Crate jwalk

Expand description

Filesystem walk.

  • Performed in parallel using rayon
  • Entries streamed in sorted order
  • Custom sort/filter/skip/state


Recursively iterate over the “foo” directory sorting by name:

use jwalk::{WalkDir};

for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").sort(true) {
  println!("{}", entry?.path().display());

§Extended Example

This example uses the process_read_dir callback for custom:

  1. Sort Entries by name
  2. Filter Errors and hidden files
  3. Skip Content of directories at depth 2
  4. State Track depth read_dir_state. Mark first entry in each directory with client_state = true.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use jwalk::{ WalkDirGeneric };

let walk_dir = WalkDirGeneric::<((usize),(bool))>::new("foo")
    .process_read_dir(|depth, path, read_dir_state, children| {
        // 1. Custom sort
        children.sort_by(|a, b| match (a, b) {
            (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => a.file_name.cmp(&b.file_name),
            (Ok(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Less,
            (Err(_), Ok(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
            (Err(_), Err(_)) => Ordering::Equal,
        // 2. Custom filter
        children.retain(|dir_entry_result| {
            dir_entry_result.as_ref().map(|dir_entry| {
                    .map(|s| s.starts_with('.'))
        // 3. Custom skip
        children.iter_mut().for_each(|dir_entry_result| {
            if let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry_result {
                if dir_entry.depth == 2 {
                    dir_entry.read_children_path = None;
        // 4. Custom state
        *read_dir_state += 1;
        children.first_mut().map(|dir_entry_result| {
            if let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry_result {
                dir_entry.client_state = true;

for entry in walk_dir {
  println!("{}", entry?.path().display());


This crate is inspired by both walkdir and ignore. It attempts to combine the parallelism of ignore with walkdir’s streaming iterator API. Some code, comments, and test are copied directly from walkdir.


The following structures are central to the implementation:


Specification of a future read_dir operation. These are stored in the read_dir_spec_queue in depth first order. When a rayon thread is ready for work it pulls the first availible ReadDirSpec from this queue.


Result of a read_dir operation generated by rayon thread. These results are stored in the read_dir_result_queue, also depth first ordered.


Pulls ReadDir results from the read_dir_result_queue. This iterator is driven by calling thread. Results are returned in strict depth first order.


Wraps a ReadDirIter and yields individual DirEntry results in strict depth first order.


pub use rayon;


Representation of a file or directory.
DirEntry iterator from WalkDir.into_iter().
An error produced by recursively walking a directory.
Generic builder for walking a directory.


Degree of parallelism to use when performing walk.


Client state maintained while performing walk.

Type Aliases§

A specialized Result type for WalkDir.
Builder for walking a directory.