Type Alias MimeType

pub type MimeType = MediaType;

Aliased Type§

enum MimeType {
Show 25 variants Plain(String), Html(String), Latex(String), Javascript(String), Markdown(String), Svg(String), Png(String), Jpeg(String), Gif(String), Json(Map<String, Value>), GeoJson(Map<String, Value>), DataTable(Box<TabularDataResource>), Plotly(Map<String, Value>), WidgetView(Map<String, Value>), WidgetState(Map<String, Value>), VegaLiteV2(Map<String, Value>), VegaLiteV3(Map<String, Value>), VegaLiteV4(Map<String, Value>), VegaLiteV5(Map<String, Value>), VegaLiteV6(Map<String, Value>), VegaV3(Map<String, Value>), VegaV4(Map<String, Value>), VegaV5(Map<String, Value>), Vdom(Map<String, Value>), Other((String, Value)),




Plain text, typically representing unformatted text. (e.g. Python’s _repr_ or _repr_pretty_ methods).



HTML, (as displayed via Python’s _repr_html_ method).



LaTeX, (as displayed using Python’s _repr_latex_ method).



Raw JavaScript code.



Markdown text, (as displayed using Python’s _repr_markdown_ method).



SVG image text, (as displayed using Python’s _repr_svg_ method).



PNG image data.



JPEG image data.



GIF image data.


Json(Map<String, Value>)

Raw JSON Object


GeoJson(Map<String, Value>)

GeoJSON data, a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.



Data table in JSON format, requires both a data and schema. Example: {data: [{'ghost': true, 'says': "boo"}], schema: {fields: [{name: 'ghost', type: 'boolean'}, {name: 'says', type: 'string'}]}}.


Plotly(Map<String, Value>)

Plotly JSON Schema for for rendering graphs and charts.


WidgetView(Map<String, Value>)

Jupyter/IPython widget view in JSON format.


WidgetState(Map<String, Value>)

Jupyter/IPython widget state in JSON format.


VegaLiteV2(Map<String, Value>)

VegaLite data in JSON format for version 2 visualizations.


VegaLiteV3(Map<String, Value>)

VegaLite data in JSON format for version 3 visualizations.


VegaLiteV4(Map<String, Value>)

VegaLite data in JSON format for version 4 visualizations.


VegaLiteV5(Map<String, Value>)

VegaLite data in JSON format for version 5 visualizations.


VegaLiteV6(Map<String, Value>)

VegaLite data in JSON format for version 6 visualizations.


VegaV3(Map<String, Value>)

Vega data in JSON format for version 3 visualizations.


VegaV4(Map<String, Value>)

Vega data in JSON format for version 4 visualizations.


VegaV5(Map<String, Value>)

Vega data in JSON format for version 5 visualizations.


Vdom(Map<String, Value>)

Represents Virtual DOM (nteract/vdom) data in JSON format.


Other((String, Value))