Expand description
This module contains the basic types and conversions for the SI coherent derived “Planar Angle” quantity
- Angle
Units - Represents a specific Planar Angle unit - SI or otherwise
- DEG_
2_ MIL - Degrees to Mils factor
- DEG_
2_ MIN - Degrees to Minutes factor
- DEG_
2_ RAD - Degree to Radians factor
- DEG_
2_ SEC - Degrees to Seconds factor
- MIL_
2_ REV - Mils to Revolutions factor
- MIN_
2_ SEC - Minutes to Seconds factor
- RAD_
2_ DEG - Radians to Degrees factor
- RAD_
2_ MIL - REV_
2_ DEG - Revolutions to Degrees factor
- REV_
2_ RAD - Revolutions to Radians factor