
1use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32;
3use jxl_bitstream::Bitstream;
4use jxl_grid::{AllocTracker, SharedSubgrid};
5use jxl_modular::{ChannelShift, Sample};
7use crate::{BlockInfo, HfBlockContext, HfPass, Result};
9/// Parameters for decoding `HfCoeff`.
11pub struct HfCoeffParams<'a, 'b, S: Sample> {
12    pub num_hf_presets: u32,
13    pub hf_block_ctx: &'a HfBlockContext,
14    pub block_info: SharedSubgrid<'a, BlockInfo>,
15    pub jpeg_upsampling: [u32; 3],
16    pub lf_quant: Option<[SharedSubgrid<'a, S>; 3]>,
17    pub hf_pass: &'a HfPass,
18    pub coeff_shift: u32,
19    pub tracker: Option<&'b AllocTracker>,
22/// Decode and write HF coefficients from the bitstream.
23pub fn write_hf_coeff<S: Sample>(
24    bitstream: &mut Bitstream,
25    params: HfCoeffParams<S>,
26    hf_coeff_output: &[SharedSubgrid<AtomicI32>; 3],
27) -> Result<()> {
28    const COEFF_FREQ_CONTEXT: [u32; 63] = [
29        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19,
30        20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27,
31        27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 30,
32    ];
33    const COEFF_NUM_NONZERO_CONTEXT: [u32; 63] = [
34        0, 31, 62, 62, 93, 93, 93, 93, 123, 123, 123, 123, 152, 152, 152, 152, 152, 152, 152, 152,
35        180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206,
36        206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206,
37        206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206,
38    ];
40    let HfCoeffParams {
41        num_hf_presets,
42        hf_block_ctx,
43        block_info,
44        jpeg_upsampling,
45        lf_quant,
46        hf_pass,
47        coeff_shift,
48        tracker,
49    } = params;
50    let mut dist = hf_pass.clone_decoder();
52    let HfBlockContext {
53        qf_thresholds,
54        lf_thresholds,
55        block_ctx_map,
56        num_block_clusters,
57    } = hf_block_ctx;
58    let lf_idx_mul =
59        (lf_thresholds[0].len() + 1) * (lf_thresholds[1].len() + 1) * (lf_thresholds[2].len() + 1);
60    let hf_idx_mul = qf_thresholds.len() + 1;
61    let upsampling_shifts: [_; 3] =
62        std::array::from_fn(|idx| ChannelShift::from_jpeg_upsampling(jpeg_upsampling, idx));
63    let hshifts = upsampling_shifts.map(|shift| shift.hshift());
64    let vshifts = upsampling_shifts.map(|shift| shift.vshift());
66    let hfp_bits = num_hf_presets.next_power_of_two().trailing_zeros();
67    let hfp = bitstream.read_bits(hfp_bits as usize)?;
68    let ctx_size = 495 * *num_block_clusters;
69    let cluster_map = dist.cluster_map()[(ctx_size * hfp) as usize..][..ctx_size as usize].to_vec();
71    dist.begin(bitstream)?;
73    let width = block_info.width();
74    let height = block_info.height();
75    let non_zeros_grid_lengths =
76        upsampling_shifts.map(|shift| shift.shift_size((width as u32, height as u32)).0 as usize);
78    let _non_zeros_grid_handle = tracker
79        .map(|tracker| {
80            let len =
81                non_zeros_grid_lengths[0] + non_zeros_grid_lengths[1] + non_zeros_grid_lengths[2];
82            tracker.alloc::<u32>(len)
83        })
84        .transpose()?;
85    let mut non_zeros_grid_row = [
86        vec![0u32; non_zeros_grid_lengths[0]],
87        vec![0u32; non_zeros_grid_lengths[1]],
88        vec![0u32; non_zeros_grid_lengths[2]],
89    ];
91    for y in 0..height {
92        for x in 0..width {
93            let BlockInfo::Data {
94                dct_select,
95                hf_mul: qf,
96            } = *block_info.get(x, y)
97            else {
98                continue;
99            };
100            let (w8, h8) = dct_select.dct_select_size();
101            let num_blocks = w8 * h8; // power of 2
102            let num_blocks_log = num_blocks.trailing_zeros();
103            let order_id = dct_select.order_id();
105            let lf_idx = if let Some(lf_quant) = &lf_quant {
106                let mut idx = 0usize;
107                for c in [0, 2, 1] {
108                    let lf_thresholds = &lf_thresholds[c];
109                    idx *= lf_thresholds.len() + 1;
111                    let x = x >> hshifts[c];
112                    let y = y >> vshifts[c];
113                    let q = *lf_quant[c].get(x, y);
114                    for &threshold in lf_thresholds {
115                        if q.to_i32() > threshold {
116                            idx += 1;
117                        }
118                    }
119                }
120                idx
121            } else {
122                0
123            };
125            let hf_idx = {
126                let mut idx = 0usize;
127                for &threshold in qf_thresholds {
128                    if qf > threshold as i32 {
129                        idx += 1;
130                    }
131                }
132                idx
133            };
135            for c in 0..3 {
136                let ch_idx = c * 13 + order_id as usize;
137                let c = [1, 0, 2][c]; // y, x, b
139                let hshift = hshifts[c];
140                let vshift = vshifts[c];
141                let sx = x >> hshift;
142                let sy = y >> vshift;
143                if hshift != 0 || vshift != 0 {
144                    if sx << hshift != x || sy << vshift != y {
145                        continue;
146                    }
147                    if !matches!(block_info.get(sx, sy), BlockInfo::Data { .. }) {
148                        continue;
149                    }
150                }
152                let idx = (ch_idx * hf_idx_mul + hf_idx) * lf_idx_mul + lf_idx;
153                let block_ctx = block_ctx_map[idx] as u32;
154                let non_zeros_ctx = {
155                    let predicted = if sy == 0 {
156                        if sx == 0 {
157                            32
158                        } else {
159                            non_zeros_grid_row[c][sx - 1]
160                        }
161                    } else if sx == 0 {
162                        non_zeros_grid_row[c][sx]
163                    } else {
164                        (non_zeros_grid_row[c][sx] + non_zeros_grid_row[c][sx - 1] + 1) >> 1
165                    };
166                    debug_assert!(predicted < 64);
168                    let idx = if predicted >= 8 {
169                        4 + predicted / 2
170                    } else {
171                        predicted
172                    };
173                    block_ctx + idx * num_block_clusters
174                };
176                let mut non_zeros = dist.read_varint_with_multiplier_clustered(
177                    bitstream,
178                    cluster_map[non_zeros_ctx as usize],
179                    0,
180                )?;
181                if non_zeros > (63 << num_blocks_log) {
182                    tracing::error!(non_zeros, num_blocks, "non_zeros too large");
183                    return Err(
184                        jxl_bitstream::Error::ValidationFailed("non_zeros too large").into(),
185                    );
186                }
188                let non_zeros_val = (non_zeros + num_blocks - 1) >> num_blocks_log;
189                for dx in 0..w8 as usize {
190                    non_zeros_grid_row[c][sx + dx] = non_zeros_val;
191                }
192                if non_zeros == 0 {
193                    continue;
194                }
196                let coeff_grid = &hf_coeff_output[c];
197                let mut is_prev_coeff_nonzero = (non_zeros <= num_blocks * 4) as u32;
198                let order = hf_pass.order(order_id as usize, c);
200                let coeff_ctx_base = block_ctx * 458 + 37 * num_block_clusters;
201                let cluster_map = &cluster_map[coeff_ctx_base as usize..][..458];
202                for (idx, &coeff_coord) in order[num_blocks as usize..].iter().enumerate() {
203                    let coeff_ctx = {
204                        let non_zeros = (non_zeros - 1) >> num_blocks_log;
205                        let idx = idx >> num_blocks_log;
206                        (COEFF_NUM_NONZERO_CONTEXT[non_zeros as usize] + COEFF_FREQ_CONTEXT[idx])
207                            * 2
208                            + is_prev_coeff_nonzero
209                    };
210                    let cluster = *cluster_map.get(coeff_ctx as usize).ok_or_else(|| {
211                        tracing::error!("too many zeros in varblock HF coefficient");
212                        jxl_bitstream::Error::ValidationFailed(
213                            "too many zeros in varblock HF coefficient",
214                        )
215                    })?;
216                    let ucoeff =
217                        dist.read_varint_with_multiplier_clustered(bitstream, cluster, 0)?;
218                    if ucoeff == 0 {
219                        is_prev_coeff_nonzero = 0;
220                        continue;
221                    }
223                    let coeff = jxl_bitstream::unpack_signed(ucoeff) << coeff_shift;
224                    let (mut dx, mut dy) = coeff_coord;
225                    if dct_select.need_transpose() {
226                        std::mem::swap(&mut dx, &mut dy);
227                    }
228                    let x = sx * 8 + dx as usize;
229                    let y = sy * 8 + dy as usize;
231                    // We only need atomicity here.
232                    coeff_grid
233                        .get(x, y)
234                        .fetch_add(coeff, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
236                    is_prev_coeff_nonzero = 1;
237                    non_zeros -= 1;
239                    if non_zeros == 0 {
240                        break;
241                    }
242                }
243            }
244        }
245    }
247    dist.finalize()?;
249    Ok(())