
Module metrics

Expand description

Metrics collection

Enables and manages a global registry of metrics. Divided up into modules, each module has its own metrics. Starting the metrics service will expose the metrics on a OpenMetrics http endpoint.

To enable metrics collection, call init_metrics() before starting the service.

  • To increment a counter, use the crate::inc macro with a value.
  • To increment a counter by 1, use the crate::inc_by macro.

To expose the metrics, start the metrics service with start_metrics_server().


use iroh_metrics::{
    core::{Core, Counter, Metric},
    inc, inc_by,
use struct_iterable::Iterable;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Iterable)]
pub struct Metrics {
    pub things_added: Counter,

impl Default for Metrics {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            things_added: Counter::new(
                "things_added tracks the number of things we have added",

impl Metric for Metrics {
    fn name() -> &'static str {

Core::init(|reg, metrics| {

inc_by!(Metrics, things_added, 2);
inc!(Metrics, things_added);
