<UriTemplateStr> for UriTemplateStr {
400    #[inline]
401    fn as_ref(&self) -> &UriTemplateStr {
402        self
403    }
406#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
407impl<'a> From<&'a UriTemplateStr> for Cow<'a, UriTemplateStr> {
408    #[inline]
409    fn from(s: &'a UriTemplateStr) -> Self {
410        Cow::Borrowed(s)
411    }
414#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
415impl From<&UriTemplateStr> for Arc<UriTemplateStr> {
416    fn from(s: &UriTemplateStr) -> Self {
417        let inner: &str = s.as_str();
418        let buf = Arc::<str>::from(inner);
419        // SAFETY: `UriTemplateStr` has `repr(transparent)` attribute, so
420        // the memory layouts of `Arc<str>` and `Arc<UriTemplateStr>` are
421        // compatible.
422        unsafe {
423            let raw: *const str = Arc::into_raw(buf);
424            Self::from_raw(raw as *const UriTemplateStr)
425        }
426    }
429#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
430impl From<&UriTemplateStr> for Box<UriTemplateStr> {
431    fn from(s: &UriTemplateStr) -> Self {
432        let inner: &str = s.as_str();
433        let buf = Box::<str>::from(inner);
434        // SAFETY: `UriTemplateStr` has `repr(transparent)` attribute, so
435        // the memory layouts of `Box<str>` and `Box<UriTemplateStr>` are
436        // compatible.
437        unsafe {
438            let raw: *mut str = Box::into_raw(buf);
439            Self::from_raw(raw as *mut UriTemplateStr)
440        }
441    }
444#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
445impl From<&UriTemplateStr> for Rc<UriTemplateStr> {
446    fn from(s: &UriTemplateStr) -> Self {
447        let inner: &str = s.as_str();
448        let buf = Rc::<str>::from(inner);
449        // SAFETY: `UriTemplateStr` has `repr(transparent)` attribute, so
450        // the memory layouts of `Rc<str>` and `Rc<UriTemplateStr>` are
451        // compatible.
452        unsafe {
453            let raw: *const str = Rc::into_raw(buf);
454            Self::from_raw(raw as *const UriTemplateStr)
455        }
456    }
459impl<'a> From<&'a UriTemplateStr> for &'a str {
460    #[inline]
461    fn from(s: &'a UriTemplateStr) -> &'a str {
462        s.as_ref()
463    }
466impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for &'a UriTemplateStr {
467    type Error = Error;
469    #[inline]
470    fn try_from(s: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
471        match validate_template_str(s) {
472            // SAFETY: just checked the string is valid.
473            Ok(()) => Ok(unsafe { UriTemplateStr::new_always_unchecked(s) }),
474            Err(e) => Err(e),
475        }
476    }
479impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a [u8]> for &'a UriTemplateStr {
480    type Error = Error;
482    #[inline]
483    fn try_from(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
484        let s = core::str::from_utf8(bytes)
485            .map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8, e.valid_up_to()))?;
486        match validate_template_str(s) {
487            // SAFETY: just checked the string is valid.
488            Ok(()) => Ok(unsafe { UriTemplateStr::new_always_unchecked(s) }),
489            Err(e) => Err(e),
490        }
491    }
494impl_cmp!(str, str, UriTemplateStr);
495impl_cmp!(str, &str, UriTemplateStr);
496impl_cmp!(str, str, &UriTemplateStr);
498impl fmt::Display for UriTemplateStr {
499    #[inline]
500    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
501        f.write_str(self.as_str())
502    }
505/// Serde deserializer implementation.
506#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
507mod __serde_slice {
508    use super::UriTemplateStr;
510    use core::fmt;
512    use serde::{
513        de::{self, Visitor},
514        Deserialize, Deserializer,
515    };
517    /// Custom borrowed string visitor.
518    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
519    struct CustomStrVisitor;
521    impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CustomStrVisitor {
522        type Value = &'de UriTemplateStr;
524        #[inline]
525        fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
526            f.write_str("URI template string")
527        }
529        #[inline]
530        fn visit_borrowed_str<E>(self, v: &'de str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
531        where
532            E: de::Error,
533        {
534            <&'de UriTemplateStr as TryFrom<&'de str>>::try_from(v).map_err(E::custom)
535        }
536    }
538    // About `'de` and `'a`, see
539    // <>.
540    impl<'a, 'de: 'a> Deserialize<'de> for &'a UriTemplateStr {
541        #[inline]
542        fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
543        where
544            D: Deserializer<'de>,
545        {
546            deserializer.deserialize_string(CustomStrVisitor)
547        }
548    }
551/// An iterator of variables in a URI template.
552#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
553pub struct UriTemplateVariables<'a> {
554    /// Chunks iterator.
555    chunks: Chunks<'a>,
556    /// Variables in the last chunk.
557    vars_in_chunk: Option<VarListIter<'a>>,
560impl<'a> UriTemplateVariables<'a> {
561    /// Creates a variables iterator from the URI template.
562    #[inline]
563    #[must_use]
564    fn new(template: &'a UriTemplateStr) -> Self {
565        Self {
566            chunks: Chunks::new(template),
567            vars_in_chunk: None,
568        }
569    }
572impl<'a> Iterator for UriTemplateVariables<'a> {
573    type Item = VarName<'a>;
575    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
576        loop {
577            if let Some(vars) = &mut self.vars_in_chunk {
578                match {
579                    Some((_len, spec)) => return Some(,
580                    None => self.vars_in_chunk = None,
581                }
582            }
583            let expr = self.chunks.find_map(|chunk| match chunk {
584                Chunk::Literal(_) => None,
585                Chunk::Expr(v) => Some(v),
586            });
587            self.vars_in_chunk = match expr {
588                Some(expr) => Some(expr.decompose().1.into_iter()),
589                None => return None,
590            }
591        }
592    }
596mod tests {
597    use super::*;
599    use crate::spec::IriSpec;
600    use crate::template::context::{AssocVisitor, ListVisitor, Visitor};
602    struct TestContext;
603    impl Context for TestContext {
604        fn visit<V: Visitor>(&self, visitor: V) -> V::Result {
605            match visitor.var_name().as_str() {
606                "str" => visitor.visit_string("string"),
607                "list" => visitor
608                    .visit_list()
609                    .visit_items_and_finish(["item0", "item1", "item2"]),
610                "assoc" => visitor
611                    .visit_assoc()
612                    .visit_entries_and_finish([("key0", "value0"), ("key1", "value1")]),
613                _ => visitor.visit_undefined(),
614            }
615        }
616    }
618    #[test]
619    fn expand_error_pos() {
620        {
621            let e = UriTemplateStr::new("foo{list:4}")
622                .unwrap()
623                .expand::<IriSpec, _>(&TestContext)
624                .err()
625                .map(|e| e.location());
626            assert_eq!(e, Some("foo{".len()));
627        }
629        {
630            let e = UriTemplateStr::new("foo{/list*,list:4}")
631                .unwrap()
632                .expand::<IriSpec, _>(&TestContext)
633                .err()
634                .map(|e| e.location());
635            assert_eq!(e, Some("foo{/list*,".len()));
636        }
638        {
639            let e = UriTemplateStr::new("foo{/str:3,list*,assoc:4}")
640                .unwrap()
641                .expand::<IriSpec, _>(&TestContext)
642                .err()
643                .map(|e| e.location());
644            assert_eq!(e, Some("foo{/str:3,list*,".len()));
645        }
646    }