
1//! This module contains Iron's middleware and handler system, the fundamental
2//! building blocks for handling HTTP requests and generating responses.
4//! # Handlers
6//! A `Handler` will produce a `Response` given a `Request`. Most handlers are
7//! functions or closures that accept a `&mut Request` as an argument and return
8//! an `IronResult` containing a `Response`. An `IronResult` is returned instead of
9//! directly returning a `Response` in order to indicate a possibility of
10//! failure (e.g. database timeout).
12//! Here's an example of a `Handler`:
14//! ```rust
15//! use iron::prelude::*;
16//! use iron::Handler;
17//! use iron::status;
19//! fn hello_handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
20//!     Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello world!")))
21//! };
22//! ```
24//! # Middleware
26//! In situations involving more complex logic, it may be desirable to transform
27//! `Request`s passed to a `Handler` or altering `Response`s sent to the
28//! clients. For example, an authorization step could only allow requests sent
29//! by authorized users to be passed to a `Handler` and respond to all other
30//! requests with a 403 status code. To faciliate such use cases, Iron's
31//! middleware system allows `Handler`s to be extended by defining middleware,
32//! which will perform transformations.
34//! There are three types of middleware:
36//! * A `BeforeMiddleware` alters a `Request`. It can be useful for handling
37//!   control flow (e.g. routing and authorization).
38//! * An `AroundMiddleware` wraps a `Handler`, changing both the `Response`
39//!   passed to the `Handler` and the returned `Response`.
40//! * An `AfterMiddleware` performs `Response` post-processing. It can be used
41//!   for editing headers or logging `Response`s, but it should _not_ be used for
42//!   changing the body of a `Response`.
44//! See the documentation for each middleware for more details.
46//! ## Defining the middleware pipeline
48//! A `Chain` is a `Handler` that wraps another `Handler`. It is used to attach
49//! middleware to the wrapped `Handler` using a `link` method corresponding to
50//! each type of middleware. A sample middleware pipeline is shown below:
52//! ```rust
53//! use iron::prelude::*;
54//! use iron::middleware::*;
56//! # use iron::status;
57//! # fn hello_handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
58//! #     Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello world!")))
59//! # };
61//! struct RequestLoggingMiddleware;
62//! impl BeforeMiddleware for RequestLoggingMiddleware {
63//!     fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<()> {
64//!         println!("{:?}", req);
65//!         Ok(())
66//!     }
67//! }
69//! let mut chain = Chain::new(hello_handler);
70//! chain.link_before(RequestLoggingMiddleware {});
71//! // Since a Chain is a Handler, chain can be passed to Iron::new without any problems.
72//! // Iron::new(chain).http("localhost:3000").unwrap();
73//! ```
75//! # The Request Handling Flow
77//! A diagram modeling the entire middleware system process is shown below:
79//! ```plain
80//! [b] = BeforeMiddleware
81//! [a] = AfterMiddleware
82//! [[h]] = AroundMiddleware
83//! [h] = Handler
84//! ```
86//! With no errors, the flow looks like:
88//! ```plain
89//! [b] -> [b] -> [b] -> [[[[h]]]] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
90//! ```
92//! A request first travels through all `BeforeMiddleware`, then a `Response` is
93//! generated by the `Handler`, which can be an arbitrary nesting of
94//! `AroundMiddleware`, then all `AfterMiddleware` are called with both the
95//! `Request` and `Response`. After all `AfterMiddleware` have been fired, the
96//! response is written back to the client.
98//! Iron's error handling system is pragmatic and focuses on tracking two pieces
99//! of information for error receivers (other middleware):
101//! * The cause of the error
102//! * The result (what to do about) the error.
104//! The cause of the error is represented simply by the error itself, and the
105//! result of the error, representing the action to take in response to the
106//! error, is a complete Response, which will be sent at the end of the error
107//! flow.
109//! When an error is thrown in Iron by any middleware or handler returning an
110//! `Err` variant with an `IronError`, the flow of the `Request` switches to the
111//! error flow, which proceeds to just call the `catch` method of middleware and
112//! sidesteps the `Handler` entirely, since there is already a `Response` in the
113//! error.
115//! A `Request` can exit the error flow by returning an Ok from any of the catch
116//! methods. This resumes the flow at the middleware immediately following the
117//! middleware which handled the error. It is impossible to "go back" to an
118//! earlier middleware that was skipped.
120//! Generally speaking, returning a 5XX error code means that the error flow
121//! should be entered by raising an explicit error. Dealing with 4XX errors is
122//! trickier, since the server may not want to recognize an error that is
123//! entirely the clients fault; handling of 4XX error codes is up to to each
124//! application and middleware author.
126//! Middleware authors should be cognizant that their middleware may be skipped
127//! during the error flow. Anything that *must* be done to each `Request` or
128//! `Response` should be run during both the normal and error flow by
129//! implementing the `catch` method to also do the necessary action.
131use std::sync::Arc;
132use {Request, Response, IronResult, IronError};
134/// `Handler`s are responsible for handling requests by creating Responses from Requests.
135pub trait Handler: Send + Sync + 'static {
136    /// Produce a `Response` from a Request, with the possibility of error.
137    fn handle(&self, &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response>;
140/// `BeforeMiddleware` are fired before a `Handler` is called inside of a Chain.
142/// `BeforeMiddleware` are responsible for doing request pre-processing that requires
143/// the ability to change control-flow, such as authorization middleware, or for editing
144/// the request by modifying the headers.
146/// `BeforeMiddleware` only have access to the Request, if you need to modify or read
147/// a Response, you will need `AfterMiddleware`. Middleware which wishes to send an
148/// early response that is not an error cannot be `BeforeMiddleware`, but should
149/// instead be `AroundMiddleware`.
150pub trait BeforeMiddleware: Send + Sync + 'static {
151    /// Do whatever work this middleware should do with a `Request` object.
152    fn before(&self, _: &mut Request) -> IronResult<()> { Ok(()) }
154    /// Respond to an error thrown by a previous `BeforeMiddleware`.
155    ///
156    /// Returning a `Ok` will cause the request to resume the normal flow at the
157    /// next `BeforeMiddleware`, or if this was the last `BeforeMiddleware`,
158    /// at the `Handler`.
159    fn catch(&self, _: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<()> { Err(err) }
162/// `AfterMiddleware` are fired after a `Handler` is called inside of a Chain.
164/// `AfterMiddleware` receive both a `Request` and a `Response` and are responsible for doing
165/// any response post-processing.
167/// `AfterMiddleware` should *not* overwrite the contents of a Response. In
168/// the common case, a complete response is generated by the Chain's `Handler` and
169/// `AfterMiddleware` simply do post-processing of that Response, such as
170/// adding headers or logging.
171pub trait AfterMiddleware: Send + Sync + 'static {
172    /// Do whatever post-processing this middleware should do.
173    fn after(&self, _: &mut Request, res: Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
174        Ok(res)
175    }
177    /// Respond to an error thrown by previous `AfterMiddleware`, the `Handler`,
178    /// or a `BeforeMiddleware`.
179    ///
180    /// Returning `Ok` will cause the request to resume the normal flow at the
181    /// next `AfterMiddleware`.
182    fn catch(&self, _: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
183        Err(err)
184    }
187/// `AroundMiddleware` are used to wrap and replace the `Handler` in a `Chain`.
189/// `AroundMiddleware` produce `Handler`s through their `around` method, which is
190/// called once on insertion into a `Chain` or can be called manually outside of a
191/// `Chain`.
192pub trait AroundMiddleware {
193    /// Produce a `Handler` from this `AroundMiddleware` given another `Handler`.
194    ///
195    /// Usually this means wrapping the handler and editing the `Request` on the
196    /// way in and the `Response` on the way out.
197    ///
198    /// This is called only once, when an `AroundMiddleware` is added to a `Chain`
199    /// using `Chain::around`, it is passed the `Chain`'s current `Handler`.
200    fn around(self, handler: Box<Handler>) -> Box<Handler>;
203/// The middleware chain used in Iron.
205/// This is a canonical implementation of Iron's middleware system,
206/// but Iron's infrastructure is flexible enough to allow alternate
207/// systems.
208pub struct Chain {
209    befores: Vec<Box<BeforeMiddleware>>,
210    afters: Vec<Box<AfterMiddleware>>,
212    // Internal invariant: this is always Some
213    handler: Option<Box<Handler>>
216impl Chain {
217    /// Construct a new ChainBuilder from a `Handler`.
218    pub fn new<H: Handler>(handler: H) -> Chain {
219        Chain {
220            befores: vec![],
221            afters: vec![],
222            handler: Some(Box::new(handler) as Box<Handler>)
223        }
224    }
226    /// Link both a before and after middleware to the chain at once.
227    ///
228    /// Middleware that have a Before and After piece should have a constructor
229    /// which returns both as a tuple, so it can be passed directly to link.
230    pub fn link<B, A>(&mut self, link: (B, A)) -> &mut Chain
231    where A: AfterMiddleware, B: BeforeMiddleware {
232        let (before, after) = link;
233        self.befores.push(Box::new(before) as Box<BeforeMiddleware>);
234        self.afters.push(Box::new(after) as Box<AfterMiddleware>);
235        self
236    }
238    /// Link a `BeforeMiddleware` to the `Chain`, after all previously linked
239    /// `BeforeMiddleware`.
240    pub fn link_before<B>(&mut self, before: B) -> &mut Chain
241    where B: BeforeMiddleware {
242        self.befores.push(Box::new(before) as Box<BeforeMiddleware>);
243        self
244    }
246    /// Link a `AfterMiddleware` to the `Chain`, after all previously linked
247    /// `AfterMiddleware`.
248    pub fn link_after<A>(&mut self, after: A) -> &mut Chain
249    where A: AfterMiddleware {
250        self.afters.push(Box::new(after) as Box<AfterMiddleware>);
251        self
252    }
254    /// Apply an `AroundMiddleware` to the `Handler` in this `Chain`.
255    ///
256    /// Note: This function is being renamed `link_around()`, and will
257    /// eventually be removed.
258    pub fn around<A>(&mut self, around: A) -> &mut Chain
259    where A: AroundMiddleware {
260        self.link_around(around)
261    }
263    /// Apply an `AroundMiddleware` to the `Handler` in this `Chain`.
264    pub fn link_around<A>(&mut self, around: A) -> &mut Chain
265    where A: AroundMiddleware {
266        let mut handler = self.handler.take().unwrap();
267        handler = around.around(handler);
268        self.handler = Some(handler);
269        self
270    }
273impl Handler for Chain {
274    fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
275        // Kick off at befores, which will continue into handler
276        // then afters.
277        self.continue_from_before(req, 0)
278    }
281impl Chain {
282    ///////////////// Implementation Helpers /////////////////
284    // Enter the error flow from a before middleware, starting
285    // at the passed index.
286    //
287    // If the index is out of bounds for the before middleware Vec,
288    // this instead behaves the same as fail_from_handler.
289    fn fail_from_before(&self, req: &mut Request, index: usize,
290                        mut err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
291        // If this was the last before, yield to next phase.
292        if index >= self.befores.len() {
293            return self.fail_from_handler(req, err)
294        }
296        for (i, before) in self.befores[index..].iter().enumerate() {
297            err = match before.catch(req, err) {
298                Err(err) => err,
299                Ok(()) => return self.continue_from_before(req, index + i + 1)
300            };
301        }
303        // Next phase
304        self.fail_from_handler(req, err)
305    }
307    // Enter the error flow from an errored handle, starting with the
308    // first AfterMiddleware.
309    fn fail_from_handler(&self, req: &mut Request,
310                         err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
311        // Yield to next phase, nothing to do here.
312        self.fail_from_after(req, 0, err)
313    }
315    // Enter the error flow from an errored after middleware, starting
316    // with the passed index.
317    //
318    // If the index is out of bounds for the after middleware Vec,
319    // this instead just returns the passed error.
320    fn fail_from_after(&self, req: &mut Request, index: usize,
321                       mut err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
322        // If this was the last after, we're done.
323        if index == self.afters.len() { return Err(err) }
325        for (i, after) in self.afters[index..].iter().enumerate() {
326            err = match after.catch(req, err) {
327                Err(err) => err,
328                Ok(res) => return self.continue_from_after(req, index + i + 1, res)
329            }
330        }
332        // Done
333        Err(err)
334    }
336    // Enter the normal flow in the before middleware, starting with the passed
337    // index.
338    fn continue_from_before(&self, req: &mut Request,
339                            index: usize) -> IronResult<Response> {
340        // If this was the last beforemiddleware, start at the handler.
341        if index >= self.befores.len() {
342            return self.continue_from_handler(req)
343        }
345        for (i, before) in self.befores[index..].iter().enumerate() {
346            match before.before(req) {
347                Ok(()) => {},
348                Err(err) => return self.fail_from_before(req, index + i + 1, err)
349            }
350        }
352        // Yield to next phase.
353        self.continue_from_handler(req)
354    }
356    // Enter the normal flow at the handler.
357    fn continue_from_handler(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
358        // unwrap is safe because it's always Some
359        match self.handler.as_ref().unwrap().handle(req) {
360            Ok(res) => self.continue_from_after(req, 0, res),
361            Err(err) => self.fail_from_handler(req, err)
362        }
363    }
365    // Enter the normal flow in the after middleware, starting with the passed
366    // index.
367    fn continue_from_after(&self, req: &mut Request, index: usize,
368                            mut res: Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
369        // If this was the last after middleware, we're done.
370        if index >= self.afters.len() {
371            return Ok(res);
372        }
374        for (i, after) in self.afters[index..].iter().enumerate() {
375            res = match after.after(req, res) {
376                Ok(r) => r,
377                Err(err) => return self.fail_from_after(req, index + i + 1, err)
378            }
379        }
381        // We made it with no error!
382        Ok(res)
383    }
386impl<F> Handler for F
387where F: Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(&mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
388    fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
389        (*self)(req)
390    }
393impl Handler for Box<Handler> {
394    fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
395        (**self).handle(req)
396    }
399impl<F> BeforeMiddleware for F
400where F: Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(&mut Request) -> IronResult<()> {
401    fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<()> {
402        (*self)(req)
403    }
406impl BeforeMiddleware for Box<BeforeMiddleware> {
407    fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<()> {
408        (**self).before(req)
409    }
411    fn catch(&self, req: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<()> {
412        (**self).catch(req, err)
413    }
416impl<T> BeforeMiddleware for Arc<T> where T: BeforeMiddleware {
417    fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<()> {
418        (**self).before(req)
419    }
421    fn catch(&self, req: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<()> {
422        (**self).catch(req, err)
423    }
426impl<F> AfterMiddleware for F
427where F: Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(&mut Request, Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
428    fn after(&self, req: &mut Request, res: Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
429        (*self)(req, res)
430    }
433impl AfterMiddleware for Box<AfterMiddleware> {
434    fn after(&self, req: &mut Request, res: Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
435        (**self).after(req, res)
436    }
438    fn catch(&self, req: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
439        (**self).catch(req, err)
440    }
443impl<T> AfterMiddleware for Arc<T> where T: AfterMiddleware {
444    fn after(&self, req: &mut Request, res: Response) -> IronResult<Response> {
445        (**self).after(req, res)
446    }
448    fn catch(&self, req: &mut Request, err: IronError) -> IronResult<Response> {
449        (**self).catch(req, err)
450    }
453impl<F> AroundMiddleware for F
454where F: FnOnce(Box<Handler>) -> Box<Handler> {
455    fn around(self, handler: Box<Handler>) -> Box<Handler> {
456        self(handler)
457    }
461mod test;